tellmewhen字符串 php的字符串用法小结

풀어 주다: 2016-07-29 08:43:00
1554명이 탐색했습니다.

1 求长度,最基本的
$text = "sunny day";
$count = strlen($text); // $count = 9
2 字符串截取
$article = "BREAKING NEWS: In ultimate irony, man bites dog."; $summary = substr_replace($article, "...", 40);
3 算单词数
$article = "BREAKING NEWS: In ultimate irony, man bites dog."; $wordCount = str_word_count($article);
// $wordCount = 8
4 将字符串变成HTML的连接
$url = "W.J. Gilmore, LLC (";
$url = preg_replace("/http://([A-z0-9./-]+)/", "$0", $url);
5 去除字符中的HTML字符串
$text = strip_tags($input, "
6 nl2br:
$comment = nl2br($comment);
7 Wordwrap
$speech = "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.";
echo wordwrap($speech, 30);
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

以上就介绍了tellmewhen字符串 php的字符串用法小结,包括了tellmewhen字符串方面的内容,希望对PHP教程有兴趣的朋友有所帮助。

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