Mysql 클라이언트가 mysql 서버에 로그인하려면 먼저 서버가 클라이언트에 초기 핸드셰이크 패킷을 전송하고, 클라이언트는 서버에 인증 패킷을 반환합니다. . 여기서는 인증패키지를 다음과 같이 분석한다.
client server |-------connect------>| | | |<-----handshake------| | | |---authentication--->| | |
4 capability flags, CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 always set 4 max-packet size 1 character set string[23] reserved (all [0]) string[NUL] username if capabilities & CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH_LENENC_CLIENT_DATA { lenenc-int length of auth-response string[n] auth-response } else if capabilities & CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION { 1 length of auth-response string[n] auth-response } else { string[NUL] auth-response } if capabilities & CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB { string[NUL] database } if capabilities & CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH { string[NUL] auth plugin name } if capabilities & CLIENT_CONNECT_ATTRS { lenenc-int length of all key-values lenenc-str key lenenc-str value if-more data in 'length of all key-values', more keys and value pairs }
자세한 내용:
1. 인증 패키지 유형
/** * * @author seaboat * @date 2016-09-25 * @version 1.0 * <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><b>email: </b>
<b>blog: </b>;/pre> * <p>mysql auth packet.</p> */public class AuthPacket extends MySQLPacket { private static final byte[] FILLER = new byte[23]; public long clientFlags; public long maxPacketSize; public int charsetIndex; public byte[] extra; public String user; public byte[] password; public String database; public void read(byte[] data) { MySQLMessage mm = new MySQLMessage(data); packetLength = mm.readUB3(); packetId =; clientFlags = mm.readUB4(); maxPacketSize = mm.readUB4(); charsetIndex = ( & 0xff); int current = mm.position(); int len = (int) mm.readLength(); if (len > 0 && len < FILLER.length) { byte[] ab = new byte[len]; System.arraycopy(mm.bytes(), mm.position(), ab, 0, len); this.extra = ab; } mm.position(current + FILLER.length); user = mm.readStringWithNull(); password = mm.readBytesWithLength(); if (((clientFlags & Capabilities.CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB) != 0) && mm.hasRemaining()) { database = mm.readStringWithNull(); } } public void write(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { BufferUtil.writeUB3(buffer, calcPacketSize()); buffer.put(packetId); BufferUtil.writeUB4(buffer, clientFlags); BufferUtil.writeUB4(buffer, maxPacketSize); buffer.put((byte) charsetIndex); buffer.put(FILLER); if (user == null) { buffer.put((byte) 0); } else { BufferUtil.writeWithNull(buffer, user.getBytes()); } if (password == null) { buffer.put((byte) 0); } else { BufferUtil.writeWithLength(buffer, password); } if (database == null) { buffer.put((byte) 0); } else { BufferUtil.writeWithNull(buffer, database.getBytes()); } } @Override public int calcPacketSize() { int size = 32;// 4+4+1+23; size += (user == null) ? 1 : user.length() + 1; size += (password == null) ? 1 : BufferUtil.getLength(password); size += (database == null) ? 1 : database.length() + 1; return size; } @Override protected String getPacketInfo() { return "MySQL Authentication Packet"; } }
암호화 및 복호화 도구
/** * * @author seaboat * @date 2016-09-25 * @version 1.0 * <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><b>email: </b>
<b>blog: </b>;/pre> * <p>a security util .</p> */public class SecurityUtil { public static final byte[] scramble411(byte[] pass, byte[] seed) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); byte[] pass1 = md.digest(pass); md.reset(); byte[] pass2 = md.digest(pass1); md.reset(); md.update(seed); byte[] pass3 = md.digest(pass2); for (int i = 0; i < pass3.length; i++) { pass3[i] = (byte) (pass3[i] ^ pass1[i]); } return pass3; } public static final String scramble323(String pass, String seed) { if ((pass == null) || (pass.length() == 0)) { return pass; } byte b; double d; long[] pw = hash(seed); long[] msg = hash(pass); long max = 0x3fffffffL; long seed1 = (pw[0] ^ msg[0]) % max; long seed2 = (pw[1] ^ msg[1]) % max; char[] chars = new char[seed.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < seed.length(); i++) { seed1 = ((seed1 * 3) + seed2) % max; seed2 = (seed1 + seed2 + 33) % max; d = (double) seed1 / (double) max; b = (byte) java.lang.Math.floor((d * 31) + 64); chars[i] = (char) b; } seed1 = ((seed1 * 3) + seed2) % max; seed2 = (seed1 + seed2 + 33) % max; d = (double) seed1 / (double) max; b = (byte) java.lang.Math.floor(d * 31); for (int i = 0; i < seed.length(); i++) { chars[i] ^= (char) b; } return new String(chars); } private static long[] hash(String src) { long nr = 1345345333L; long add = 7; long nr2 = 0x12345671L; long tmp; for (int i = 0; i < src.length(); ++i) { switch (src.charAt(i)) { case ' ': case '\t': continue; default: tmp = (0xff & src.charAt(i)); nr ^= ((((nr & 63) + add) * tmp) + (nr << 8)); nr2 += ((nr2 << 8) ^ nr); add += tmp; } } long[] result = new long[2]; result[0] = nr & 0x7fffffffL; result[1] = nr2 & 0x7fffffffL; return result; } }
테스트 수업
위 내용은 mysql 프로토콜의 인증 패키지 및 코드에 대한 자세한 소개의 상세 내용입니다. 자세한 내용은 PHP 중국어 웹사이트의 기타 관련 기사를 참조하세요!