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Redis Client,单例

풀어 주다: 2016-05-23 17:10:17
1401명이 탐색했습니다.


<?php  //if(!defined(&#39;BASEPATH&#39;)) exit(&#39;No direct script access allowed...&#39;);

 * ---------------- redis.conf.php ------------------
 * $redis_conf = array();
 * $redis_conf[&#39;master&#39;] = array();;
 * $redis_conf[&#39;master&#39;][&#39;host&#39;] = &#39;;;
 * $redis_conf[&#39;master&#39;][&#39;port&#39;] = 6379;
 * $redis_conf[&#39;master&#39;][&#39;passwd&#39;] = &#39;&#39;;
 * $redis_conf[&#39;master&#39;][&#39;timeout&#39;] = 1;
 * ---------------- author:  simon ------------------

 * Redis Client Interface
 * ------------------- Usage ---------------------
 * $conf_dir = __DIR__ .&#39;/../conf/redis.conf.php&#39;;
 * $redis = RedisCli::getInstance($conf_dir, &#39;master&#39;);
 * $ret = $redis->set(&#39;xxxxx&#39;, &#39;good&#39;);
 * $ret = $redis->get(&#39;xxxxx&#39;);

class RedisCli {
	private static $_instance = array();
	private $_redis = false;
	 * 单例模型,构造函数
	public static function getInstance($conf_dir=&#39;/xxx/redis.conf.php&#39;, $serverName=&#39;master&#39;) {
		if (isset(self::$_instance[$serverName])) {
			return self::$_instance[$serverName];
		if (!isset($redis_conf[$serverName])) {
			throw new Exception("param serverName Or redis config error...");
		$conf = $redis_conf[$serverName];
		if (!class_exists(&#39;Redis&#39;)) {
			throw new Exception("Class Redis not exists, please install the php Redis extension...");
		if (isset($conf[&#39;host&#39;]) && isset($conf[&#39;port&#39;]) && isset($conf[&#39;passwd&#39;]) && isset($conf[&#39;timeout&#39;])) {
			self::$_instance[$serverName] = new self($conf[&#39;host&#39;], $conf[&#39;port&#39;], $conf[&#39;passwd&#39;], $conf[&#39;timeout&#39;]);
			return self::$_instance[$serverName];
		return false;

	 *  私有, 单例模型,禁止外部构造
	private function __construct($host, $port, $passwd, $timeout) {
		$this->_redis = new Redis();
		if ($this->_redis->connect($host, $port, $timeout)) {
			if (!empty($passwd)) {

	 *  私有, 单例模型,禁止克隆
	private function __clone() {

	 *  公有,调用对象函数
	public function __call($method, $args) {
		if (!$this->_redis || !$method) {
			return false;
		if (!method_exists($this->_redis, $method)) {
			throw new Exception("Class RedisCli not have method ($method) ");
		return call_user_func_array(array($this->_redis, $method), $args);

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