이 문서에서는 PHP 중국어 웹사이트 매뉴얼 풀어 주다
[#1] mleczunio at yopmail dot com [2014-02-14 08:54:29]
So, could ANYONE tell why this extension alwys ends with fatal error instead of exceptions? Examples:
Multi values tried to set on non-multivalued field
setQuery(): Invalid parameter value
Those are fatal errors! What is wrong with this extension?
[#2] Corentin Larose [2012-09-21 14:56:40]
you have to use SolrQuery::addFilterQuery() instead of SolrQuery::addFacetQuery() which is intended for another goal.
SolrQuery::addFilterQuery() : fq
SolrQuery::addFacetQuery() : facet.query
Corentin Larose - CTO@QAPA
[#3] mixwise at gmail dot com [2011-09-18 18:19:56]
solr_get_version(): 1.0.1
I had problems trying to pass facet queries(fq not facet.query) using this extension.
So I made a work around by extending the SolrQuery class and adding a new method for fq.
class SolrQuery2 extends SolrQuery{
public function addFQ($facetQuery){
$this->addParam('fq', $facetQuery);