YII Framework框架教程之使用YIIC快速创建YII应用详解,yiicyii
백엔드 개발 PHP 튜토리얼 YII Framework框架教程之使用YIIC快速创建YII应用详解,yiicyii_PHP教程

YII Framework框架教程之使用YIIC快速创建YII应用详解,yiicyii_PHP教程

Jul 12, 2016 am 08:57 AM
framework yii 앱 만들기

YII Framework框架教程之使用YIIC快速创建YII应用详解,yiicyii

本文实例讲述了YII Framework框架使用YIIC快速创建YII应用的方法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下:




# php yiic
Yii command runner (based on Yii v1.1.8)
Usage: yiic <command-name> [parameters...]

The following commands are available:
 - message
 - migrate
 - shell
 - webapp

To see individual command help, use the following:
  yiic help <command-name>

로그인 후 복사



yiic [parameters...]

- message
- migrate
- shell
- webapp


yiic help


php yiic shell

로그인 후 복사

1.php yiic webapp

执行 php yiic help webapp

 yiic webapp <app-path> 
 This command generates an Yii Web Application at the specified location. 
 * app-path: required, the directory where the new application will be created. 
  If the directory does not exist, it will be created. After the application 
  is created, please make sure the directory can be accessed by Web users. 
로그인 후 복사



/yii/framework# php yiic webapp ../../testwebap
 Create a Web application under '/home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap'&#63; [Yes|No] Yes
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap
  generate index-test.php
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/themes
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/themes/classic
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/themes/classic/views
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/themes/classic/views/layouts
  generate themes/classic/views/.htaccess
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/themes/classic/views/site
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/themes/classic/views/system
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/css
  generate css/ie.css
  generate css/bg.gif
  generate css/screen.css
  generate css/form.css
  generate css/print.css
  generate css/main.css
  generate index.php
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/assets
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/models
  generate protected/models/LoginForm.php
  generate protected/models/ContactForm.php
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/components
  generate protected/components/UserIdentity.php
  generate protected/components/Controller.php
  generate protected/yiic.bat
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/controllers
  generate protected/controllers/SiteController.php
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/migrations
  generate protected/yiic
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/data
  generate protected/data/testdrive.db
  generate protected/data/schema.mysql.sql
  generate protected/data/schema.sqlite.sql
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/config
  generate protected/config/test.php
  generate protected/config/console.php
  generate protected/config/main.php
  generate protected/.htaccess
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/views
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/views/layouts
  generate protected/views/layouts/column1.php
  generate protected/views/layouts/column2.php
  generate protected/views/layouts/main.php
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/views/site
  generate protected/views/site/contact.php
  generate protected/views/site/login.php
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/views/site/pages
  generate protected/views/site/pages/about.php
  generate protected/views/site/index.php
  generate protected/views/site/error.php
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/messages
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/tests
  generate protected/tests/bootstrap.php
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/tests/fixtures
  generate protected/tests/phpunit.xml
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/tests/report
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/tests/unit
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/tests/functional
  generate protected/tests/functional/SiteTest.php
  generate protected/tests/WebTestCase.php
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/runtime
  generate protected/yiic.php
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/extensions
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/commands
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/commands/shell
   mkdir /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/images

로그인 후 복사

Your application has been created successfully under /yii_dev/testwebap.


│ ├── assets
│ ├── css
│ ├── images
│ ├── index.php
│ ├── index-test.php
│ ├── protected
│ └── themes
├── assets
├── css
│ ├── bg.gif
│ ├── form.css
│ ├── ie.css
│ ├── main.css
│ ├── print.css
│ └── screen.css
├── images
├── index.php
├── index-test.php
├── protected
│ ├── commands
│ │ └── shell
│ ├── components
│ │ ├── Controller.php
│ │ └── UserIdentity.php
│ ├── config
│ │ ├── console.php
│ │ ├── main.php
│ │ └── test.php
│ ├── controllers
│ │ └── SiteController.php
│ ├── data
│ │ ├── schema.mysql.sql
│ │ ├── schema.sqlite.sql
│ │ └── testdrive.db
│ ├── extensions
│ ├── messages
│ ├── migrations
│ ├── models
│ │ ├── ContactForm.php
│ │ └── LoginForm.php
│ ├── runtime
│ ├── tests
│ │ ├── bootstrap.php
│ │ ├── fixtures
│ │ ├── functional
│ │ │ └── SiteTest.php
│ │ ├── phpunit.xml
│ │ ├── report
│ │ ├── unit
│ │ └── WebTestCase.php
│ ├── views
│ │ ├── layouts
│ │ │ ├── column1.php
│ │ │ ├── column2.php
│ │ │ └── main.php
│ │ └── site
│ │ ├── contact.php
│ │ ├── error.php
│ │ ├── index.php
│ │ ├── login.php
│ │ └── pages
│ │ └── about.php
│ ├── yiic
│ ├── yiic.bat
│ └── yiic.php
└── themes
└── classic
└── views
├── layouts
├── site
└── system




2.php yiic messag

php yiic help message打印message命令的相关用法

 yiic message <config-file> 
 This command searches for messages to be translated in the specified 
 source files and compiles them into PHP arrays as message source. 
 * config-file: required, the path of the configuration file. You can find 
  an example in framework/messages/config.php. 
  The file can be placed anywhere and must be a valid PHP script which 
  returns an array of name-value pairs. Each name-value pair represents 
  a configuration option. 
  The following options are available: 
  - sourcePath: string, root directory of all source files. 
  - messagePath: string, root directory containing message translations. 
  - languages: array, list of language codes that the extracted messages 
   should be translated to. For example, array('zh_cn','en_au'). 
  - fileTypes: array, a list of file extensions (e.g. 'php', 'xml'). 
   Only the files whose extension name can be found in this list 
   will be processed. If empty, all files will be processed. 
  - exclude: array, a list of directory and file exclusions. Each 
   exclusion can be either a name or a path. If a file or directory name 
   or path matches the exclusion, it will not be copied. For example, 
   an exclusion of '.svn' will exclude all files and directories whose 
   name is '.svn'. And an exclusion of '/a/b' will exclude file or 
   directory 'sourcePath/a/b'. 
  - translator: the name of the function for translating messages. 
   Defaults to 'Yii::t'. This is used as a mark to find messages to be 
  - overwrite: if message file must be overwritten with the merged messages. 

로그인 후 복사



登录页面的Username和Password 翻译成中文



复制framework\messages\config.php 文件到 protected\messages\下



로그인 후 복사



labelEx($model,Yii::t('login_message','username')); &#63;>
textField($model,'username'); &#63;>
error($model,'username'); &#63;>
labelEx($model,Yii::t('login_message','password')); &#63;>
passwordField($model,'password'); &#63;>
error($model,'password'); &#63;>

로그인 후 복사


/www/yii_dev/yii/framework# php yiic message "../../testwebap/protected/messages/config.php"
Extracting messages from /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/components/Controller.php...
Extracting messages from /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/components/UserIdentity.php...
Extracting messages from /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/config/console.php...
Extracting messages from /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/config/main.php...
Extracting messages from /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/config/test.php...
Extracting messages from /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/controllers/SiteController.php...
Extracting messages from /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/models/ContactForm.php...
Extracting messages from /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/models/LoginForm.php...
Extracting messages from /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/tests/WebTestCase.php...
Extracting messages from /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/tests/bootstrap.php...
Extracting messages from /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/tests/functional/SiteTest.php...
Extracting messages from /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/views/layouts/column1.php...
Extracting messages from /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/views/layouts/column2.php...
Extracting messages from /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/views/layouts/main.php...
Extracting messages from /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/views/site/contact.php...
Extracting messages from /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/views/site/error.php...
Extracting messages from /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/views/site/index.php...
Extracting messages from /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/views/site/login.php...
Extracting messages from /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/views/site/pages/about.php...
Extracting messages from /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/yiic.php...
Saving messages to /home/coder/adata/liuyuqiang/wamp/www/yii_dev/testwebap/protected/messages/../messages/zh_cn/login_message.php...saved.

로그인 후 복사



return array (
'password' => '',
'username' => '',

로그인 후 복사


return array (
'password' => '密码',
'username' => '用户名',

로그인 후 복사





// application-level parameters that can be accessed
// using Yii::app()->params['paramName']
// this is used in contact page

로그인 후 복사








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