LEGO Fortnite에서 땅을 평평하게 만들 수 있나요?

Susan Sarandon
풀어 주다: 2024-09-23 19:16:18
385명이 탐색했습니다.

LEGO Fortnite’s primary attraction for many is the building. But when you jump into a game, it can be pretty hard to build something with all the uneven ground. Can we level out the ground for our builds?

Table of contents

  • Is there any way to level the ground in LEGO Fortnite?
  • How to sink foundations in LEGO Fortnite

Is there any way to level the ground in LEGO Fortnite?

Unfortunately, there is no way to make the ground flat in LEGO Fortnite. It’s strange that in a game all about creative freedom and building there are no tools or options to make the landscape of where you want to build flat.

It isn’t ideal, but the only way to get flat ground in LEGO Fortnite is by creating flat platforms by yourself. Search for a large flat piece of land, which you’ll typically find near POIs or on top of mountains (some raised areas have really flat tops for some reason).

Can you level the ground in LEGO Fortnite?

Once you’ve found a plateau, find the highest point (as there will be some bumps), and place a foundation of choice. Using the snap feature, you can make sure all the foundations are level as you build outward.

People may typically not want to do this as the foundations are uglier than the natural ground, and because as you build a flat foundation, the sides will typically hover. Using slanted roof tiles and other LEGO Fortnite walls, you can plug the gaps and make your platform much more presentable.

This is quite resource intensive, but it will guarantee you a flat surface with which to work on.

How to sink foundations in LEGO Fortnite

When building your flat platform in LEGO Fortnite, you may want to sink your foundations into the ground. If you can just about hide your foundations and keep the grassy overcoat, whilst having a solid foundation to build from, all of your problems would be alleviated.

Can you level the ground in LEGO Fortnite?

Unfortunately (again), this isn’t possible.

Unlike other building games where you can nudge your foundations into the ground for a more natural look, LEGO Fortnite only lets you place foundations right on top of the bumpy ground.

Using the nudge tools, you can nudge a foundation into the ground but only from the side. By positioning yourself on a hill slope, you can push the foundation into the ground. You can only do this so much, however, and you can’t build off it from the submerged sides, making this trick useless.

If LEGO Fortnite changes this, we be sure to update this guide. Until then, however, make sure you know how to find your way to the Lost Isles.

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