* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
* Description of ListView
* 列表组件
* 使用方法
* <?php
* 带多选框的使用
html::run('ListView', [
'datas' => $data['datas'],
'columns' => [
'type' => 'checkbox' ,
'name' => 'uid',
'id' => 'user',
'htmlOptions' => [
'style' => 'color:green',
['name' => 'visitid', 'header' => '随访id', 'value' => '$data["visitid"]'],
['name' => 'visitname', 'header' => '方案名称', 'value' => '$data["visitname"]'],
['name' => 'joiner_nums', 'header' => '参与人', 'value' => 'VisitDbModel::getJoiner_nums($data)'],
['name' => 'realname', 'header' => '创建人', 'value' => '$data["realname"]'],
['name' => 'department_name', 'header' => '科室', 'value' => '$data["department_name"]'],
['name' => 'ques_nums', 'header' => '问题', 'value' => '$data["ques_nums"]'],
'type' => 'button' ,
'header' => '操作' ,
'template'=>'{invitation} {detail}', 操作模板配置
'htmlOptions' => [
'class' => 'doit'
'buttons' => [
'invitation' => [
'label' => '邀请参与人',
'url' => '/admin/visit/invitation/?visitid=$data["visitid"]',
'htmlOptions' => ['class' => 'fllow_add_btn'],
'visible' => 'isset($_GET["type"]) && $_GET["type"] == "myvisit" ? true : false',
'detail' => [
'label' => '详情',
'url' => '/admin/visit/detail/?visitid=$data["visitid"]',
'htmlOptions' => ['class' => 'fllow_add_btn'],
'visible' => 'VisitDbModel::test($data)', 权限控制表达式,结果为true按钮将会显示,否则不显示
* 带多选框和操作列的使用
* <?php
html::run('ListView', [
'datas' => $data['datas'],
'columns' => [
'type' => 'checkbox' ,
'name' => 'uid',
'id' => 'uid',
'htmlOptions' => [
'style' => 'color:green',
['name' => 'visitid', 'header' => '随访id', 'value' => '$data["visitid"]'],
['name' => 'visitname', 'header' => '方案名称', 'value' => '$data["visitname"]'],
['name' => 'joiner_nums', 'header' => '参与人', 'value' => 'VisitDbModel::getJoiner_nums($data)'],
['name' => 'realname', 'header' => '创建人', 'value' => '$data["realname"]'],
['name' => 'department_name', 'header' => '科室', 'value' => '$data["department_name"]'],
['name' => 'ques_nums', 'header' => '问题', 'value' => '$data["ques_nums"]'],
'type' => 'button' ,
'header' => '操作' ,
'template'=>'{invitation} {detail}',
'buttons' => [
'invitation' => [
'label' => '邀请参与人',
'url' => '/admin/visit/invitation/?doctor_id=$data["doctor_id"]',
'htmlOptions' => ['class' => 'fllow_add_btn'],
'visible' => 'true',
'detail' => [
'label' => '详情',
'url' => '/admin/visit/detail/?visitid=$data["visitid"]',
'htmlOptions' => ['class' => 'fllow_add_btn'],
'visible' => 'false',
* @author 风居住的地方
class ListView {
* 接收数据,将会进行数据处理
* @var type
public $datas;
* 表格的html选项
* @var type
public $htmlOptions;
* 数据字段
* @var type
public $columns;
* 数据为空显示的消息
* @var type
public $emptyMessage = '暂无数据';
public function __construct($datas) {
foreach ($datas as $k => $v)
$this->$k = $v;
public function run() {
$html = '';
$html .= html::tag('table', $this->htmlOptions , false);
$html .= ob_get_clean();
$html .= html::endTag('table');
return $html;
* 渲染头
protected function renderStart() {
$html = '';
$html .= html::tag('thead');
$html .= html::tag('tr');
$html .= $this->_renderStart('th');
$html .= html::endTag('tr');
$html .= html::endTag('thead');
echo $html;
protected function _renderStart($tag) {
if (empty($this->columns))
return '';
$html = '';
foreach($this->columns as $data) {
if (isset($data['type']) && $data['type'] == 'checkbox') {
if (isset($data['htmlOptions']['type'])) unset($data['htmlOptions']['type']);
if (isset($data['htmlOptions']['name'])) unset($data['htmlOptions']['name']);
if (isset($data['htmlOptions']['id'])) unset($data['htmlOptions']['id']);
if (isset($data['htmlOptions']['value'])) unset($data['htmlOptions']['value']);
$data['htmlOptions']['type'] = $data['type'];
$data['htmlOptions']['name'] = $data['name'].'[]';
$data['htmlOptions']['id'] = $data['id'];
$data['htmlOptions']['value'] = '';
$data['htmlOptions']['onclick'] = 'SelectAll()';
$checkbox = html::tag('input', $data['htmlOptions']);
$html .= html::tag($tag, [], $checkbox);
$html .= $this->regsterJs($data['id'] , $data['name'].'[]');
} else {
if (isset($data['raw']) && $data['raw'] == 'false') {
eval('$header = '.$data['header'].';');
if (isset($header)) {
$data['header'] = $header;
$html .= html::tag($tag, [], isset($data['header']) ? $data['header'] : '');
return $html;
* 渲染内容
protected function renderContent() {
$html = '';
$html .= html::tag('tbody');
$html .= $this->_renderContent('td');
$html .= html::endTag('tbody');
echo $html;
* 初始化原始数据
protected function initData() {
if (empty($this->datas))
return ;
foreach($this->datas as $i => &$data) {
foreach ($this->columns as $value) {
if (isset($value['type']) && $value['type'] == 'checkbox') {
$data['checkbox'] = $this->_checkData($value , $data);
if (isset($value['type']) && isset($value['header']) && isset($value['template']) && isset($value['buttons']))
$data['actions'] = $this->_initData($value , $data);
protected function _checkData($value , &$data) {
if (!isset($value['htmlOptions']))
$value['htmlOptions'] = [];
$value['htmlOptions']['type'] = 'checkbox';
$value['htmlOptions']['name'] = $value['name'].'[]';
$value['htmlOptions']['value'] = '';
return html::tag('input', $value['htmlOptions']);
* 具体初始化执行
* @param type $value
* @param array $data
* @return array
protected function _initData($value , &$data) {
$data['actions'] = [];
foreach($value['buttons'] as $key => $v) {
if (isset($v['visible'])) {
eval('$visible = '.$v['visible'].';');
if (!$visible) {
$value['template'] = str_replace("{{$key}}", '' , $value['template']);
eval('$url = "'.str_replace('"', '', $v['url']).'";');
$v['htmlOptions']['href'] = $url;
$data['actions'][$key] = html::tag('a', $v['htmlOptions'], $v['label']);
foreach($data['actions'] as $k => $v) {
$value['template'] = str_replace("{{$k}}", $v, $value['template']);
return $value['template'];
* 渲染具体内容
* @param type $tag
* @return string
public function _renderContent($tag) {
$html = '';
if (empty($this->datas)) {
$html .= html::tag('tr');
$html .= html::tag($tag, ['colspan' => count($this->columns)], $this->emptyMessage);
$html .= html::endTag('tr');
return $html;
foreach($this->datas as $data) {
$html .= html::tag('tr');
foreach($this->columns as $value) {
if (!isset($value['htmlOptions']))
$value['htmlOptions'] = [];
if (isset($value['type'])) {
if ($value['type'] == 'checkbox' || $value['type'] == 'button') {
if ($value['type'] == 'checkbox') {
if (isset($value['htmlOptions']['type'])) unset($value['htmlOptions']['type']);
if (isset($value['htmlOptions']['name'])) unset($value['htmlOptions']['name']);
$value['htmlOptions']['type'] = $value['type'];
$value['htmlOptions']['name'] = $value['name'].'[]';
$value['htmlOptions']['value'] = $data[$value['name']];
$checkbox = html::tag('input', $value['htmlOptions']);
$html .= html::tag($tag, [], $checkbox);
} else {
$html .= html::tag($tag, $value['htmlOptions'], !isset($data['actions']) ? false : $data['actions']);
} else {
eval('$v = '.$value['value'].';');
$html .= html::tag($tag, $value['htmlOptions'], $v);
$html .= html::endTag('tr');
return $html;
* 注册js代码
* @param type $id
protected function regsterJs($id , $name) {
$js =<<<JSS
<script type="text/javascript">
function SelectAll() {
var checkboxs=document.getElementsByName("$name");
for (var i=0;i<checkboxs.length;i++) {
var e=checkboxs[i];
if (e.id == '') {
return $js;
로그인 후 복사