이 문서에서는 PHP 중국어 웹사이트 매뉴얼 풀어 주다
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
natcasesort — 用“自然排序”算法对数组进行不区分大小写字母的排序
)natcasesort() 是 natsort() 函数的不区分大小写字母的版本。
成功时返回 TRUE
, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE
Example #1 natcasesort() 例子
$array1 = $array2 = array( 'IMG0.png' , 'img12.png' , 'img10.png' , 'img2.png' , 'img1.png' , 'IMG3.png' );
sort ( $array1 );
echo "Standard sorting\n" ;
print_r ( $array1 );
natcasesort ( $array2 );
echo "\nNatural order sorting (case-insensitive)\n" ;
print_r ( $array2 );
Standard sorting Array ( [0] => IMG0.png [1] => IMG3.png [2] => img1.png [3] => img10.png [4] => img12.png [5] => img2.png )Natural order sorting (case-insensitive) Array ( [0] => IMG0.png [4] => img1.png [3] => img2.png [5] => IMG3.png [2] => img10.png [1] => img12.png )
更多信息见 Martin Pool 的 » Natural Order String Comparison 页面。
[#1] w-dot-rosenbach-at-netskill-de [2010-12-14 09:45:44]
Sorting UTF-8 by arbitrary order:
class utf_8_german
// everything else is sorted at the end
static $order = '0123456789Aa??BbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMm
static $char2order;
static function cmp($a, $b) {
if ($a == $b) {
return 0;
// lazy init mapping
if (empty(self::$char2order))
$order = 1;
$len = mb_strlen(self::$order);
for ($order=0; $order<$len; ++$order)
self::$char2order[mb_substr(self::$order, $order, 1)] = $order;
$len_a = mb_strlen($a);
$len_b = mb_strlen($b);
$max=min($len_a, $len_b);
for($i=0; $i<$max; ++$i)
$char_a= mb_substr($a, $i, 1);
$char_b= mb_substr($b, $i, 1);
if ($char_a == $char_b) continue;
$order_a = (isset(self::$char2order[$char_a])) ? self::$char2order[$char_a] : 9999;
$order_b = (isset(self::$char2order[$char_b])) ? self::$char2order[$char_b] : 9999;
return ($order_a < $order_b) ? -1 : 1;
return ($len_a < $len_b) ? -1 : 1;
// usage example:
$t = array(
'Birnen', 'Birne', '?pfel', 'Apfel',
uasort($t, 'utf_8_german::cmp');
echo '$t: <pre>'.htmlspecialchars(print_r($t,true),null,'UTF-8').'</pre>';
[#2] shawn at shawnwilkerson dot com [2009-05-05 10:03:29]
I kept getting varied results using natcasesort and sort on mixed arrays -- per the descriptions.
Sometimes simple is better:
A little snippet of code:
<?php if($responders->num_rows) {
while($row= $responders->fetch_assoc()) {
$r[$i]= array("sortname"=>strtolower($user),"userName"=>$user, "userID"=>$row['responderID'], "responderID"=>$row['idresponders']);
I simply created a lower cased sort field at the front of the result set and then sort by it -- which provides the expected result and leaves the actual needed fields unchanged.
For the curious: all user information is kept completed in another database (and table) from the content database due to security reasons. The getUser functions we have written allow us to pull only what is legally allowed without exposing anything else.
This is why a left join or something wasn't used and we have to build a pseudo result array here from both databases.
[#3] claude at schlesser dot lu [2009-01-07 00:41:32]
Here a function that will natural sort an array by keys with keys that contain special characters.
function natksort($array)
$original_keys_arr = array();
$original_values_arr = array();
$clean_keys_arr = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($array AS $key => $value)
$original_keys_arr[$i] = $key;
$original_values_arr[$i] = $value;
$clean_keys_arr[$i] = strtr($key, "???????????????????", "AOUaouEEAEeeeac");
$result_arr = array();
foreach ($clean_keys_arr AS $key => $value)
$original_key = $original_keys_arr[$key];
$original_value = $original_values_arr[$key];
$result_arr[$original_key] = $original_value;
return $result_arr;
Hope it will be useful to somebody :)
[#4] vbAlexDOSMan at Yahoo dot com [2003-09-12 01:21:57]
Ulli at Stemmeler dot net: I remade your function -- it's a little more compact now -- Enjoy...
function ignorecasesort(&$array) {
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($array); $array[$i] = strtolower($array[$i]).$array[$i], $i++);
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($array); $i++) {
$this = $array[$i];
$array[$i] = substr($this, (strlen($this)/2), strlen($this));
[#5] dslicer at maine dot rr dot com [2003-06-02 18:41:16]
Something that should probably be documented is the fact that both natsort and natcasesort maintain the key-value associations of the array. If you natsort a numerically indexed array, a for loop will not produce the sorted order; a foreach loop, however, will produce the sorted order, but the indices won't be in numeric order. If you want natsort and natcasesort to break the key-value associations, just use array_values on the sorted array, like so:
$arr = array_values($arr);
[#6] tmiller25 at hotmail dot com [2002-04-25 19:55:25]
add this loop to the function above if you want items which have the same first characters to be listed in a way that the shorter string comes first.
for($i=count($array)-1;$i>0;$i--) {
$str_a = $array[$i ];
$str_b = $array[$i-1];
$cmp_a = strtolower(substr($str_a,0,strlen($str_a)));
$cmp_b = strtolower(substr($str_b,0,strlen($str_a)));
if ($cmp_a==$cmp_b && strlen($str_a)<strlen($str_b)) {
$array[$i]=$str_b; $array[$i-1]=$str_a; $i+=2;