> 웹3.0 > 제목: Kraken Exchange 검토: 기능, 장점 및 단점에 대한 심층 분석

제목: Kraken Exchange 검토: 기능, 장점 및 단점에 대한 심층 분석

풀어 주다: 2024-07-11 11:35:34
929명이 탐색했습니다.

The introduction of cryptocurrency exchanges has increased drastically in the past two years. Naturally, this is the effect of the growing popularity of the blockchain sector

title: Kraken Exchange Review: A Deep Dive Into Features, Pros, and Cons

output: San Francisco-based Kraken is one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges used by many globally. The company was founded in 2011 and launched officially in 2013. The founder Jesse Powell, currently serves as the CEO of the company and is a highly influential name in the cryptocurrency space. He has been prominent on social media platforms, and for increasing awareness about the blockchain industry.

output: San Francisco-based Kraken is one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges used by many globally. The company was founded in 2011 and launched officially in 2013. The founder Jesse Powell, currently serves as the CEO of the company and is a highly influential name in the cryptocurrency space. He has been prominent on social media platforms, and for increasing awareness about the blockchain industry.

Powell initially was a part of the now-collapsed exchange Mt. Gox and had speculated the exchange to crash while working on a security issue. Kraken was the brainchild which was born in order to replace the former exchange if the organization indeed went bust. As expected, Mt. Gox died out in 2014, a year after Kraken was launched by Powell and his team.

Powell initially was a part of the now-collapsed exchange Mt. Gox and had speculated the exchange to crash while working on a security issue. Kraken was the brainchild which was born in order to replace the former exchange if the organization indeed went bust. As expected, Mt. Gox died out in 2014, a year after Kraken was launched by Powell and his team.

Initially, the exchange only focused on providing trading or investing options for Bitcoin, Litecoin and some other limited digital assets. However, the platform has since grown into a full-blown centre of participation in the blockchain industry. It currently employs more than 3200 professionals and caters to a massive audience upward of 4 million. The company is backed by investors from the financial space itself and has managed to be affiliated with some of the biggest names in the blockchain industry.

Initially, the exchange only focused on providing trading or investing options for Bitcoin, Litecoin and some other limited digital assets. However, the platform has since grown into a full-blown centre of participation in the blockchain industry. It currently employs more than 3200 professionals and caters to a massive audience upward of 4 million. The company is backed by investors from the financial space itself and has managed to be affiliated with some of the biggest names in the blockchain industry.

Currently, Kraken is owned by its parent company Payward Inc. and is available in various locations across the globe. The Kraken exchange platform can be considered to be split into two parts. One is the basic Kraken exchange, which features investment options and a basic interface, Another is Kraken Pro, which is suitable for more advanced traders, and provides a plethora of features for users.

Currently, Kraken is owned by its parent company Payward Inc. and is available in various locations across the globe. The Kraken exchange platform can be considered to be split into two parts. One is the basic Kraken exchange, which features investment options and a basic interface, Another is Kraken Pro, which is suitable for more advanced traders, and provides a plethora of features for users.

Kraken describes itself as nothing but a cryptocurrency exchange. It states that the platform merely facilitates the trade of digital assets i.e cryptocurrencies between two parties. It does not feature a personal wallet service, which is something that many exchanges have started doing recently.

Kraken describes itself as nothing but a cryptocurrency exchange. It states that the platform merely facilitates the trade of digital assets i.e cryptocurrencies between two parties. It does not feature a personal wallet service, which is something that many exchanges have started doing recently.

この分野の多くの人々は、Kraken が提供する一部のサービスや機能を自分たちの「銀行」の一部であると誤解しています。同取引所がワイオミング州から銀行設立の申請を承認されたことで多くの人々から評価を得ていたことから、これは当然のことだろう。同社は、このウェブサイトが企業や個人向けの銀行サービスをホストしていないことを確認しています。これが今後数年間に起こった場合、銀行はまったく別の組織として機能することになります

この分野の多くの人々は、Kraken が提供する一部のサービスや機能を自分たちの「銀行」の一部であると誤解しています。同取引所がワイオミング州から銀行設立の申請を承認されたことで多くの人々から評価を得ていたことから、これは当然のことだろう。同社は、このウェブサイトが企業や個人向けの銀行サービスをホストしていないことを確認しています。これが今後数年間に起こった場合、銀行はまったく別の組織として機能することになります

しかし、Krakenには大手投資家や機関が利用できるOTCデスクが備わっています。組織のこのコンポーネントは、Kraken Exchange の公式 Web サイトとは異なる方法で動作し、あらゆるリスクが伴います。当然のことながら、これはほとんどの個人投資家にとって懸念すべき点ではありません

しかし、Kraken には大手投資家や機関が利用できる OTC デスクが備わっています。組織のこのコンポーネントは、Kraken Exchange の公式 Web サイトとは異なる方法で動作し、あらゆるリスクが伴います。当然のことながら、これはほとんどの個人投資家にとって懸念事項ではありません。

取引所だけでなく、ブロックチェーン分野の主要組織の品質を分析する簡単な方法は、投資家を観察することです。巨大で評判の高い組織は、非常に将来性があると考えられる企業にのみ資金を預けます。これは確かに Kraken がなんとか達成したことであり、それは Kraken が誇る投資家の種類によって直接証明されています。

取引所だけでなく、ブロックチェーン分野の主要組織の品質を分析する簡単な方法は次のとおりです。彼らの投資家を見てください。巨大で評判の高い組織は、非常に将来性があると考えられる企業にのみ資金を預けます。これは確かに Kraken がなんとか達成したことであり、それは Kraken が誇る投資家の種類によって直接証明されています

Kraken Exchange の主要な利害関係者には、最も人気のある VC ファンド、個人、そしてブロックチェーン企業が含まれています。現在のスペース。これらの投資家の多くは警戒すべき名前ですが、中には投資家の注目を集める可能性のある投資家もいます。ただし、金融分野での評判と人気により、投資家によって特定される投資家も数名います。これらの投資家には、Roger Ver、Jimmy Furland、Kevin Bombino、Trace Mayer、Meni Rosenfeld などの個人や、Blockchain Capital、Hummingbird Ventures、Digital Currency Group、Digital Horizo​​n、RIT Capital Partners、Andra Capital、Skyvision Capital、2bgc などの企業が含まれます。

Kraken Exchange の主要な利害関係者は、現在この分野で最も人気のある VC ファンド、個人、およびブロックチェーン企業の一部を構成しています。これらの投資家の多くは警戒すべき名前ですが、中には投資家の注目を集める可能性のある投資家もいます。ただし、金融分野での評判と人気により、投資家によって特定される投資家も数名います。これらの投資家には、Roger Ver、Jimmy Furland、Kevin Bombino、Trace Mayer、Meni Rosenfeld などの個人や、Blockchain Capital、Hummingbird Ventures、Digital Currency Group、Digital Horizo​​n、RIT Capital Partners、Andra Capital、Skyvision Capital、2bgc などの企業が含まれます。

以下に挙げるのは、投資家にとっての使いやすさと快適さを念頭に置いて厳選された Kraken のサービスの一部です。前述のコンポーネントの多くは、いくつかの主要な取引所の一部である可能性もあります。ただし、Kraken は、共通のコンポーネントといくつかのユニークで革新的なアップグレードを組み合わせることに成功しています。投資家が徹底的に活用できるこれらのサービスには、次のようなものがあります。

以下に挙げるのは、投資家にとっての使いやすさと快適さを念頭に置いて厳選された Kraken のサービスの一部です。前述のコンポーネントの多くは、いくつかの主要な取引所の一部である可能性もあります。ただし、Kraken は、共通のコンポーネントといくつかのユニークで革新的なアップグレードを組み合わせることに成功しています。投資家が徹底的に活用できるサービスには、次のようなものがあります:

이 기능은 일부 주요 거래소에서만 사용할 수 있습니다. 마진 거래는 위험성이 높은 거래 방법이며 결국 사용자가 모든 자금을 잃을 수 있습니다. 그러나 거래 경험이 있고 시장의 다음 움직임을 정확하게 추측할 수 있는 지식을 갖춘 사람들에게는 마진 거래가 높은 수익성을 입증할 수 있습니다. 크라켄은 2018년에 거래소 웹사이트에 마진 거래를 도입했습니다.

이 기능은 일부 주요 거래소에서만 사용할 수 있습니다. 마진 거래는 위험성이 높은 거래 방법이며 결국 사용자가 모든 자금을 잃을 수 있습니다. 그러나 거래 경험이 있고 시장의 다음 움직임을 정확하게 추측할 수 있는 지식을 갖춘 사람들에게는 마진 거래가 높은 수익성을 입증할 수 있습니다. 크라켄은 2018년에 거래소 웹사이트에 마진 거래를 도입했습니다.

마진 거래를 사용하면 사용자는 실제로 보유하지 않은 자금을 사용하여 자신의 포지션을 활용할 수 있습니다. 사용자는 현재 잔액과 비교하여 활용되는 포지션을 열 수 있습니다. Kraken은 사용자의 계정 자금을 그 금액 이상으로 발전시킵니다. Kraken에서 사용자는 시장이 어디로 갈 것이라고 생각하는지에 따라 다양한 주문 유형을 선택하여 마진 거래를 할 수 있습니다. 롱 포지션과 숏 포지션은 반대 순서나 정착 명령을 사용하여 열고 청산할 수 있습니다. 그러나 마진 거래는 특정 기준을 충족하는 개인으로 제한됩니다.

마진 거래를 사용하면 사용자는 실제로 보유하지 않은 자금을 사용하여 자신의 포지션을 활용할 수 있습니다. 사용자는 현재 잔액과 비교하여 활용되는 포지션을 열 수 있습니다. Kraken은 사용자의 계정 자금을 그 금액 이상으로 발전시킵니다. Kraken에서 사용자는 시장이 어디로 갈 것이라고 생각하는지에 따라 다양한 주문 유형을 선택하여 마진 거래를 할 수 있습니다. 롱 포지션과 숏 포지션은 반대 순서나 정착 명령을 사용하여 열고 청산할 수 있습니다. 그러나 마진 거래는 특정 기준을 충족하는 개인으로 제한됩니다.

Kraken에서 마진 허용량은 포지션별 총액이 아닌 통화별 총액입니다. 사용자는 1,000,000

을 생성할 수 있습니다. Kraken에서 마진 허용량은 포지션별 총액이 아닌 통화별 총액입니다. 사용자는 1,000,000

을 만들 수 있습니다.

위 내용은 제목: Kraken Exchange 검토: 기능, 장점 및 단점에 대한 심층 분석의 상세 내용입니다. 자세한 내용은 PHP 중국어 웹사이트의 기타 관련 기사를 참조하세요!

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