NBA 2K25 얼굴 스캔이 작동하지 않는 문제를 해결하는 방법

풀어 주다: 2024-09-11 15:36:08
496명이 탐색했습니다.

The best feature of NBA 2K is the ability to scan your face onto a player in-game, creating a more realistic experience. However, sometimes this feature doesn’t work. Here’s how to fix NBA 2K25 face scan not working.

NBA 2K25 face scan not working fix

How to fix NBA 2K25 face scan not working

There are a few steps you can take to fix the face scan not working in NBA 2K25. Keep in mind that the possible solutions we’ll go over aren’t guaranteed and the issue might be a server issue. Still, give them a try and hope for success.

Set MyNBA 2K Companion App to NBA 2K25

The first step you should take to fix NBA 2K25 face scan not working is to make sure that the MyNBA 2K Companion App is set to the right game. In previous years, a new app was created for each entry into the 2K franchise, but this changed when NBA 2K23 was released. Now, all new entries are combined into one app. Follow the steps below.

  1. Open up the MyNBA 2K Companion App.
  2. Check the upper right-hand corner to see which game year it’s set to.
  3. If it’s not set to 2K25, tap on it and select the appropriate version.
  4. Log back in with the platform you’re playing NBA 2K25 on.

If your companion app wasn’t set to NBA 2K25, then this was most likely the reason for face scan not working. Give the face scan another try and see if the issue has been fixed. You’ll know the face scan is successful when a message pops up stating “Upload Successful.” If the issue persists, move on to the next section.

Check login details for NBA 2K25 and Companion App

Another possible fix to the NBA 2K25 face scan not working is you’re not logged into the game with the same email you used for the companion app. If this is the case, then the game won’t connect to the companion app, preventing face scan from working. Confirm your login details on both the game and the companion app to make sure the credentials are the same.

Scan your face correctly

If the face scan continues to not work properly in NBA 2K25, then you may be simply not doing it right. The face scan is pretty sensitive and requires correct lighting and angles. To make sure you’re scanning your face properly, follow the instructions below.

  • Scan your face in natural lighting with minimal shadows.
  • Don’t blink or stare directly at open light during the scanning process.
  • Hold the phone at eye level, and around 18 degrees from your face.
  • Turn your head slowly and at a maximum of 45 degrees.
  • Look forward and not on the phone.

These instructions were provided by the developers on the official NBA 2K25 support page.

Lastly, if the NBA 2K25 face scan continues to not work for you, then it may be time to reach out to support directly. As previously mentioned, there may be a server issue or something else going on.

That’s all there is to know about fixing NBA 2K25 face scan not working! For more guides on NBA 2K25, we got you covered. Head over to our guide on all NBA 2K25 layups and dunk animations requirements.

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