JavaScript에서 \'%\' 연산자는 무엇을 합니까?

Susan Sarandon
풀어 주다: 2024-10-22 12:23:03
851명이 탐색했습니다.

What does the \

Unraveling the Essence of the % Operator in JavaScript

The mysterious % symbol in JavaScript is known as the modulo operator. It plays a pivotal role in mathematical operations by returning the remainder after dividing one operand by another.

The modulo operator is typically denoted as follows:

var1 % var2
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Where var1 and var2 represent the operands.

For instance, if we have the expression 12 % 5, the result would be 2. This is because 12 divided by 5 leaves a remainder of 2.

The modulo operator proves invaluable in various scenarios:

  • Finding remainders: Determining the number left over after dividing one number by another.
  • Checking for even or odd numbers: By checking if the remainder of a number divided by 2 is 0 or 1, respectively.
  • Cyclic loops: Iterating through a set of numbers with a specific interval by using the modulo operator to reset the counter at certain intervals.

Remember, the sign of the result will match that of the first operand. Therefore, -1 % 2 would return -1. For comprehensive documentation and additional insights into the modulo operator, refer to the official JavaScript documentation or consult the language specification for further clarification.

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