이 문서에서는 PHP 중국어 웹사이트 매뉴얼 풀어 주다
(PHP 5)
ReflectionExtension::getFunctions — Gets extension functions
Get defined functions from an extension.
An associative array of ReflectionFunction objects, for each function defined in the extension with the keys being the function names. If no function are defined, an empty array is returned.
Example #1 ReflectionExtension::getFunctions() example
$dom = new ReflectionExtension ( 'SimpleXML' );
print_r ( $dom -> getFunctions ());
Array ( [simplexml_load_file] => ReflectionFunction Object ( [name] => simplexml_load_file ) [simplexml_load_string] => ReflectionFunction Object ( [name] => simplexml_load_string ) [simplexml_import_dom] => ReflectionFunction Object ( [name] => simplexml_import_dom ))