> 웹 프론트엔드 > HTML 튜토리얼 > 使用jacob调用Windows的com对象,转换Office文件为pdf、html等_html/css_WEB-ITnose


풀어 주다: 2016-06-24 11:50:09
1261명이 탐색했습니다.


     Jacob 是Java-COM Bridge的缩写,它在Java与微软的COM组件之间构建一座桥梁。使用Jacob自带的DLL动态链接库,并通过JNI的方式实现了在Java平台上对COM程序的调用。至于什么是COM组件,大家自己Google吧。


    Jacob是一个开源软件,它的官方站点是: http://danadler.com/jacob/ 大家可以到上面下载源代码研究,也可以直接下载编译后的二进制文件。

    把jacob-x.x-M2-x86.dll拷贝到%JAVA_HOME% 下的 bin 目录下,其中,%JAVA_HOME%就是JDK的安装目录。接着直接在java IDE中引用jacob.jar就可以使用了。

3、转换word为pdf、html、txt 的示例

package com.shanhy.demo.windowsoffice;import java.io.File;import com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent;import com.jacob.com.ComThread;import com.jacob.com.Dispatch;import com.jacob.com.Variant;/** * * 将jacob.dll放入JDK的bin目录下 * 把jacob.jar放入项目的buildPath中(web项目放到WEB-INF\lib目录下) *  * @author 单红宇 * */public class ConvertToPdf {	// WORD 转换文档格式参数值:17为pdf,8为html,2为txt(支持的格式不限与此,其他格式暂为列出)	static final int wdFormatPDF = 17;// PDF 格式	static final int wdFormatHTML = 8;// HTML 格式	static final int wdFormatTXT = 2;// TXT 格式	/**	 * Word文档转换	 * 	 * @param fromfileName	 * @param toFileName	 * @author SHANHY	 */	public void wordConvert(String fromfileName, String toFileName) {		System.out.println("启动Word...");		ComThread.InitSTA();  				long start = System.currentTimeMillis();		ActiveXComponent app = null;		Dispatch doc = null;		try {			app = new ActiveXComponent("Word.Application");//创建一个word对象			app.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(false)); //不可见打开word			app.setProperty("AutomationSecurity", new Variant(3)); //禁用宏			Dispatch docs = app.getProperty("Documents").toDispatch();//获取文挡属性						System.out.println("打开文档 >>> " + fromfileName);			//Object[]第三个参数是表示“是否只读方式打开”			doc = Dispatch.invoke(docs, "Open", Dispatch.Method, 					new Object[] { fromfileName, new Variant(false), new Variant(true) }, new int[1]).toDispatch();			File tofile = new File(toFileName);			if (tofile.exists()) {				tofile.delete();			}			int formatValue = -1;			if(toFileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".pdf")){				formatValue = wdFormatPDF;			}else if(toFileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".html")){				formatValue = wdFormatHTML;			}else if(toFileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".txt")){				formatValue = wdFormatTXT;			}else{				formatValue = -1;			}			if(formatValue != -1){				System.out.println("转换文档 ["+fromfileName+"] >>> ["+toFileName+"]"); 				Dispatch.invoke(doc, "SaveAs", Dispatch.Method, 						new Object[] { toFileName, new Variant(formatValue) }, new int[1]);			}else{				System.out.println("转换文件到目标文档不被支持!["+fromfileName+"] >>> ["+toFileName+"]"); 			}						long end = System.currentTimeMillis();						System.out.println("用时:" + (end - start) + "ms.");		} catch (Exception e) {			e.printStackTrace();			System.out.println("========Error:文档转换失败:" + e.getMessage());		} finally {			Dispatch.call(doc, "Close", false);			System.out.println("关闭文档");			if (app != null)				app.invoke("Quit", new Variant[] {});		}		// 如果没有这句话,winword.exe进程将不会关闭		ComThread.Release();          ComThread.quitMainSTA();  	}		/**	 * PPT(PowerPoint)文档转换	 * 	 * @param fromfileName	 * @param toFileName	 * @author SHANHY	 */	public void pptConvert(String fromfileName, String toFileName) {		System.out.println("启动PPT...");		ComThread.InitSTA();  				long start = System.currentTimeMillis();		ActiveXComponent app = null;		Dispatch doc = null;		try {			app = new ActiveXComponent("Word.Application");//创建一个word对象			app.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(false)); //不可见打开word			app.setProperty("AutomationSecurity", new Variant(3)); //禁用宏			Dispatch docs = app.getProperty("Documents").toDispatch();//获取文挡属性						System.out.println("打开文档 >>> " + fromfileName);			//Object[]第三个参数是表示“是否只读方式打开”			doc = Dispatch.invoke(docs, "Open", Dispatch.Method, 					new Object[] { fromfileName, new Variant(false), new Variant(true) }, new int[1]).toDispatch();			File tofile = new File(toFileName);			if (tofile.exists()) {				tofile.delete();			}			int formatValue = -1;			if(toFileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".pdf")){				formatValue = wdFormatPDF;			}else if(toFileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".html")){				formatValue = wdFormatHTML;			}else if(toFileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".txt")){				formatValue = wdFormatTXT;			}else{				formatValue = -1;			}			if(formatValue != -1){				System.out.println("转换文档 ["+fromfileName+"] >>> ["+toFileName+"]"); 				Dispatch.invoke(doc, "SaveAs", Dispatch.Method, 						new Object[] { toFileName, new Variant(formatValue) }, new int[1]);			}else{				System.out.println("转换文件到目标文档不被支持!["+fromfileName+"] >>> ["+toFileName+"]"); 			}						long end = System.currentTimeMillis();						System.out.println("用时:" + (end - start) + "ms.");		} catch (Exception e) {			e.printStackTrace();			System.out.println("========Error:文档转换失败:" + e.getMessage());		} finally {			Dispatch.call(doc, "Close", false);			System.out.println("关闭文档");			if (app != null)				app.invoke("Quit", new Variant[] {});		}		// 如果没有这句话,winword.exe进程将不会关闭		ComThread.Release();  		ComThread.quitMainSTA();  	}	public static void main(String[] args) {		ConvertToPdf d = new ConvertToPdf();		d.wordConvert("g:\\test.docx", "g:\\test.pdf");	}}
로그인 후 복사


import com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent; import com.jacob.com.Variant; import com.jacob.com.Dispatch; public class Word {     String strDir = "c:jacob_1.9";     String strInputDoc = strDir + "file_in.doc";     String strOutputDoc = strDir + "file_out.doc";     String strOldText = "[label:import:1]";     String strNewText =             "I am some horribly long sentence, so long that [insert anything]";     boolean isVisible = true;     boolean isSaveOnExit = true;     public Word() {         ActiveXComponent oWord = new ActiveXComponent("Word.Application");         oWord.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(isVisible));         Dispatch oDocuments = oWord.getProperty("Documents").toDispatch();         Dispatch oDocument = Dispatch.call(oDocuments, "Open", strInputDoc).                              toDispatch();         Dispatch oSelection = oWord.getProperty("Selection").toDispatch();         Dispatch oFind = oWord.call(oSelection, "Find").toDispatch();         Dispatch.put(oFind, "Text", strOldText);         Dispatch.call(oFind, "Execute");         Dispatch.put(oSelection, "Text", strNewText);         Dispatch.call(oSelection, "MoveDown");         Dispatch.put(oSelection, "Text",                      "nSo we got the next line including BR.n");         Dispatch oFont = Dispatch.get(oSelection, "Font").toDispatch();         Dispatch.put(oFont, "Bold", "1");         Dispatch.put(oFont, "Italic", "1");         Dispatch.put(oFont, "Underline", "0");         Dispatch oAlign = Dispatch.get(oSelection, "ParagraphFormat").                           toDispatch();         Dispatch.put(oAlign, "Alignment", "3");         Dispatch oWordBasic = (Dispatch) Dispatch.call(oWord, "WordBasic").                               getDispatch();         Dispatch.call(oWordBasic, "FileSaveAs", strOutputDoc);         Dispatch.call(oDocument, "Close", new Variant(isSaveOnExit));         oWord.invoke("Quit", new Variant[0]);     }     public static void main(String[] args) {         Word word = new Word();     } } 
로그인 후 복사



    com.jacob.activeX: ActiveXComponent类
    com.jacob.com: 其它类和元素



    ActiveXComponent Class:封装了Dispatch对象,用于创建一个封装了COM组件对象的Java Object
    Dispatch Class:用于指向封装后的MS数据结构。常用的方法有call,subcall,get,invoke…后面会介绍使用方法。
    Variant Class:用于映射COM的Variant数据类型。提供Java和COM的数据交换。

ComException Class:异常类



    call method:属于Dispatch类。用于访问COM/DLL对象的方法。方法进行了重载,方便不同场合调用。返回一个Variant类型的值。
    callSub method:使用方法和call一样,不过它不返回值。
    get method:读取COM对象的属性值,返回一个Variant类型值。
    put method:设置COM对象的属性值。
    invoke method:call的另一种用法,更复杂一些。
    invokesub method:subcall的另一种用法
    getProperty method:属于ActiveXComponent类,读取属性值,返回一个Variant类型值。

setProperty method:属于ActiveXComponent类,设置属性值。


部分内容参考: http://www.cnblogs.com/vulcans/archive/2009/09/08/1562588.html

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