> 컴퓨터 튜토리얼 > 문제 해결 > 잠금을 해제할 컴퓨터가 없으면 iPad가 비활성화됩니까?

잠금을 해제할 컴퓨터가 없으면 iPad가 비활성화됩니까?

풀어 주다: 2024-09-03 06:36:44
648명이 탐색했습니다.

아이패드가 비활성화되어 있는데 컴퓨터 없이 어떻게 저장할 수 있나요? PHP 편집자 Strawberry는 컴퓨터 없이 잠금을 해제하는 방법에 대한 가이드를 제공합니다. 이 문서에서는 다양한 iOS 버전 및 비활성화 상태에 대한 다양한 잠금 해제 방법을 소개하고 각 방법의 단계를 자세히 설명합니다. 복구 모드, DFU 모드 또는 타사 도구 사용 여부에 관계없이 iPad를 쉽게 비활성화하고 장치 사용 권한을 복원하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.

잠금을 해제할 컴퓨터가 없으면 iPad가 비활성화됩니까?

1. 컴퓨터를 사용하여 잠금을 해제하지 않고 iPad를 비활성화해야 합니까?

컴퓨터 없이는 비활성화할 수 없습니다

iPad가 비활성화되었습니다. 복원 방법에는 세 가지가 있지만 컴퓨터를 통해서만 복원할 수 있습니다.

유형 1: iCloud를 사용하여 비밀번호 삭제

1. 컴퓨터에서 iCloud를 열고 Apple ID에 로그인합니다.

2. 상단의 '모든 기기'를 클릭하여 시동 비밀번호를 삭제해야 하는 iPad 기기 이름을 선택하세요.

3. iPad 시동 암호를 지우려면 "iPad 장치 이름 지우기"를 클릭하십시오. (아이패드에 있는 데이터도 동시에 삭제되며 백업을 통해 복원할 수 있습니다.)

참고: 비밀번호를 삭제해야 하는 아이패드는 온라인 상태여야 하며, 그렇지 않으면 삭제할 수 없습니다.

두 번째 옵션: iTunes에 연결하고 iPad를 복원하세요.

1. 아이패드를 끄고 전원 버튼을 길게 눌러 꺼주세요.

2. 컴퓨터에서 iTunes를 열고 데이터 케이블을 사용하여 iPad를 컴퓨터에 연결합니다.

3. 아이패드의 전원 버튼을 길게 누르세요. 흰색 Apple 로고가 나타나면 홈 버튼을 길게 누르세요. 아이패드 화면이 검게 변한 후 즉시 전원 버튼을 떼고 계속 길게 누르세요. iTunes 대화 상자가 나타날 때까지 홈 버튼을 누르십시오.

4. iPad가 최신 시스템인 경우 "iPad 복원"을 직접 선택할 수 있습니다. iPad가 최신 시스템이 아닌 경우 "복원 및 업데이트"를 선택하세요.

5. 복구를 확인하고 컴퓨터 화면에 나타나는 iTunes 메시지를 따른 후 다음을 클릭하고 장치 복구 시작 옵션에 동의합니다.

6. 복구가 완료되었습니다. iPad가 복원되면 자동으로 공장 설정으로 복원됩니다.

참고: 이전에 백업을 수행한 경우 iTunes 또는 iCloud를 통해 데이터를 복원할 수 있습니다. 백업을 수행하지 않은 경우 모든 콘텐츠가 손실되며 기기에서 모든 애플리케이션을 다시 다운로드해야 합니다. 그리고 설정.

두 번째: Crazy Master Apple 비밀번호를 사용하여 iPad 비밀번호를 잠금 해제하고 삭제합니다. (처음 두 가지 방법을 복원 및 비활성화할 수 없는 경우 타사 전문 소프트웨어를 사용하여 복원할 수 있으며 작업도 매우 간단합니다. )

1. Crazy Master Apple Password Unlocker를 컴퓨터에 다운로드하고 설치하고 실행하세요.

2. "화면 비밀번호 잠금 해제" 모드를 선택한 다음 데이터 케이블을 사용하여 iPad를 컴퓨터에 연결합니다. (iPad가 인식되지 않으면 iTunes를 열어 인식하도록 선택할 수 있습니다.)

3. 컴퓨터 화면의 지시에 따라 iPad를 DFU 또는 복구 모드로 설정합니다.

4. 펌웨어를 다운로드합니다.

5. '잠금 해제 시작'을 클릭하면 화면 잠금 해제가 완료됩니다.


2. iPad가 비활성화된 경우 잠금을 해제하는 방법은 무엇입니까?

1. 아래 그림과 같이 컴퓨터에서 iTunes 응용 프로그램 소프트웨어를 엽니다.

2. 아래 그림과 같이 iTunes의 메인 프로그램 인터페이스로 들어갑니다.

3. 아이패드를 끄고 홈 버튼을 길게 누른 후 아래 그림과 같이 데이터 케이블로 컴퓨터에 연결합니다.

4. 아래 그림과 같이 자동으로 복구 모드로 들어갈 때까지 기다립니다.

5. 복구 모드 진입 후, 아래 그림과 같이 컴퓨터에서 "복구"를 클릭하세요.

6. 아래 그림과 같이 복구가 완료될 때까지 기다린 후 비활성화하세요.

3. iPad를 비활성화한 후 컴퓨터를 복원하는 방법은 무엇입니까?

컴퓨터 없이는 비활성화할 수 없습니다

iPad가 비활성화되었습니다. 복원 방법에는 세 가지가 있지만 컴퓨터를 통해서만 복원할 수 있습니다.

유형 1: iCloud를 사용하여 비밀번호 삭제

1. 컴퓨터에서 iCloud를 열고 Apple ID에 로그인합니다.

2. 상단의 '모든 기기'를 클릭하여 시동 비밀번호를 삭제해야 하는 iPad 기기 이름을 선택하세요.

3. iPad 시동 암호를 지우려면 "iPad 장치 이름 지우기"를 클릭하십시오. (아이패드에 있는 데이터도 동시에 삭제되며 백업을 통해 복원할 수 있습니다.)

참고: 비밀번호를 삭제해야 하는 아이패드는 온라인 상태여야 하며, 그렇지 않으면 삭제할 수 없습니다.

두 번째 옵션: iTunes에 연결하고 iPad를 복원하세요.

1. 아이패드를 끄고 전원 버튼을 길게 눌러 꺼주세요.

2. 컴퓨터에서 iTunes를 열고 데이터 케이블을 사용하여 iPad를 컴퓨터에 연결합니다.

3. 아이패드의 전원 버튼을 길게 누르세요. 흰색 Apple 로고가 나타나면 홈 버튼을 길게 누르세요. 아이패드 화면이 검게 변한 후 즉시 전원 버튼을 떼고 계속 길게 누르세요. iTunes 대화 상자가 나타날 때까지 홈 버튼을 누르십시오.

4. iPad가 최신 시스템인 경우 "iPad 복원"을 직접 선택할 수 있습니다. iPad가 최신 시스템이 아닌 경우 "복원 및 업데이트"를 선택하세요.

5. 복구를 확인하고 컴퓨터 화면에 나타나는 iTunes 메시지를 따른 후 다음을 클릭하고 장치 복구 시작 옵션에 동의합니다.

6. 복구가 완료되었습니다. iPad가 복원되면 자동으로 공장 설정으로 복원됩니다.

참고: 이전에 백업을 수행한 경우 iTunes 또는 iCloud를 통해 데이터를 복원할 수 있습니다. 백업을 수행하지 않은 경우 모든 콘텐츠가 손실되며 기기에서 모든 애플리케이션을 다시 다운로드해야 합니다. 그리고 설정.

두 번째: Crazy Master Apple 비밀번호를 사용하여 iPad 비밀번호를 잠금 해제하고 삭제합니다. (처음 두 가지 방법을 복원 및 비활성화할 수 없는 경우 타사 전문 소프트웨어를 사용하여 복원할 수 있으며 작업도 매우 간단합니다. )

1. Crazy Master Apple Password Unlocker를 컴퓨터에 다운로드하고 설치하고 실행하세요.

2. "화면 비밀번호 잠금 해제" 모드를 선택한 다음 데이터 케이블을 사용하여 iPad를 컴퓨터에 연결합니다. (iPad가 인식되지 않으면 iTunes를 열어 인식하도록 선택할 수 있습니다.)

3. 컴퓨터 화면의 지시에 따라 iPad를 DFU 또는 복구 모드로 설정합니다.

4. Download firmware.

5. Click "Start Unlocking" to complete the screen unlocking.

4. How to restore the iPad without a computer after deactivation?

Type 1: Use iCloud to erase password

1. Open iCloud on your computer and log in to your Apple ID.

2. Click "All Devices" at the top to select the name of the iPad device that needs to erase the power-on password.

3. Click "Erase iPad Device Name" to erase the iPad power-on password. (The data in the iPad will also be erased at the same time and can be restored through backup)

Note: The iPad whose password needs to be erased must be online, otherwise it cannot be erased.

Second option: Connect to iTunes and restore iPad.

1. Turn off the iPad and long press the power button to turn it off.

2. Open iTunes on the computer and connect the iPad to the computer with a data cable.

3. Press and hold the power button of the iPad. When the white Apple logo appears, press and hold the home button. After the iPad screen goes black, immediately release the power button and continue to press and hold the home button until the iTunes dialog box pops up.

4. If your iPad is the latest system, you can directly select "Restore iPad". If your iPad is not the latest system, select "Restore and Update".

5. Confirm the recovery, follow the iTunes prompts on the computer screen, click Next and agree to the option to start device recovery.

6. Recovery completed. After the iPad is restored, it will automatically be restored to factory settings.

Note: If you have done a backup before, you can restore the data through iTunes or iCloud. If you have not done a backup, all content will be lost and the device will need to re-download all applications and settings.

Second: Use Crazy Master Apple password to unlock and erase iPad password (if the first two methods cannot be restored and deactivated, you can use third-party professional software to restore it, and the operation is also very simple)

1. Download Crazy Master Apple Password Unlocker on your computer, install and run it.

2. Select the "Unlock Screen Password" mode, and then connect the iPad to the computer with a data cable. (If the iPad cannot be recognized, you can choose to open iTunes for recognition).

3. Follow the computer screen prompts to set the iPad to DFU or recovery mode.

4. Download the firmware.

5. Click "Start Unlocking" to complete the screen unlocking.

5. How to restore and disable iPad without using a computer?

There are three ways to restore the disabled iPad, but they can only be restored through the computer.

Type 1: Use iCloud to erase password

1. Open iCloud on your computer and log in to your Apple ID.

2. Click "All Devices" at the top to select the name of the iPad device that needs to erase the power-on password.

3. Click "Erase iPad Device Name" to erase the iPad power-on password. (The data in the iPad will also be erased at the same time and can be restored through backup)

Note: The iPad whose password needs to be erased must be online, otherwise it cannot be erased.

Second option: Connect to iTunes and restore iPad.

1. Turn off the iPad and long press the power button to turn it off.

2. Open iTunes on the computer and connect the iPad to the computer with a data cable.

3. Press and hold the power button of the iPad. When the white Apple logo appears, press and hold the home button. After the iPad screen goes black, immediately release the power button and continue to press and hold the home button until the iTunes dialog box pops up.

4. If your iPad is the latest system, you can directly select "Restore iPad". If your iPad is not the latest system, select "Restore and Update".

5. Confirm the recovery, follow the iTunes prompts on the computer screen, click Next and agree to the option to start device recovery.

6. Recovery completed. After the iPad is restored, it will automatically be restored to factory settings.

Note: If you have done a backup before, you can restore the data through iTunes or iCloud. If you have not done a backup, all content will be lost and the device will need to re-download all applications and settings.

Second: Use Crazy Master Apple password to unlock and erase iPad password (if the first two methods cannot be restored and deactivated, you can use third-party professional software to restore it, and the operation is also very simple)

1. Download Crazy Master Apple Password Unlocker on your computer, install and run it.

2. Select the "Unlock Screen Password" mode, and then connect the iPad to the computer with a data cable. (If the iPad cannot be recognized, you can choose to open iTunes for recognition).

3. Follow the computer screen prompts to set the iPad to DFU or recovery mode.

4. Download the firmware.

5. Click "Start Unlocking" to complete the screen unlocking.

6. How to unlock the search function if the iPad is disabled?

Use iTunes to unlock your iOS device.

1. Connect your iPhone or iPad to a notebook or desktop computer that you usually synchronize with.

2. After opening iTunes, make a backup first. Please click (Back Up Now) and iTunes will automatically synchronize the device and create a backup.

3. After the backup is completed, click the (Restore iPhone) button on the upper right to restore the device to its original factory settings.

4. Finally press (Restore Backup), select the most recent backup time, and wait for the device recovery backup to be completed.

Forgot your password: Method 2 - Use iCloud

1. On a notebook or desktop computer connected to your iPhone or iPad, open and log in to "iCloud".

 2. Select "Find My iPhone" to find my iPhone APP.

 3. When iCloud is remotely connected to an iOS device, its location will be displayed on the map, then click "Clear iPhone" in the device location option on the upper right, and follow the instructions to set it.

The prerequisite for using this method is that your iOS device has already turned on the "Find My iPhone" function. Here are the steps to enable this feature: Go to (Settings) > (Privacy) > (Location Services) > and turn on (Find My iPhone). And to (Settings)》》(Find My iPhone).

Forgot password: Method 3 - iOS device that has never been backed up

1. After connecting the iOS device to iTunes, the screen may display "iTunes cannot connect to the iOS device because It is locked with a passcode. You must enter a passcode on your iOS device to use it with iTunes." At this time, unplug the connection cable of the iOS device first, and then shut down the iPhone or iPad.

 2. Then, keep pressing the "Home button" of the iPhone or iPad with one hand, and reconnect the cable to the iOS device with the other hand. The device will automatically turn on. Do not release the "Home Button" until the "Connect to iTunes" screen appears.

 3. After iTunes pops up, the message "iTunes has detected an iOS device in recovery mode. To use it with iTunes, you must restore the iOS device." Please press " good".

 4. Press "Restore" in iTunes to restore the iOS device.

The above method is easy to operate and can be applied to iOS devices such as iPad, iPhone and iPod.

7. How to unlock the iPad without a computer if it is disabled?

1. Download the latest version of itunes on the computer, otherwise unknown errors may occur during reinstallation.

2. Connect the ipad to itunes, shut down the ipad, press and hold the HOME button and the power button at the same time for 10 seconds, release the power button, and continue to hold the home button until you see the recognition in DFU state on the computer. After the device or computer prompts, release the home button, select the recovery option button on itunes, and click to confirm recovery in the pop-up selection box.

3. Next, iTunes will pop up a page prompting that all content will be erased, and the recovery will be verified with the Apple server. When the verification and file extraction are completed, iTunes will automatically reinstall the downloaded files for the iPad. The firmware version is up, just wait for the installation to be successful and then reactivate the iPad.

8. How to set the iPad to be disabled without using a computer?

Method to set iPad disabled without a computer:

The first method: enter DFU recovery normally

This recovery method is the most commonly used in our general unlocking tutorials How to restore iPad firmware.

1. Connect the iPad to the computer, then shut down the iPad

2. Press and hold the power button and home button at the same time

3. When you see the white Apple logo , please release the power button and continue to hold the home button.

4. Open iTunes, wait for it to prompt you to enter recovery mode, then hold down the shift key on the keyboard, click "Restore", and select the corresponding firmware to restore.

The second method: black screen and enter DFU recovery

1. Connect the iPad to the computer with a USB cable, and then you will hear a prompt sound that the computer has been connected successfully.

2. Now please turn off the iPad first, and then you will hear the prompt sound that the computer has not been connected successfully.

3. Please press and hold the power button and home button at the same time until the 10th second. Please release the power button immediately and continue to hold the home


4. At this time, iTunes will automatically start and prompt you to enter recovery mode (the iPad will remain black screen). Then you can hold down the shift key on the keyboard, click "Restore", and select the corresponding firmware to restore

9. How to unlock an iPad that is disabled without a computer?

Cannot be deactivated without a computer

The iPad has been disabled. There are three ways to restore it, but they can only be restored through a computer.

First method: Use iCloud to erase password

1. Open iCloud on your computer and log in to your Apple ID.

2. Click "All Devices" at the top to select the name of the iPad device that needs to erase the power-on password.

3. Click "Erase iPad Device Name" to erase the iPad power-on password. (The data in the iPad will also be erased at the same time and can be restored through backup)

Note: The iPad whose password needs to be erased must be online, otherwise it cannot be erased.

Second option: Connect to iTunes and restore iPad.

1. Turn off the iPad and long press the power button to turn it off.

2. Open iTunes on the computer and connect the iPad to the computer with a data cable.

3. Press and hold the power button of the iPad. When the white Apple logo appears, press and hold the home button. After the iPad screen goes black, immediately release the power button and continue to press and hold the home button until the iTunes dialog box pops up.

4. If your iPad is the latest system, you can directly select "Restore iPad". If your iPad is not the latest system, select "Restore and Update".

5. Confirm the recovery, follow the iTunes prompts on the computer screen, click Next and agree to the option to start device recovery.

6. Recovery completed. After the iPad is restored, it will automatically be restored to factory settings.

Note: If you have done a backup before, you can restore the data through iTunes or iCloud. If you have not done a backup, all content will be lost, and the device will need to re-download all applications and settings.

Second: Use Crazy Master Apple Password to unlock and erase iPad password (if the first two methods cannot be restored and deactivated, you can use third-party professional software to restore it, and the operation is also very simple)

1. Download Crazy Master Apple Password Unlocker on your computer, install and run it.

2. Select the "Unlock Screen Password" mode, and then connect the iPad to the computer with a data cable. (If the iPad cannot be recognized, you can choose to open iTunes for recognition).

3. Follow the computer screen prompts to set the iPad to DFU or recovery mode.

4. Download the firmware.

5. Click "Start Unlocking" to complete the screen unlocking.

10. How to solve the problem of deactivating the iPad without connecting it to the computer?

Cannot be deactivated without a computer

The iPad has been disabled. There are three ways to restore it, but they can only be restored through a computer.

Type 1: Use iCloud to erase password

1. Open iCloud on your computer and log in to your Apple ID.

2. Click "All Devices" at the top to select the name of the iPad device that needs to erase the power-on password.

3. Click "Erase iPad Device Name" to erase the iPad power-on password. (The data in the iPad will also be erased at the same time and can be restored through backup)

Note: The iPad whose password needs to be erased must be online, otherwise it cannot be erased.

Second option: Connect to iTunes and restore iPad.

1. Turn off the iPad and long press the power button to turn it off.

2. Open iTunes on the computer and connect the iPad to the computer with a data cable.

3. Press and hold the power button of the iPad. When the white Apple logo appears, press and hold the home button. After the iPad screen goes black, immediately release the power button and continue to press and hold the home button until the iTunes dialog box pops up.

4. If your iPad is the latest system, you can directly select "Restore iPad". If your iPad is not the latest system, select "Restore and Update".

5. Confirm the recovery, follow the iTunes prompts on the computer screen, click Next and agree to the option to start device recovery.

6. Recovery completed. After the iPad is restored, it will automatically be restored to factory settings.

Note: If you have done a backup before, you can restore the data through iTunes or iCloud. If you have not done a backup, all content will be lost and the device will need to re-download all applications and settings.

Second: Use Crazy Master Apple password to unlock and erase iPad password (if the first two methods cannot be restored and deactivated, you can use third-party professional software to restore it, and the operation is also very simple)

1. Download Crazy Master Apple Password Unlocker on your computer, install and run it.

2. Select the "Unlock Screen Password" mode, and then connect the iPad to the computer with a data cable. (If the iPad cannot be recognized, you can choose to open iTunes for recognition).

3. Follow the computer screen prompts to set the iPad to DFU or recovery mode.

4. Download the firmware.

5. Click "Start Unlocking" to complete the screen unlocking.

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