
풀어 주다: 2016-06-07 17:37:49
1558명이 탐색했습니다.


  • 这里重点就是v_sql变量,将所有需要的逻辑关系写好,整体赋值给v_sql,最后打开输出游标(ds)即可。






    procedure pro_tj_getDate_normal_year(v_sDate varchar2,ds out ds_cur) as d_date date; d_eDate date; n_diff number :=0; --年份差 n_item number :=0; --是否保存有指标 v_sql varchar2(10000); v_sql_t varchar2(5000); v_sql_where varchar2(5000); v_itemCode varchar2(100);--指标类别 n_i number; v_fields varchar2(1000); v_year varchar(5); begin --计算年份差 select substr(v_eDate,1,4) - substr(v_sDate,1,4) into n_diff from dual; --判断当前用户在所选公司是否保存指标 select count(*) into n_item from BP_J_TJZH_ITEM_LIST l where l.org_code=v_complany and l.work_code=v_user; if n_item>0 then v_sql_where := ' and i.item_code in( select l.item_code from BP_J_TJZH_ITEM_LIST l where l.org_code='''|| v_complany || ''' and l.work_code=''' || v_user || ''')'; else v_sql_where := ''; end if; --判断指标类别是否为空 if v_type='' or v_type is null then v_itemCode := v_complany || '-0-000001'; else v_itemCode := v_type; end if; if n_diff0 then v_sql := v_sql||' left join (select t.item_code_prefix,t.data_value from ( select n.data_date,n.item_code_prefix,n.data_value, row_number() over(partition by to_char(n.data_date,''yyyy''),n.item_code_prefix order by n.data_date desc) rn from bp_j_stat_ntz n where n.org_code='''||v_complany||''' and to_char(n.data_date,''yyyy'') = '''||to_char(d_date,'yyyy') ||''' ) t where t.rn=1) t'||n_i||' on i.item_code_prefix=t'||n_i||'.item_code_prefix '; else v_sql := v_sql||' left join (select t.item_code_prefix,t.data_value from ( select n.data_date,n.item_code_prefix,n.data_value, row_number() over(partition by to_char(n.data_date,''yyyy-mm''),n.item_code_prefix order by n.data_date desc) rn from bp_j_stat_ntz n where n.org_code='''||v_complany||''' and to_char(n.data_date,''yyyy-mm'') = '''||to_char(d_date,'yyyy-mm') ||''' ) t where t.rn=1) t'||n_i||' on i.item_code_prefix=t'||n_i||'.item_code_prefix '; end if; v_fields := v_fields || 't' || n_i || '.data_value as "'||v_year||'",'; n_i := n_i+1; d_date :=add_months(d_date,12); end loop; v_sql_t := 'select i.item_code_prefix, lpad('' '',2 * level - 2) || i.item_name as item_name, u.unit_name, '||v_fields||' null from bp_c_stat_item i left join bp_c_measure_unit u on i.unit_id=u.unit_id '; v_sql := v_sql_t || v_sql || ' where i.is_use=''Y'' and i.org_code=''' || v_complany || ''' ' || v_sql_where || 'start with i.item_code_prefix = '''||v_itemCode || ''' connect by prior i.item_code_prefix=i.parent_item_code order SIBLINGS BY i.order_by asc'; end if; --打开游标 open ds for v_sql; end pro_tj_getDate_normal_year;



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