magisk 모듈은 어디에 저장되어 있나요?

풀어 주다: 2024-09-12 16:08:12
967명이 탐색했습니다.

This article provides information about the storage location of Magisk modules on Android devices. It explains where Magisk modules are stored and how to access them, as well as providing details about the directory that contains these modules.

magisk 모듈은 어디에 저장되어 있나요?

Where are Magisk modules stored?

Magisk modules are stored in the /data/adb/modules directory on your device. This directory can be accessed by connecting your device to a computer via USB and using the adb command-line tool.

Can I find all installed Magisk modules in one place?

Yes, you can find all installed Magisk modules in one place. Use the following command to view a list of all installed modules:

<code>adb shell magisk -ls</code>
로그인 후 복사

Which directory contains the Magisk module files?

Magisk module files are stored in the /data/adb/modules directory. This directory can be accessed by connecting your device to a computer via USB and using the adb command-line tool.

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