php header()函数跳转无效解决

풀어 주다: 2016-06-20 13:03:00
1813명이 탐색했습니다.


If you got this message: "Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ...."

如果在执行php程序时看到这条警告:"Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ...."

Few notes based on the following user posts:


1. Blank lines (空白行):

检查有 后面没有空白行,特别是include或者require的文件。不少问题是这些空白行导致的。

2. Use exit statement (用exit来解决):

Use exit after header statement seems to help some people


header ("Location: xxx");

로그인 후 복사

3. PHP has this annoying problem, if your HTML goes before any PHP code or any header modification before redirecting to certain page, it ll said "Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ...." Basically anytime you output to browser, the header is set and cannot be modified. So two ways to get around the problem:

3a. Use Javascrīpt (用Javascrīpt来解决):

<? echo "<scrīpt> self.location( file.php );</scrīpt>"; ?>
로그인 후 복사

Since it s a scrīpt, it won t modify the header until execution of Javascrīpt.


3b. Use output buffering (用输出缓存来解决):---本人用这种方法解决的!已证实可以!

<?php ob_start(); ?>

... HTML codes ...


... PHP codes ...

header ("Location: ....");


로그인 후 복사


4.set output_buffering = On in php.ini (开启php.ini中的output_buffering )

set output_buffering = On will enable output buffering for all files. But this method may slow down your php output. The performance of this method depends on which Web server you re working with, and what kind of scrīpts you re using.


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