10gen's MongoDB Following the Steps of MySQL

풀어 주다: 2016-06-07 16:35:16
847명이 탐색했습니다.

10gen has never been shy about their plan: replacing MySQL . That’s a bold goal considering Oracle is now behind MySQL. But this could also make things a bit easier for 10gen. Anyways, what made me write this separate post is the realizat

10gen has never been shy about their plan: replacing MySQL. That’s a bold goal considering Oracle is now behind MySQL. But this could also make things a bit easier for 10gen.

Anyways, what made me write this separate post is the realization of how close 10gen is following the MySQL path:

  1. release early and incomplete. Enhance over time
  2. position the product as the developer friendly and fast
  3. introduce an enterprise edition once your adoption overpassed that of your immediate competitors.

I guess I already know how it’ll end: $2 billion acquisition from a company that gets acquired by Oracle.

While the official announcement of MongoDB 2.4 version mentioned just in passing the “MongoDB Enterprise” version, other websites didn’t leave this aspect aside. Actually it’s what got emphasized about the today’s announcement. In case you wonder what’s the the 10gen’s enterprise box: Kerberos-based security and an on-premise version of the MongoDB Monitoring Service.

The only question I have now is how soon Oracle will start looking into acquiring 10gen. Or how soon it will dedicate marketing and sales resources to directly address 10gen.

Original title and link: 10gen’s MongoDB Following the Steps of MySQL (NoSQL database?myNoSQL)

10gen's MongoDB Following the Steps of MySQL
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