PHP 페이징 클래스(소스 코드 예)

풀어 주다: 2016-07-25 08:52:20
1335명이 탐색했습니다.


* php分页类
* by


class pagination{ 
public  $Start;  // 开始mysql查询
public  $End;  // 结束mysql查询
private $Number;  //分布数据的数量 
public  $Pages; // 页数
private $N_p_p;  //每页要显示的内容数量 
private $Page_number; //当前页数 
private $Buttons; //最大显示的按钮数,即每页面中显示出的页数

function __construct($number,$n_p_p=10,$page_number=1,$buttons=5) 
    //page start from 1
    $page_number    =    ($page_number<1)    ?    1    :    $page_number    ;
    $this->        Number        =    $number;
    $this->        N_p_p        =    $n_p_p; 
    $this->        Pages        =    ceil    (    $this->    Number    /    $this->    N_p_p    )    ; 
    $this->        Buttons        =    $buttons        ; 
    $page_number=    ($page_number>$this->Pages)    ?    $this->Pages    :    $page_number    ; 
    $this->        Page_number    =    $page_number    ; 
    $this->        Ret()    ; 

 public function Show_Pagination($link,$get='page',$div_class_name='pagination') 

    //if pages == 1 , no need to print pagination 
    //$link is the addres of current page      
    //$get is name of get method 
    //echo pagination's div 
    echo'<div class="'.$div_class_name.'">'; 
    //echo pre button 
    if($this->Page_number>1)echo 'Page_number -1 ).'">Per '; 
    else echo 'Per '; 
    //print button
    $start_counter    =    $this->Page_number-floor($this->Buttons/2);//for normal mode
    $end_conter        =    $this->Page_number+floor($this->Buttons/2);//for normal mode
    //try to buttons exactly equal to $Buttons    
    if($start_counter<1) $end_conter=$end_conter+abs($start_counter);
    if($end_conter>$this->Pages) $start_counter=$start_counter-($end_conter-$this->Pages);
    if(($this->Page_number-floor($this->Buttons/2))<1)$end_conter ++;     
    for ($i=$start_counter;$i<=$end_conter;$i++) 
if($i>$this->Pages || $i<1)continue;        //no print less than 1 value or grater than totall page 
if($i==$this->Page_number)echo ' '.$i.' ';         // change current page' class 
else echo ' '.$i.' ';      // normal pages 
    //echo next button 
    if($this->Page_number<$this->Pages)echo 'Page_number +1 ) .'">Nex '; 
    else echo 'Nex ';         
    //close div tag 

    //give the page number and return start and end of selection  

 private function  Ret() 


    $this->End=  $this->N_p_p ; 

로그인 후 복사


<style type="text/css"> 
/* style for show*/ 
.pagination a{border-radius:3px;background-color:#eee;color:#555;border:1px solid #aaaaaa;padding-top:2px;padding-bottom:2px;
.pagination a:hover ,.pagination .cur{border-color:#0C52CE;color:#0C52CE;background-color:#fff;} 

//include class: 

//get the numbet of current page 
//note! you should  safe it  
else $page=1; 

//connect to db ... 
mysql_connect("localhost","root","");//use your host,username and password to connect to the db 

mysql_select_db("dbname");//select your database 

//run query to get number of all records 
$query=mysql_query("select count(id) from table"); //raplace table with your table name 

//creat new object 
$pagination=new pagination($totall,3 /*number of content per page*/,$page,5 /*number of button to show*/); 

//get records of current page 
$SecondQuery=mysql_query("select id from table order by id desc limit $pagination->Start , $pagination->End"); 

//echo your result 
        echo 'id='.$row['id'].'<br>'; 
//show pagination: 
로그인 후 복사


<style type="text/css"> 
/* style for show*/ 
.pagination a{border-radius:3px;background-color:#eee;color:#555;border:1px solid #aaaaaa;padding-top:2px;padding-bottom:2px;
.pagination a:hover ,.pagination .cur{border-color:#0C52CE;color:#0C52CE;background-color:#fff;} 
require_once "pagination.php"; 

//param of url to specify page_number 

//get current page from url 
$current_page=(isset($_GET[$get_param]) && is_numeric($_GET[$get_param]))?$_GET[$get_param]:1; 
//notice: when get param , youe should SAFE it  

//get totall available content   
// for example  you can get number of news from news table in database ( mysql_num_rows or count()) 
$totall_content=120; // for example 

//creat new cat object  
$cat=new pagination($totall_content,10 /*number of content per page*/,$current_page,5 /*number of button*/); 

//when you want to load content of page: for example in db queris : 

// select * from table where conditions order by key  limit $cat->Start , $cat->End 

//for show : 
로그인 후 복사

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