Linux下源码编译MySQL 5.5 与安装过程全记录

풀어 주다: 2016-06-07 17:03:17
1125명이 탐색했습니다.

前言:从mysql 5.5版本开始,mysql源码安装开始使用cmake了,编译安装跟以前的版本有点不一样了。一,安装步骤:1.安装前准备工作a

  • If CMake is run after it has previously been run,it may use information that was gathered during its previousinvocation. This information is stored in CMakeCache.txt. When CMakestarts up, it looks for that file and reads its contents if it exists,on the assumption that the information is still correct. Thatassumption is invalid when you reconfigure.
  • Each time you run CMake, you must run makeagain to recompile. However, you may want to remove old object filesfrom previous builds first because they were compiled using differentconfiguration options.
  • 원천
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