terms of service
here is your image
beta image slideshow
share this batch with your friends
upload an image or photo
백엔드 개발 PHP 튜토리얼 php图片上传代码_PHP教程


Jul 20, 2016 am 11:09 AM
php 업로드 그리고 암호 외국의 그림 온라인 지원하다 문서 지불 ~의 관리하다



 define('max', 2);
 mysql教程_connect('localhost', 'your mysql username', 'your mysql password');
 mysql_select_db('your mysql database');
 switch ($_post['action']) {
  case 'upload':
   $file = $_files['file']['tmp_name'];
   $filename = $_files['file']['name'];
   if($file) {
    $max = max * 1024 * 1024;
    $q = mysql_query("select * from `uploads` order by `batch` desc limit 1");
    $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q);
    $batch = $r['batch'];
    if($filename == 'upload.zip') {
     $zip = zip_open($file);

     if ($zip) {
      while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) {
       $size = zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry);
       $name = zip_entry_name($zip_entry);
       $type = substr(strrchr($name, '.'), 1);
       if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r")) {
        $content = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry));
       if ($size > $max) {
        header('location: ./?error=4');
       $error = true;
       if ($type == 'gif' && $error) {
        $error = false;
       if ($type == 'png' && $error) {
        $error = false;
       if ($type == 'jpg' && $error) {
        $error = false;
       if ($type == 'jpeg' && $error) {
        $error = false;
       if ($error) {
        header('location: ./?error=2');
       } else {
        $id = 1;
        $batch2 = $batch + 1;
        while (file_exists("uploads/$id/$name")) {
        $fp = @fopen("uploads/$id/$name", "w");
        if (@fwrite($fp, $content)) {
         $q = mysql_query("insert into `uploads` (`file`, `batch`) values ('uploads/$id/$name', '$batch2')");
         $id = mysql_insert_id();
        } else {
         header('location: ./?error=3');
      header('location: ./?batch=' . $batch2);
    } else {
     if (filesize($file) > $max) {
      header('location: ./?error=4');
     $error = true;
     if (@imagecreatefromjpeg($file) && $error) {
      $error = false;
     if (@imagecreatefromgif($file) && $error) {
      $error = false;
     if (@imagecreatefrompng($file) && $error) {
      $error = false;
     if ($error) {
      header('location: ./?error=2');
     } else {
      $id = 1;
      $batch = $batch + 1;
      while (file_exists("uploads/$id/$filename")) {
      if (@move_uploaded_file($file, "uploads/$id/$filename")) {
       $q = mysql_query("insert into `uploads` (`file`, `batch`) values ('uploads/$id/$filename', '$batch')");
       $id = mysql_insert_id();
       header('location: ./?image=' . $id);
      } else {
       header('location: ./?error=3');
   } else {
    header('location: ./?error=1');
 header('content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1');
 function rewrite ($buffer) {
  $host = $_server['http_host'];
  $path = dirname($_server['php_self']);
  $absolute = "http://$host$path/";
  return preg_replace('#(href|src|action)="/#', "1="$absolute", $buffer);


  jpegr - share photos instantly



 // recently uploaded query
 //$q = mysql_query('select * from `uploads` order by `id` desc limit 15');

 $q = mysql_query('select count(`id`) as `count` from `uploads`');
 $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q);


images hosted


 if ($_get['p'] == 'help') {





  •       how do i upload an image?

          just use the quick upload form on the top, or goto the home page to upload an image.


  •       what does "you must select a file to upload!" mean?

          this means that you clicked upload without selecting an image file.


  •       what does "that is a not a valid jpeg, gif, or png image." mean?

          this means that you uploaded a file, but it was not a jpeg, gif, or png image.


  •       what does "there was a problem with the server, and we were unable to upload your image." mean?

          this means your file was accepted, but it did not get saved, you will need to try again, or upload another image.


  •       what does "the file you selected was too big, mb is the maximum." mean?

          this means that you tried to upload a file that was too big.



 } elseif ($_get['p'] == 'terms-of-service') {

terms of service


    when you upload to jpegr you agree to the following;

  • you will not use jpegr to upload pornographic content, any violation of this agreement may result in ban, and immediate removal of content.

  • you will not abuse jpegr's upload form.

  • any violation may result in permanent ban.



 } else {
  if (is_numeric($_get['image'])) {
   $q = mysql_query("select * from `uploads` where `id` = '$_get[image]'");
   $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q);
   $root_ = 'http://' . $_server['http_host'] . dirname($_server['php_self']) . '/';

here is your image


    click here to view your image




    " onfocus="this.select();" />


    visit jpegr"); ?>" onfocus="this.select();" />


    " onfocus="this.select();" />

    if you want to upload another image, you can go back or use the form below!


  if (is_numeric($_get['batch'])) {
   $q = mysql_query("select * from `uploads` where `batch` = '$_get[batch]'");

viewing batch #


    to view an image in full size, just click it.


   while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {

    image #<?php echo $r['id']; ?>




beta image slideshow





share this batch with your friends




    if you want to upload another batch, you can go back or use the form below!



upload an image or photo



  switch ($_get['error']) {
   case 1:
    $error = 'you must select a file to upload!
   case 2:
    $error = 'that is a not a valid jpeg, gif, or png image.
   case 3:
    $error = 'there was a problem with the server, and we were unable to upload your image.
   case 4:
    $error = 'the file you selected was too big, ' . max . 'mb is the maximum.
    you can upload a jpeg, gif, or png image. (max mb)

    you can also upload a zip named upload.zip, containing multiple images.






 mysql_connect('localhost', 'your mysql username', 'your mysql password');
 mysql_select_db('your mysql database');
 if ($_get['delete']) {
  $sql = "select * from `uploads` where `id` = '$_get[delete]'";
  $q = mysql_query($sql);
  $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q);
  unlink($_server['document_root'] . '/' . $r['file']);
  $sql = "delete from `uploads` where `id` = '$_get[delete]'";
  $q = mysql_query($sql);
  header('location: ' . $_server['http_referer']);


  jpegr administration
 $sql = 'select ceil(count(`id`) / 20) as `count` from `uploads`';
 $q = mysql_query($sql);
 $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q);
 $pages = $r['count'];
 $offset = ($_get['page'] > 0 && $_get['page']  for ($i = 1; $i   $class = ($_get['page'] == $i || $i == 1 && !$_get['page']) ? ' class="current"' : ' class="page"';

 $sql = "select * from `uploads` order by `id` desc limit $offset,20";
 $q = mysql_query($sql);
 while ($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
id filename action
view, delete


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본 웹사이트의 성명
본 글의 내용은 네티즌들의 자발적인 기여로 작성되었으며, 저작권은 원저작자에게 있습니다. 본 사이트는 이에 상응하는 법적 책임을 지지 않습니다. 표절이나 침해가 의심되는 콘텐츠를 발견한 경우 admin@php.cn으로 문의하세요.

뜨거운 기사 태그



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