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Apple, Yue Yunpeng을 초청해 개인 정보 보호 자랑

풀어 주다: 2024-07-16 20:28:52
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Apple, Yue Yunpeng을 초청해 개인 정보 보호 자랑

새로운 iPad Pro의 "Crush"와 같은 몇몇 광고를 제외하면 Apple의 브랜드 광고(텔레비전 광고, TVC라고도 함)는 항상 업계의 벤치마킹 대상이었습니다.

매킨토시의 '1984'부터 'Think Different'까지, 'To You Behind the Mac' 시리즈부터 iPhone X의 'Unlock'까지, 애플의 광고는 수많은 사람들의 브랜드 인지도와 구매 결정에 영향을 미쳤다고 하며, 모든 광고주의 '최고의 교과서'이기도 합니다.

7월 8일 오전, 많은 사람들이 Apple 공식 웹사이트에서 발견했거나 Apple 공식 공개 계정에서 푸시 알림을 받았습니다. 간단히 말해서 Apple의 국가별 광고 영상은 새롭습니다.

Apple, Yue Yunpeng을 초청해 개인 정보 보호 자랑


이번 Apple 광고는 주로 iPhone의 "개인 정보 보호 및 보안"에 초점을 맞췄습니다. 아이폰 프로모션 전략의 핵심 포인트 역시 다양한 시도와 해석을 거쳤다.

그러나 약간 다른 점은 연례 단편 영화 "봄 축제" 시리즈를 제외하면 Apple은 중국 시장을 위한 독점 광고가 거의 없으며 "개인 정보 보호 및 보안"과 관련된 광고도 훨씬 적다는 것입니다. 공개 정보에 따르면 Apple이 국내 사용자를 대상으로 Donnie Yen의 주요 '의인화 광고'를 출시한 것은 작년부터였습니다. 핵심 슬로건은

개인 정보 보안을 보장하기 위해 노력하는 것입니다. 정말 아이폰이네요.

그리고 이번 광고에서 Apple은 한때 iPhone X Face ID-Yue Yunpeng을 공개적으로 비판한 누명을 쓴 배우도 초대했습니다. 슬로건도 다음과 같습니다. "개인 정보를 안전하게 보호하도록 노력하세요. 이것이 바로 iPhone입니다."

Apple이 중국 시장을 대상으로 '개인정보 보호 및 보안'에 초점을 맞춘 TVC 광고 캠페인을 시작하려는 것으로 보입니다. 작년에 Donnie Yen이 주연을 맡았을 때 이 점이 명확하지 않았다면 이번에 Yue Yunpeng의 연기는 의심할 여지 없이 Apple의 생각을 더 명확하게 보여주었습니다.

그러나 Apple이 아무 이유 없이 중국 시장에 맞는 맞춤형 광고나 일련의 광고를 출시하는 것은 불가능합니다. 결국, 브랜드 광고의 핵심 매력은 브랜드 인지도와 제품 판매 증가에 지나지 않습니다.

구체적으로 Apple의 광고 시리즈의 핵심은 "중국의 iPhone"입니다. 올해 1분기에 iPhone은 중국 시장에서 "워털루"를 경험할 뻔했습니다.

재무 보고서에 따르면 중화권에서의 Apple 매출은 전년 대비 8% 이상 감소했습니다. 주요 시장 조사 기관에서도 아이폰의 중국 시장 출하량과 점유율이 급락했다고 밝혔으며, TechInsights에서는 애플이 중국 휴대폰 시장에서 상위 5위권 밖으로 밀려났다고 지적하기도 했습니다.

광고는 광고지만, 광고는 단순한 광고가 아닙니다.

Yue Yunpeng 주연, iPhone "개인 정보 보호" 다시 선보여

솔직히 광고 관점에서 Xiao Lei는 이번에 Apple의 새 광고가 그다지 좋다고 생각하지 않습니다.

Apple은 Yue Yunpeng과 Apple 직원(Apple 직원 티셔츠 착용)이 주연을 맡은 30분 길이의 총 2개의 광고를 촬영했으며 각각 iPhone의 "비밀번호 보안 관리"와 "Safari"에 중점을 두었습니다. 시크릿 브라우징' 두 가지 경험.

TVC '비밀번호 보안 관리' 광고에서 위에윤펑은 크로스토크 현장에서 '계정 비밀번호 기억하기' 공연을 준비 중이었는데, 복잡하고 강력한 비밀번호 때문에 당황했고, 그러다가 청중의 목소리는 "8번 8번 바뀌세요" "예"라고 Yue Yunpeng이 박수를 보냈습니다.

Picture/AppleApple, Yue Yunpeng을 초청해 개인 정보 보호 자랑

이 단락은 일상 생활에서 "비밀번호"에 대한 모순을 거의 시뮬레이션합니다. 기억하기에는 너무 복잡하고, 너무 단순하고 안전하지 않습니다.

이후 Apple 직원들은 "8 8s"는 안전하지 않으며 "80 8s"를 설정하는 것은 비현실적이라고 강조했습니다. 그들은 또한 iPhone 시스템에 제공되는 "자동 강력한 비밀번호" 기능과 Face ID 사용을 도입했습니다. iPhone을 자동으로 엽니다. 비밀번호 생성, 비밀번호 저장, 비밀번호 입력이 모두 완료됩니다.

Picture/AppleApple, Yue Yunpeng을 초청해 개인 정보 보호 자랑

1Password, Bitwarden 등 많은 비밀번호 관리자 사용자에게 이러한 "비밀번호 관리" 방법은 전혀 낯설지 않습니다. 그러나 Apple의 광고는 분명히 보다 일반 사용자를 대상으로 하고 있습니다. 이는 전통적인 비밀번호 관리에서 iPhone 비밀번호 관리로의 "업그레이드"를 짧은 이야기로 충분히 설명하고 있지만 간결하고 명확하다고 할 수 있습니다.

하지만 실제 경험으로 돌아가면 iPhone에는 비밀번호 관리에 있어서 고유한 기능이 있습니다. 전체 경험의 부드러움과 지원은 시스템 자체의 "비밀번호 관리"를 사용하는 Android 플랫폼과 비교할 수 없습니다. .

In addition, there is another highlight at the end of the film when Yue Yunpeng looks directly into the camera and asks: "Who are you? Have you bought a ticket?" Apple did not clarify the meaning of this question, but netizens who have watched the commercial pointed out that Yue Yunpeng finished asking at the end At the moment, I have the urge to "buy tickets (iPhone)".

Apple, Yue Yunpeng을 초청해 개인 정보 보호 자랑


In another advertisement around "Safari Private Browsing", it first told a story about Yue Yunpeng being pushed a tracking advertisement while surfing the Internet, and it was told by a passing uncle. The core point: Use iPhone Safari to help you prevent cross-site tracking.

Apple, Yue Yunpeng을 초청해 개인 정보 보호 자랑


Then from the perspective of preventing "people around you", Apple employees introduced the Safari private browsing function supported by Face ID.

It’s also worth mentioning that although they are all aimed at strengthening the “privacy and security” awareness of the iPhone, compared with the same series of ads starring Donnie Yen last year, this year’s set of ads starring Yue Yunpeng, from scenes to actors, and The content of the story is more Chinese.

This kind of localization performance undoubtedly shows how much Apple attaches importance to the Chinese market, but at the same time, there may be a degree of urgency.

Sales dropped sharply, advertising stopped?

As mentioned earlier, entering 2024, Apple has changed from the "king position" in the Chinese market in 2023. Several major market research companies have pointed out in reports that iPhone shipments are declining sharply. The signs of this change actually appeared earlier.

According to the report released by IDC, although from a full-year perspective, Apple will surpass vivo in the Chinese smartphone market in 2023 and finally take the top spot in China’s smartphone sales, but in fact it will rise from fourth in 2023 At the beginning of the quarter, iPhone sales in China began to run into trouble.

The report pointed out that Apple’s shipments in the Chinese smartphone market in the fourth quarter of 2023 fell by 2.2% year-on-year, and its market share also dropped from 20.6% to 20.0%.

Apple, Yue Yunpeng을 초청해 개인 정보 보호 자랑

Photo / IDC

can also reflect the iPhone sales problem and the Double 11 promotion in 2023. Although Apple has launched a more fierce price offensive than in previous years, and the discounted prices of some less popular models are even about 2,000 yuan cheaper than the official channel price, falling into the price range of domestic high-end mobile phones, the actual results are still unsatisfactory. .

Counterpoint Research’s statistical report shows that during Double 11 in 2023, the overall sales of the Chinese smartphone market increased by 5% year-on-year in 2022, of which Huawei and Xiaomi’s smartphone sales increased by 66% and 28% year-on-year respectively. By comparison, iPhone sales fell 4% year over year.

Apple, Yue Yunpeng을 초청해 개인 정보 보호 자랑

Photo/Counterpoint Research

By the first quarter of 2024, the problem has become more and more serious. The Chinese smartphone market has just ended its 11th consecutive quarter of decline, but Apple has begun to " Falling against the trend."

Counterpoint reported that iPhone shipments fell by 19.1%, and the market share dropped from 19.7% to 15.7%; IDC reported a drop of 6.6%, and the market share dropped from 17.8% to 15.6 %; Canalys gave a drop of 25%, and the market share dropped from 20% to 15%.

As we all know, the first quarter is often a "weak period" for iPhone, and more consumers tend to wait with money, but this obviously cannot explain the sharp decline in iPhone shipments and market share, nor can we expect a Group ads can be changed.

Although Apple’s country-specific advertising films this time reflect its emphasis on the Chinese market to a certain extent, these ads are more of a continuation of Apple’s established marketing strategy, and Apple cannot place its hopes on it. They come to reverse the current predicament.

To truly solve the problem of declining sales, more changes need to be made in products and strategies. Only in this way can Apple regain its position in the fierce market competition and continue to maintain its brand's leading position.

In fact, if we explore the direct reasons for the decline in iPhone shipments, the fierce competition among domestic mobile phone manufacturers is undoubtedly one of the core factors, especially the rapid growth of Huawei and Xiaomi in the domestic high-end mobile phone market. But more, it still has to be attributed to the appeal of the iPhone product itself.

Apple, Yue Yunpeng을 초청해 개인 정보 보호 자랑

iPhone 15 series, photo/Apple

Although with its excellent user experience and ecosystem, iPhone has always been the most important brand in the global market, if not one. However, in the domestic mobile phone market, consumer needs and preferences are changing, and more and more users are beginning to pay attention to the innovation and progress of domestic brands.

Especially the advantages in photography, battery life, fast charging, signal, etc., coupled with the gradual improvement of shortcomings in various aspects, have made more high-end mobile phone consumers realize the strong competitiveness of domestic mobile phones.

In this context, iPhone product innovation seems a bit weak. Although Apple launches new iPhones every year, there are no significant breakthroughs in its core functions and design, which makes many consumers feel that there is insufficient motivation to upgrade.

Price is of course also one of the important factors affecting consumer choice. Although Apple tries to attract more users through promotions and price cuts, the high price is still the main reason why many consumers hesitate to buy. In comparison, domestic brands are more competitive in price and more attractive to consumers in terms of cost performance.

In short, in order to reverse this situation, Apple needs to invest more in product innovation and launch more attractive features and designs to meet the needs of Chinese consumers. At the same time, further optimizing the price strategy and providing a more diversified product selection may help Apple regain market share.

Written at the end

Apple, Yue Yunpeng을 초청해 개인 정보 보호 자랑

"Crush" Picture/Apple

In early May this year, Apple released the extremely controversial advertising film-iPad Pro "Crush". After triggering a massive amount of criticism, Apple's Vice President of Marketing Tor Myhren quickly issued an apology statement, in which he said:

Creativity is Apple's DNA, and designing products that can inspire creativity around the world is important. Extremely important to us. Our goal has always been to celebrate the many ways users can express themselves and realize their creativity on iPad. This video missed the point and we're sorry.

From the perspective of advertising itself, the latest set of commercials released by Apple hit the key points of ordinary mobile phone users. In this era when "privacy protection" has become more important than ever, it conveys the privacy and security of iPhone experience and advantages.

From the perspective of market impact, more time and data are needed to verify whether Apple’s marketing strategy can improve its decline in the Chinese market. But more importantly, Apple needs to make greater adjustments in future product innovation and price strategies in order to regain a favorable position in the fierce market competition.

In a word, only through continuous product improvement and a keen grasp of consumer needs can Apple truly respond to market challenges and restore its influence in the Chinese market.

In the first half of 2024, the technology world is turbulent.

Large models are accelerating, AI mobile phones, AI PCs, AI home appliances, AI search, AI e-commerce...AI applications are emerging in endlessly;

Vision Pro is on sale and launched in the Chinese market, setting off another wave of XR space computing;

HarmonyOS NEXT Officially released, the mobile OS ecology has changed;

Cars have fully entered the "second half", and intelligence has become a top priority;

E-commerce competition is becoming increasingly fierce, with lower prices and higher services;

The wave of going overseas is surging, and Chinese brands are embarking on the journey of globalization ;


In July, Lei Technology·Mid-year review topic is online, summarizing the brands, technologies and products worth recording in the first half of 2024 in the technology industry, recording the past and looking forward to the future, so stay tuned.

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