I made my first front-end project

Susan Sarandon
풀어 주다: 2024-09-24 12:15:40
234명이 탐색했습니다.

I made my first front-end project

Today, I finished my first front-end project which is a profile card.

The idea was from Front End Mentor but I decided to put my own spin on it while not straying to far from the beginner level that I know I'm at, I went a bit out of my comfort zone with added some animations, such as the heart beating on the attribution part and the light hovering effect seen on the headers, and I think it looks awesome.

I'm really proud of myself cause I never even made a single project by my self before this, even if it's another sites idea.

It was really fun to make and I'm so excited to make more projects and get into JavaScript and make in the future (ofc right now it's solely HTML and CSS, nothing else)

I didn't get to play around with/learn media queries so it might look odd on mobile but on my phone, it looks okay besides attribution text.

Anyway, I was just really was excited to share my work :)

One step closer to my dream webapp...

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