Yii的smarty插件 ESmartyViewRenderer 中的错误更正
class ESmartyViewRenderer extends CApplicationComponent implements IViewRenderer { 省略.................. public function renderFile($context,$sourceFile,$data,$return) { // current controller properties will be accessible as {$this.property} $data['this'] = $context; // Yii::app()->... is available as {Yii->...} (deprecated, use {Yii::app()->...} instead, Smarty3 supports this.) $data['Yii'] = Yii::app(); // time and memory information $data['TIME'] = sprintf('%0.5f',Yii::getLogger()->getExecutionTime()); $data['MEMORY'] = round(Yii::getLogger()->getMemoryUsage()/(1024*1024),2).' MB'; // check if view file exists if(!is_file($sourceFile) || ($file=realpath($sourceFile))===false) throw new CException(Yii::t('yiiext','View file "{file}" does not exist.', array('{file}'=>$sourceFile))); $template = $this->smarty->createTemplate($sourceFile, null, null, $data, false); //render or return if($return){ /* * 源代码错误! * return $template->fetch($sourceFile); * 正确的调用方法如下,当指定参数时,必须指定所有相关的参数 * return $this->smarty->fetch($sourceFile, null, null, $data, false); */ return $template->fetch(); // 所有参数均从 $template 对象继承 } else { /* * 源代码错误! * $template->display($sourceFile); * 正确的调用方法如下,当指定参数时,必须指定所有相关的参数 * $this->smarty->display($sourceFile, null, null, $data, false); */ $template->display(); // 所有参数均从 $template 对象继承 } } }