jquery 옷 색상 선택 플러그인 효과 코드 Sharing_jquery

풀어 주다: 2016-05-16 15:41:49
1278명이 탐색했습니다.

이 기사의 예에서는 jquery 옷 색상 선택 플러그인의 효과를 설명합니다. 참고할 수 있도록 모든 사람과 공유하세요. 세부 내용은 다음과 같습니다.
jquery를 기반으로 옷 색상을 선택하는 플러그인 효과 코드입니다. 이 플러그인을 사용하면 디자이너로서 자신에게 맞는 독특한 옷을 디자인할 수 있습니다. 배울 가치가 있는 효과 코드입니다.
작업 렌더링: ------효과 보기 소스 코드 다운로드--------- - --------

팁: 브라우저가 제대로 작동하지 않으면 탐색 모드를 전환해 보세요.
모두에게 공유되는 jquery 옷 색상 선택 플러그인 효과 코드는 다음과 같습니다

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="js/jquery.productColorizer.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/raphael-min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.productColorizer.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/prettify.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/init.js"></script>
<!-- /instructions -->

<div id="demo" class="container clearfix">
<div class="product-preview">
<div class="product">
<img src="images/blank_tshirt.jpg" alt="Shirt Image" />
<img id="mask" class="mask" src="images/shirt-mask.png" alt="Mask Image" />

<h3>Niko T-Shirt</h3>
<p>Look awesome</p>
<h4>Choose a Color:</h4>
<div class="swatch">
<a rel="255,255,255" href="#mask" title="White">White</a>
<a rel="32,223,95" href="#mask" title="Green">Green</a>
<a rel="255,211,8" href="#mask" title="Yellow">Yellow</a>
<a rel="255,101,8" href="#mask" title="Orange">Orange/a>
<a rel="16,200,255" href="#mask" title="Blue">Blue</a>
<a rel="142,8,255" href="#mask" title="Purple">Purple</a>
<a rel="245,25,45" href="#mask" title="Red">Red</a>
<div class="product-preview">
<div class="product">
<img src="images/blank_tshirt.jpg" alt="Shirt Image" />
<img id="tt-mask" class="mask" src="images/shirt-mask.png" alt="Mask Image" />
<div id="logo-mask" role="m 122,157.36656 c 0,-0.8984 1.575,-4.72394 3.5,-8.50121 1.925,-3.77727 3.5,-7.53364 3.5,-8.3475 0,-1.64341 4.26645,-3.08924 5.98384,-2.02784 0.60363,0.37307 0.81923,1.55509 0.47911,2.62672 -0.60459,1.90489 -0.54408,1.9031 2.70933,-0.0804 3.50484,-2.13682 7.32609,-2.65699 8.27225,-1.12606 0.30942,0.50064 -1.03778,3.92689 -2.99377,7.61388 -1.95599,3.68699 -3.34613,6.91383 -3.0892,7.17076 C 142.15496,156.4883 152,144.71962 152,140.7824 c 0,-2.07889 4.64216,-3.54024 6.22331,-1.95909 0.76917,0.76917 0.007,3.11233 -2.66637,8.20029 -2.05879,3.91788 -3.51487,7.3518 -3.23574,7.63093 1.05266,1.05266 4.70697,-1.83671 7.48665,-5.91952 2.84543,-4.17937 10.4105,-18.58511 11.54529,-21.98501 0.63427,-1.90034 5.10345,-2.43828 6.15269,-0.74057 0.34312,0.55518 -1.24398,4.39311 -3.52689,8.52872 l -4.15074,7.5193 4.02363,-2.09724 c 3.19849,-1.66714 4.44655,-1.87089 6.0859,-0.99354 4.33888,2.3221 1.70199,8.646 -5.03913,12.08506 -4.1929,2.13906 -4.37766,3.94827 -0.4032,3.94827 2.3139,0 4.41145,-1.8378 13.41073,-11.75 3.32655,-3.66401 4.41647,-4.25 7.90479,-4.25 5.3769,0 7.48012,2.15091 7.00233,7.1611 -0.41652,4.3676 0.55193,4.78391 3.8723,1.66459 1.27295,-1.19588 2.31445,-1.72432 2.31445,-1.17432 0,1.45491 -4.13404,5.00778 -6.75,5.80108 -1.2375,0.37528 -2.25,1.0653 -2.25,1.53338 C 200,155.5817 193.27268,159 190.13197,159 186.71236,159 183,156.03973 183,153.31291 c 0,-1.36999 -0.51689,-1.20499 -2.75,0.87781 -5.49767,5.12764 -11.33015,6.39656 -13.21482,2.87502 -1.6943,-3.16584 -1.20247,-4.75381 1.86604,-6.02483 4.36225,-1.8069 7.77317,-5.76652 6.26586,-7.27383 -2.17749,-2.17749 -6.40206,1.43189 -10.0565,8.59203 -2.80122,5.48844 -3.8193,6.64089 -5.86658,6.64089 -2.08565,0 -2.40356,-0.38496 -2.01153,-2.43575 l 0.46562,-2.43576 -3.29407,2.51251 c -3.98446,3.0391 -7.76179,2.86039 -8.22331,-0.38904 l -0.3193,-2.24804 -3.27509,2.49804 c -3.56284,2.71751 -8.06538,3.29798 -8.89107,1.14625 -0.2853,-0.74348 0.63444,-3.90059 2.04387,-7.0158 1.40944,-3.11521 2.30826,-5.91836 1.99739,-6.22923 -1.47402,-1.47403 -5.20975,2.38356 -7.92283,8.18127 C 127.344,157.86205 126.38477,159 124.40574,159 122.84662,159 122,158.42516 122,157.36656 z m 73.78635,-3.55291 c 0.91512,-0.91512 0.81173,-1.60029 -0.45227,-2.99699 -0.90124,-0.99585 -1.60019,-3.162 -1.55323,-4.81365 0.11747,-4.13158 -0.55262,-3.7732 -2.91018,1.55645 -1.59157,3.59802 -1.76476,4.86322 -0.82132,6 1.45043,1.74766 4.12502,1.86617 5.737,0.25419 z m 4.02943,-9.09241 C 199.6421,143.49956 199.05,142.5 198.5,142.5 c -1.23708,0 -1.88591,4.05443 -1.01183,6.32273 0.59536,1.545 0.72507,1.537 1.64486,-0.10149 0.5492,-0.97831 0.85643,-2.77831 0.68275,-4 z m -43.76273,-9.15732 C 154.32376,133.48026 156.43493,130 159.42819,130 c 2.99266,0 3.84963,2.15835 1.93967,4.8852 -1.72469,2.46234 -3.63236,2.70595 -5.31481,0.67872 z" class="secondary"></div>

<h3>Niko T-Shirt</h3>
<p>Look awesome</p>
<h4>Choose a Base Color:</h4>
<div class="swatch">
<a rel="255,255,255" href="#tt-mask" title="White">White</a>
<a rel="32,223,95" href="#tt-mask" title="Green">Green</a>
<a rel="255,211,8" href="#tt-mask" title="Yellow">Yellow</a>
<a rel="255,101,8" href="#tt-mask" title="Orange">Orange</a>
<a rel="16,200,255" href="#tt-mask" title="Blue">Blue</a>
<a rel="142,8,255" href="#tt-mask" title="Purple">Purple</a>
<a rel="245,25,45" href="#tt-mask" title="Red">Red</a>
<h4>Choose a Logo Color:</h4>
<div class="swatch">
<a rel="255,255,255" href="#logo-mask" title="White">White</a>
<a rel="32,223,95" href="#logo-mask" title="Green">Green<</a>
<a rel="255,211,8" href="#logo-mask" title="Yellow">Yellow<</a>
<a rel="255,101,8" href="#logo-mask" title="Orange">Orange</a>
<a rel="16,200,255" href="#logo-mask" title="Blue">Blue</a>
<a rel="142,8,255" href="#logo-mask" title="Purple">Purple</a>
<a rel="245,25,45" href="#logo-mask" title="Red">Red</a>
</div><!-- /demo -->

<div id="options" class="container claerfix">
<td>Transparency of color overlaying the image. <br /><em>Number between 0-1; Default: 0.55</em></td>
<td>Transparency of the secondary colors overlaying the image.<br /><em>Number between 0-1; Default: 0.55</em></td>
<td>Transparency of the color swatches for the gradient <br /><em>Number between 0-1; Default: 0.75</em></td>
<td>Class of the div containing the swatches. If you change it from the default, make sure to modify the css accordingly. <br /><em>'Class name'; Default: '.swatch'</em></td>
</div><!-- /options -->
<!-- /download -->
<!-- /support -->
<div style="text-align:center;clear:both">
로그인 후 복사

위 내용은 여러분에게 공유된 jquery 옷 색상 선택 플러그인 효과 코드입니다. 마음에 드셨으면 좋겠습니다.

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