좋아하는 TV 프로그램과 영화를 참조하는 Google 이스터 에그
Jul 19, 2024 pm 12:00 PMGoogle has several fun Easter eggs squirreled away in obscure corners of Search. But did you know that some of them reference your favorite TV shows and movies?
Google has several fun Easter eggs squirreled away in obscure corners of Search. But did you know that some of them reference your favorite TV shows and movies? From classics to new releases, Google’s got a bit of everything.
Here are some of the best ones we’ve managed to unearth.
Hang Out With Your Favorite “Friends” Character
Name a TV show with a bigger global pop culture impact than "Friends." Go on, I'll wait.
I think "Friends" is one of those shows that will forever remain relevant. While you might not always have the time to stream an episode, Google’s Easter egg lets you quickly revisit "Friends" magic anytime you're feeling nostalgic.
Simply search for the name of your favorite “Friends” character, and Google will reveal an Easter egg personalized to them.
For example, searching for Ross Geller brings up a couch—a callback to the legendary episode where Ross tries to get his new couch up the stairs. Clicking the couch will play Ross’ voice yelling “Pivot!”—as well as tilt the entire screen. Do this a couple of times, and the couch will eventually break, with Ross saying “Okay, I don’t think it's gonna pivot anymore.”
Each Friends character has a custom Easter egg attached to their name. This is your cue to find out what they all are.
Once you've explored each of the friends’ Easter eggs, you can further amuse yourself by checking out the Friends Glossary—a collection of fun words (most of them coined by Joey) and phrases made popular by the show. Simply search for the Friends Glossary, and you'll see a word, its part of speech, definition, and an example of how to use it in a sentence. My favorite is “On a Break.”
Make Your Search Results Fabulous With “Legally Blonde”
If you haven't watched “Legally Blonde” yet, (what have you been doing all this time?) what you need to know is that it's about Elle, a fashionista who gets into Harvard Law School and brings her love for pink and fashion with her.
If you’re ever in the mood for a digital makeover, you can dive into the glamorous world of Elle Woods by searching Legally Blonde. Doing so reveals a pink handbag, and clicking it starts a fun little animation where Elle’s dog appears for a quick makeover before prancing his way back into the bag. While this is happening, Elle’s voice plays in the background, repeating the iconic line from the movie "Hi. I'm Elle Woods and this is Bruiser Woods. We're both Gemini vegetarians."
When the animation ends, you’ll notice that your search results are more fabulous than before—that is to say, all the blue links are now very pink.
Recreate the Burn Book From “Mean Girls”
“Mean Girls” is another classic that has been blessed with its own Google Easter egg. In the movie, the girls have a pink journal called the "Burn Book" where they write mean things about their classmates. Google plays off this by letting you create your very own Burn Book right there in search.
If you search Mean Girls in Google, you’ll see a lipstick print. Clicking it turns the screen pink (the color of the Burn Book), and clicking anywhere on the screen creates doodles in the style of the original book.
The doodles are completely random, and while some match the original movie, others are new additions. I had a lot of fun seeing all the different doodles I could tease out. I think I got them all, but feel free to let me know if you think you found one I missed.
Kick-Start the Cordyceps Infection From “The Last of Us”
If you’re in the mood for something a little more chilling and slightly disgusting, Google has something in store for you too. “The Last of Us” was already immensely popular as a game, and it only got bigger with the TV series release.
In honor of the TV series launch, Google created an Easter egg that lets you kick-start the Cordyceps brain infection that nearly wipes out humanity. To activate it, search for The Last of Us or Cordyceps, and click the mushroom icon that appears on the bottom of your screen. This will cause stalks to sprout on your screen, and clicking multiple times will cause the infection to spread until nearly all of your screen is overrun.
Uncover the Conspiracy in “Avatar: The Last Airbender”
Unlike the other Easter eggs I've mentioned, this one is so subtle even die-hard fans could miss it. When you search for war in Ba Sing Se, Google asks, "Did you mean there is no war in Ba Sing Se?"
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위 내용은 좋아하는 TV 프로그램과 영화를 참조하는 Google 이스터 에그의 상세 내용입니다. 자세한 내용은 PHP 중국어 웹사이트의 기타 관련 기사를 참조하세요!

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