> 백엔드 개발 > PHP 튜토리얼 > PHP基于yii框架实现生成ICO图标,phpyii框架ico_PHP教程


풀어 주다: 2016-07-12 09:04:56
1328명이 탐색했습니다.


1,phpthumb_ico 是生成ICO图标的类,源码如下

class phpthumb_ico {
  function phpthumb_ico() {
    return true;
  function GD2ICOstring(&$gd_image_array) {
    foreach ($gd_image_array as $key => $gd_image) {
      $ImageWidths[$key] = ImageSX($gd_image);
      $ImageHeights[$key] = ImageSY($gd_image);
      $bpp[$key]     = ImageIsTrueColor($gd_image) ? 32 : 24;
      $totalcolors[$key] = ImageColorsTotal($gd_image);
      $icXOR[$key] = '';
      for ($y = $ImageHeights[$key] - 1; $y >= 0; $y--) {
        for ($x = 0; $x < $ImageWidths[$key]; $x++) {
          $argb = $this->GetPixelColor($gd_image, $x, $y);
          $a = round(255 * ((127 - $argb['alpha']) / 127));
          $r = $argb['red'];
          $g = $argb['green'];
          $b = $argb['blue'];
          if ($bpp[$key] == 32) {
            $icXOR[$key] .= chr($b).chr($g).chr($r).chr($a);
          } elseif ($bpp[$key] == 24) {
            $icXOR[$key] .= chr($b).chr($g).chr($r);
          if ($a < 128) {
            @$icANDmask[$key][$y] .= '1';
          } else {
            @$icANDmask[$key][$y] .= '0';
        // mask bits are 32-bit aligned per scanline
        while (strlen($icANDmask[$key][$y]) % 32) {
          $icANDmask[$key][$y] .= '0';
      $icAND[$key] = '';
      foreach ($icANDmask[$key] as $y => $scanlinemaskbits) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($scanlinemaskbits); $i += 8) {
          $icAND[$key] .= chr(bindec(str_pad(substr($scanlinemaskbits, $i, 8), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)));
    foreach ($gd_image_array as $key => $gd_image) {
      $biSizeImage = $ImageWidths[$key] * $ImageHeights[$key] * ($bpp[$key] / 8);
      // BITMAPINFOHEADER - 40 bytes
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] = '';
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "\x28\x00\x00\x00";               // DWORD biSize;
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= $this->LittleEndian2String($ImageWidths[$key], 4);   // LONG  biWidth;
      // The biHeight member specifies the combined
      // height of the XOR and AND masks.
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= $this->LittleEndian2String($ImageHeights[$key] * 2, 4); // LONG  biHeight;
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "\x01\x00";                   // WORD  biPlanes;
        $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= chr($bpp[$key])."\x00";             // wBitCount;
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "\x00\x00\x00\x00";               // DWORD biCompression;
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= $this->LittleEndian2String($biSizeImage, 4);      // DWORD biSizeImage;
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "\x00\x00\x00\x00";               // LONG  biXPelsPerMeter;
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "\x00\x00\x00\x00";               // LONG  biYPelsPerMeter;
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "\x00\x00\x00\x00";               // DWORD biClrUsed;
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "\x00\x00\x00\x00";               // DWORD biClrImportant;
    $icondata = "\x00\x00";                   // idReserved;  // Reserved (must be 0)
    $icondata .= "\x01\x00";                   // idType;    // Resource Type (1 for icons)
    $icondata .= $this->LittleEndian2String(count($gd_image_array), 2); // idCount;   // How many images&#63;
    $dwImageOffset = 6 + (count($gd_image_array) * 16);
    foreach ($gd_image_array as $key => $gd_image) {
      // ICONDIRENTRY  idEntries[1]; // An entry for each image (idCount of 'em)
      $icondata .= chr($ImageWidths[$key]);           // bWidth;     // Width, in pixels, of the image
      $icondata .= chr($ImageHeights[$key]);          // bHeight;     // Height, in pixels, of the image
      $icondata .= chr($totalcolors[$key]);           // bColorCount;   // Number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp)
      $icondata .= "\x00";                   // bReserved;    // Reserved ( must be 0)
      $icondata .= "\x01\x00";                 // wPlanes;     // Color Planes
      $icondata .= chr($bpp[$key])."\x00";           // wBitCount;    // Bits per pixel
      $dwBytesInRes = 40 + strlen($icXOR[$key]) + strlen($icAND[$key]);
      $icondata .= $this->LittleEndian2String($dwBytesInRes, 4);    // dwBytesInRes;  // How many bytes in this resource&#63;
      $icondata .= $this->LittleEndian2String($dwImageOffset, 4);   // dwImageOffset;  // Where in the file is this image&#63;
      $dwImageOffset += strlen($BitmapInfoHeader[$key]);
      $dwImageOffset += strlen($icXOR[$key]);
      $dwImageOffset += strlen($icAND[$key]);
    foreach ($gd_image_array as $key => $gd_image) {
      $icondata .= $BitmapInfoHeader[$key];
      $icondata .= $icXOR[$key];
      $icondata .= $icAND[$key];
    return $icondata;
  function LittleEndian2String($number, $minbytes=1) {
    $intstring = '';
    while ($number > 0) {
      $intstring = $intstring.chr($number & 255);
      $number >>= 8;
    return str_pad($intstring, $minbytes, "\x00", STR_PAD_RIGHT);
  function GetPixelColor(&$img, $x, $y) {
    if (!is_resource($img)) {
      return false;
    return @ImageColorsForIndex($img, @ImageColorAt($img, $x, $y));
로그인 후 복사



Yii::$enableIncludePath = false;
Yii::import ( 'application.extensions.ico.phpthumb_ico', 1 );

로그인 후 복사


imagealphablending($resize_im, false);//不合并颜色,直接用$im图像颜色替换,包括透明色
imagesavealpha($resize_im, true);//不要丢了$resize_im图像的透明色

   * icoMaker 在线生成ICO图标
   * @author flashalliance
  public function actionIco() {
    $output = "";
    if(isset($_GET['action'])&&$_GET['action'] == 'make'){
      if(isset($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name']) && $_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name'] && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name'])){
        $fileext = array("image/pjpeg","image/jpeg","image/gif","image/x-png","image/png");
          $errors[]="你上传的文件格式不正确,仅支持 png, jpg, gif格式。";
        if($im = @imagecreatefrompng($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name']) or $im = @imagecreatefromgif($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name']) or $im = @imagecreatefromjpeg($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name'])){
          $imginfo = @getimagesize($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name']);
              case 1;
              $resize_im = @imagecreatetruecolor(16,16);
              $size = 16;
              case 2;
              $resize_im = @imagecreatetruecolor(32,32);
              $size = 32;
              case 3;
              $resize_im = @imagecreatetruecolor(48,48);
              $size = 48;
              $resize_im = @imagecreatetruecolor(32,32);
              $size = 32;
            imagesavealpha($im, true);
            imagealphablending($resize_im, false);//不合并颜色,直接用$im图像颜色替换,包括透明色
            imagesavealpha($resize_im, true);//不要丢了$resize_im图像的透明色,解决生成黑色背景的问题
            Yii::$enableIncludePath = false;
            Yii::import ( 'application.extensions.ico.phpthumb_ico', 1 );
            $icon = new phpthumb_ico();
            $gd_image_array = array($resize_im);
            $icon_data = $icon->GD2ICOstring($gd_image_array);
            $bas_path=dirname ( Yii::app ()->BasePath );
              mkdir($bas_new_path, 0777, true);
            $filePath=$bas_new_path. date("Ymdhis").uniqid(). rand(1,1000) . ".ico";
            if(file_put_contents($filePath, $icon_data)){
              $output = str_replace($bas_path,'',$filePath);
    $this->render ( 'ico',array('output'=>$output,'errors'=>$errors));
로그인 후 복사


<div class="col-md-12">
  <div class="form-horizontal panel panel-default margin-t-10 b-img">
    <div class="panel-heading">
      <div class="pull-left"><span class="g-bg glyphicon glyphicon-wrench margin-r-2" aria-hidden="true"></span>在线制作ICO图标</div>
      <div class="clearfix"></div>
$form = $this->beginWidget ( 'CActiveForm', array (
    'id' => 'ico-form',
    'htmlOptions' => array (
        'id' => 'view_table',
        'class' => 'add-form padding-10',
    'enableAjaxValidation' => false
) );
    <div class="form-group">
        <label class="col-lg-2 control-label">上传文件</label>
        <div class="col-md-5">
          <div class="col-md-6">
            <input id="upimage" type="file" name="upimage" class="hidden">
            <input id="tmp_file" class="form-control" type="text">
          <div class="col-md-6"><a class="btn btn-default" onclick="$('input[id=upimage]').click();">选择文件</a></div>
    <div class="form-group">
        <label class="col-lg-2 text-right">选择尺寸</label>
        <div class="col-lg-5 btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">
            <label class="btn btn-sm btn-default">
             <input type="radio" name="size" id="s1" value="1" checked="checked"> 16*16
            <label class="btn btn-sm btn-default">
             <input type="radio" name="size" id="s2" value="2"> 32*32
            <label class="btn btn-sm btn-default">
             <input type="radio" name="size" id="s3" value="3"> 48*48
    <div class="form-group">
      <label class="col-lg-2 text-right">支持格式</label>
      <div class="col-lg-5">
    <div class="list_back">
      <input type="submit" value="生 成" class="btn btn-success">
<&#63;php $this->endWidget(); &#63;>
<&#63;php if(!empty($errors) or !empty($output)):&#63;>
  <div class="form-horizontal panel panel-default margin-t-10 b-img">
    <div class="panel-heading margin-b-10">
      <div class="pull-left"><span class="g-bg glyphicon glyphicon-wrench margin-r-2" aria-hidden="true"></span>生成结果</div>
      <div class="clearfix"></div>
    <&#63;php if(!empty($errors)):&#63;>
    <div class="form-group">
      <label class="col-lg-2 text-right">生成失败</label>
      <div class="col-lg-5">
      <&#63;php foreach ($errors as $e):&#63;>
      <&#63;php echo $e;&#63;><br>
      <&#63;php endforeach;&#63;>
    <&#63;php endif;&#63;>
    <&#63;PHP if (!empty($output)):&#63;>
    $form = $this->beginWidget ( 'CActiveForm', array (
        'id' => 'ico-form',
        'htmlOptions' => array (
            'id' => 'view_table',
            'class' => 'add-form padding-10',
        'enableAjaxValidation' => false
    ) );
    <&#63;php echo CHtml::hiddenField('filePath',$output);&#63;>
    <div class="form-group">
      <label class="col-lg-2 text-right">成功生成</label>
      <div class="col-lg-5">
        <img alt="在线制作ICO图标_favicon.ico" src="<&#63;php echo $output;&#63;>" class="margin-r-10">
        <input type="submit" value="立即下载" class="btn btn-sm btn-success margin-l-10">
    <&#63;php $this->endWidget(); &#63;>
    <&#63;php endif;&#63;>
<&#63;php endif;&#63;>
<!-- form -->
로그인 후 복사



/// phpThumb() by James Heinrich <info@silisoftware.com>  // 
//    available at http://phpthumb.sourceforge.net   /// 
///                             // 
// phpthumb.ico.php - .ICO output format functions     // 
//                             /// 
class phpthumb_ico { 
  function phpthumb_ico() { 
    return true; 
  function GD2ICOstring(&$gd_image_array) { 
    foreach ($gd_image_array as $key => $gd_image) { 
      $ImageWidths[$key] = ImageSX($gd_image); 
      $ImageHeights[$key] = ImageSY($gd_image); 
      $bpp[$key]     = ImageIsTrueColor($gd_image) &#63; 32 : 24; 
      $totalcolors[$key] = ImageColorsTotal($gd_image); 
      $icXOR[$key] = ''; 
      for ($y = $ImageHeights[$key] - 1; $y >= 0; $y--) { 
        for ($x = 0; $x < $ImageWidths[$key]; $x++) { 
          $argb = $this->GetPixelColor($gd_image, $x, $y); 
          $a = round(255 * ((127 - $argb['alpha']) / 127)); 
          $r = $argb['red']; 
          $g = $argb['green']; 
          $b = $argb['blue']; 
          if ($bpp[$key] == 32) { 
            $icXOR[$key] .= chr($b).chr($g).chr($r).chr($a); 
          } elseif ($bpp[$key] == 24) { 
            $icXOR[$key] .= chr($b).chr($g).chr($r); 
          if ($a < 128) { 
            @$icANDmask[$key][$y] .= '1'; 
          } else { 
            @$icANDmask[$key][$y] .= '0'; 
        // mask bits are 32-bit aligned per scanline 
        while (strlen($icANDmask[$key][$y]) % 32) { 
          $icANDmask[$key][$y] .= '0'; 
      $icAND[$key] = ''; 
      foreach ($icANDmask[$key] as $y => $scanlinemaskbits) { 
        for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($scanlinemaskbits); $i += 8) { 
          $icAND[$key] .= chr(bindec(str_pad(substr($scanlinemaskbits, $i, 8), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT))); 
    foreach ($gd_image_array as $key => $gd_image) { 
      $biSizeImage = $ImageWidths[$key] * $ImageHeights[$key] * ($bpp[$key] / 8); 
      // BITMAPINFOHEADER - 40 bytes 
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] = ''; 
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "/x28/x00/x00/x00";               // DWORD biSize; 
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= $this->LittleEndian2String($ImageWidths[$key], 4);   // LONG  biWidth; 
      // The biHeight member specifies the combined 
      // height of the XOR and AND masks. 
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= $this->LittleEndian2String($ImageHeights[$key] * 2, 4); // LONG  biHeight; 
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "/x01/x00";                   // WORD  biPlanes; 
        $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= chr($bpp[$key])."/x00";             // wBitCount; 
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "/x00/x00/x00/x00";               // DWORD biCompression; 
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= $this->LittleEndian2String($biSizeImage, 4);      // DWORD biSizeImage; 
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "/x00/x00/x00/x00";               // LONG  biXPelsPerMeter; 
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "/x00/x00/x00/x00";               // LONG  biYPelsPerMeter; 
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "/x00/x00/x00/x00";               // DWORD biClrUsed; 
      $BitmapInfoHeader[$key] .= "/x00/x00/x00/x00";               // DWORD biClrImportant; 
    $icondata = "/x00/x00";                   // idReserved;  // Reserved (must be 0) 
    $icondata .= "/x01/x00";                   // idType;    // Resource Type (1 for icons) 
    $icondata .= $this->LittleEndian2String(count($gd_image_array), 2); // idCount;   // How many images&#63; 
    $dwImageOffset = 6 + (count($gd_image_array) * 16); 
    foreach ($gd_image_array as $key => $gd_image) { 
      // ICONDIRENTRY  idEntries[1]; // An entry for each image (idCount of 'em) 
      $icondata .= chr($ImageWidths[$key]);           // bWidth;     // Width, in pixels, of the image 
      $icondata .= chr($ImageHeights[$key]);          // bHeight;     // Height, in pixels, of the image 
      $icondata .= chr($totalcolors[$key]);           // bColorCount;   // Number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp) 
      $icondata .= "/x00";                   // bReserved;    // Reserved ( must be 0) 
      $icondata .= "/x01/x00";                 // wPlanes;     // Color Planes 
      $icondata .= chr($bpp[$key])."/x00";           // wBitCount;    // Bits per pixel 
      $dwBytesInRes = 40 + strlen($icXOR[$key]) + strlen($icAND[$key]); 
      $icondata .= $this->LittleEndian2String($dwBytesInRes, 4);    // dwBytesInRes;  // How many bytes in this resource&#63; 
      $icondata .= $this->LittleEndian2String($dwImageOffset, 4);   // dwImageOffset;  // Where in the file is this image&#63; 
      $dwImageOffset += strlen($BitmapInfoHeader[$key]); 
      $dwImageOffset += strlen($icXOR[$key]); 
      $dwImageOffset += strlen($icAND[$key]); 
    foreach ($gd_image_array as $key => $gd_image) { 
      $icondata .= $BitmapInfoHeader[$key]; 
      $icondata .= $icXOR[$key]; 
      $icondata .= $icAND[$key]; 
    return $icondata; 
  function LittleEndian2String($number, $minbytes=1) { 
    $intstring = ''; 
    while ($number > 0) { 
      $intstring = $intstring.chr($number & 255); 
      $number >>= 8; 
    return str_pad($intstring, $minbytes, "/x00", STR_PAD_RIGHT); 
  function GetPixelColor(&$img, $x, $y) { 
    if (!is_resource($img)) { 
      return false; 
    return @ImageColorsForIndex($img, @ImageColorAt($img, $x, $y)); 
로그인 후 복사


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
 <div class="center">
$output = ""; 
if(isset($_GET['action'])&&$_GET['action'] == 'make'){ 
  if(isset($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name']) && $_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name'] && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name'])){ 
      echo "你上传的文件体积超过了限制 最大不能超过200K"; 
    $fileext = array("image/pjpeg","image/gif","image/x-png","image/png","image/jpeg","image/jpg"); 
      echo "你上传的文件格式不正确 仅支持 jpg,gif,png"; 
    if($im = @imagecreatefrompng($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name']) or $im = @imagecreatefromgif($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name']) or $im = @imagecreatefromjpeg($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name'])){ 
      $imginfo = @getimagesize($_FILES['upimage']['tmp_name']); 
        echo "图形格式错误!"; 
        case 1; 
          $resize_im = @imagecreatetruecolor(16,16); 
          $size = 16; 
        case 2; 
          $resize_im = @imagecreatetruecolor(32,32); 
          $size = 32; 
        case 3; 
          $resize_im = @imagecreatetruecolor(48,48); 
          $size = 48; 
          $resize_im = @imagecreatetruecolor(32,32); 
          $size = 32; 
      include "phpthumb.ico.php"; 
      $icon = new phpthumb_ico(); 
      $gd_image_array = array($resize_im); 
      $icon_data = $icon->GD2ICOstring($gd_image_array); 
      $filename = "temp/".date("Ymdhis").rand(1,1000).".ico"; 
      if(file_put_contents($filename, $icon_data)){ 
        $output = "生成成功!请点右键->另存为 保存到本地<br><a href="/" mce_href="/""".$filename."/" target=/"_blank/">点击下载</a>"; 
      echo "生成错误请重试!"; 
		<form action="index.php&#63;action=make" method="post" enctype='multipart/form-data'> 
		<table width="90%" align="center"> 
			 <td height="40"><h3>请上传你要转换成.<a href="http://ico.sevem.cn" mce_href="http://ico.sevem.cn" target="_blank">ico</a>的图片</h3>
			 支持格式 png、jpg、gif在线转换成.<a href="http://ico.sevem.cn" mce_href="http://ico.sevem.cn" target="_blank">ico</a>图标。如何你想制作更丰富的.<a href="http://ico.sevem.cn" mce_href="http://ico.sevem.cn" target="_blank">ico</a>图标请<a href="#ico" mce_href="#ico">下载ICO制作软件</a></td> 
			 <td height="40"><input type="file" name="upimage" size="30">目标尺寸: 
				<input type="radio" name="size" value="1" id="s1"><label for="s1">16*16</label> 
				<input type="radio" name="size" value="2" id="s2" checked><label for="s2">32*32</label> 
				<input type="radio" name="size" value="3" id="s3"><label for="s3">48*48</label> 
			 <td height="40" align="center"><input type="submit" style="width:150px; height:30px;" value="在线生成favicon.ico图标"></td> 
				echo "<tr><td><div style="/" mce_style="/""border:1px solid #D8D8B2;background-color:#FFFFDD;padding:10px/">".$output."</div></td></tr>"; 
		<div style="display:none" mce_style="display:none">
 $doc = new DOMDocument(); 
 $doc->load( 'http://link.qim.net.cn/xml.xml' ); 
 $links = $doc->getElementsByTagName( "link" ); 
 foreach( $links as $link ) 
 $publishers = $link->getElementsByTagName( "homepage" ); 
 $homepage = $publishers->item(0)->nodeValue; 
 $titles = $link->getElementsByTagName( "title" ); 
 $title = $titles->item(0)->nodeValue; 
 $contents = $link->getElementsByTagName( "content" ); 
 $content = $contents->item(0)->nodeValue; 
 echo "<a href="$homepage" mce_href="$homepage" title='$content' target='_blank' ></a>$title</a><br>"; 
로그인 후 복사

www.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/1071227.htmlTechArticlePHP基于yii框架实现生成ICO图标,phpyii框架ico 1,phpthumb_ico 是生成ICO图标的类,源码如下 class phpthumb_ico { function phpthumb_ico() { return true; } fun...
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