Hypertext Markup Language라고도 불리는 HTML은 웹 애플리케이션과 페이지를 개발하는 데 사용됩니다. HTML은 W3C와 WHATWG에 의해 설계되고 개발되었습니다. HTML이 처음 등장한 것은 1993년이니 지금으로부터 25년 전입니다. 최신 버전은 HTML 5.x입니다. 파일 확장자는 .html 또는 .htm이며 ISO/IEC, W3C 및 HTML 최신 권장 표준에 따라 개발되었습니다. JavaScript와 CSS(Cascading Style Sheets)는 World Wide Web 기술에서 HTML을 더욱 강력하게 만듭니다.
치트 시트 HTML의 요소 및 콘텐츠
HTML 요소는 HTML 웹페이지의 핵심 구성요소입니다. HTML 태그는 요소를 나타내며 닫힌 꺾쇠괄호로 묶입니다. HTML은 코드에 삽입되는 형태로 콘텐츠 내부에 JavaScript 프로그램과 같은 스크립트를 포함할 수 있습니다. 내용이 없는 HTML 요소를 빈 요소라고 합니다. 모든 HTML 요소에는 시작 태그와 종료 태그가 포함되어 있습니다. 다음은 다양한 종류의 기능을 나타내는 언급된 치트 시트 HTML 요소 목록입니다.
This tag defines a paragraph.
This defines a hyperlink that links one web page to another web page. Href is the most important attribute in element.
This tag serves as a container, hiding the implementation of other page elements.
The Line Break Element uses this tag to break the line.
The Page Title, which is more important, uses this tag as a header element to display the heading content.
The Page Title uses this tag as a header.
The Tertiary Heading uses this tag as the header.
This tag functions as a Quaternary Heading, serving as a header.
This tag is used to display Bold Text.
This tag is used to display Italic Text.
This tag is used to display Underlined Text using the style attribute.
Use this tag to define abbreviations.
This tag is for inline framing and embeds another document in the current HTML document.
This tag denotes a short quotation.
This tag is used to define a section of a quote that is quoted from another source
This tag is used to insert and define an image on an HTML web page.
This tag acts as a container tag for mentioning any HTML element inside it.
This tag applies grouping and styles to the elements inline.
This tag defines the self-contained content inside the HTML document.
This tag displays a page section aside from the related section.
This tag shows additional information that you can hide using the extra button option.
This tag defines the header content of a section or document.
This tag defines the footer content of its nearest or sectioning root element.
This tag defines the links to other pages or parts within the same page.
This tag declares a form that contains many pairs.
The table on a web page is created using this tag.
This tag defines the self-contained composition within the HTML content.
Free Tips and Tricks for Using Cheat Sheet HTML Commands
Here are the tips and tricks as follows:
There are other important keywords in HTML called HTML entities used to display reserved characters in HTML. For example, if a < or > symbols are used in the text, those may be considered as angular bracket tags of HTML elements which may be misinterpreted by the HTML web page while displaying the content.
The Cheat Sheet HTML Form requires you to define various attributes within it to collect user inputs, such as text fields, checkboxes, submit buttons, radio buttons, and more.
The select element inside the Form element displays the dropdowns with different options using value attributes.
The HTML5 Form elements are
Cheat Sheet HTML versions can be migrated by converting HTML 4 and HTML5 from a div element to a named element. For example, a header element in HTML 4 version is
in HTML 5 version like . The other tag elements, such as nav, section, article, and footer, can be done similarly.
There are different functionalities in HTML 5, such as HTML Canvas, HTML SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), and HTML Google Maps which are recent HTML version features as mentioned below:
Use to draw graphics on a web page
Use to display SVG graphics in the form of a container.
Use to add Google Maps to a web page in HTML.
The different types of Multimedia on the web are such as audio, video, movies, animations, images, films, etc.,
HTML APIs include Geo Location, Drag/Drop, Web Storage, Web Workers, SSE, etc., which users can utilize for geolocation positioning, dragging elements, browser-based storage, and more.
Developers use HTML Cheat Sheet to develop web pages, and HTML’s latest version, 5.x, has different features and functionalities in its HTML Elements and Form tags. The other different features are HTML local and session storage in the browser. These features are greatly useful in web page development along with other technologies such as JavaScript and CSS such that they’ are rich internet applications. It will also have Server Event Notifications, a one-way communication form. Cheat Sheet HTML will also have different features such as Events, Colors, Attributes, Doctypes, Character Sets, URL Encoding, Language Codes, etc.; it also contains WebGL (Web Graphics Library), which is a JavaScript API to render and display graphics.
위 내용은 치트 시트 HTML의 상세 내용입니다. 자세한 내용은 PHP 중국어 웹사이트의 기타 관련 기사를 참조하세요!