# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/usr/bin/env python
1.run "python pygettext.py", will generate file messages.pot
2.open messages.pot. charset=gb2313; Content-Transfer-Encoding:utf8
3.save messages.pot as lang.po, then change its name to 'messages.po', now we have 'lang.po' and 'messages.po'
4.create path in your python project: ./locale/cn/LC_MESSAGES/ and ./locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/
5.write code as follow
6.change lang.po. add:
msgid "Hello world"
msgstr "世界你好"
7.run "python msgfmt.py lang.po", will generate lang.mo. copy it to ./locale/cn/LC_MESSAGES
8.run "python msgfmt.py messages.po", will generate messages.mo. copy it to ./locale/en/LC_MESSAGES, chang its name to lang.mo
import gettext
gettext.install('lang', './locale', unicode=False)
gettext.translation('lang', './locale', languages=['en']).install(True)
#gettext.translation('lang', './locale', languages=['cn']).install(True)
print _("Hello world")
로그인 후 복사