이 문서에서는 PHP 중국어 웹사이트 매뉴얼 풀어 주다
(PHP 5)
ReflectionProperty::__construct — Construct a ReflectionProperty object
, string $name
The class name, that contains the property.
The name of the property being reflected.
Trying to get or set private or protected class property's values will result in an exception being thrown.
Example #1 ReflectionProperty::__construct() example
class String
public $length = 5 ;
// Create an instance of the ReflectionProperty class
$prop = new ReflectionProperty ( 'String' , 'length' );
// Print out basic information
printf (
"===> The%s%s%s%s property '%s' (which was %s)\n" .
" having the modifiers %s\n" ,
$prop -> isPublic () ? ' public' : '' ,
$prop -> isPrivate () ? ' private' : '' ,
$prop -> isProtected () ? ' protected' : '' ,
$prop -> isStatic () ? ' static' : '' ,
$prop -> getName (),
$prop -> isDefault () ? 'declared at compile-time' : 'created at run-time' ,
var_export ( Reflection :: getModifierNames ( $prop -> getModifiers ()), 1 )
// Create an instance of String
$obj = new String ();
// Get current value
printf ( "---> Value is: " );
var_dump ( $prop -> getValue ( $obj ));
// Change value
$prop -> setValue ( $obj , 10 );
printf ( "---> Setting value to 10, new value is: " );
var_dump ( $prop -> getValue ( $obj ));
// Dump object
var_dump ( $obj );
===> The public property 'length' (which was declared at compile-time) having the modifiers array ( 0 => 'public', ) ---> Value is: int(5) ---> Setting value to 10, new value is: int(10) object(String)#2 (1) { ["length"]=> int(10) }
Example #2 Getting value from private and protected properties using ReflectionProperty class
class Foo {
public $x = 1 ;
protected $y = 2 ;
private $z = 3 ;
$obj = new Foo ;
$prop = new ReflectionProperty ( 'Foo' , 'y' );
$prop -> setAccessible ( true );
var_dump ( $prop -> getValue ( $obj )); // int(2)
$prop = new ReflectionProperty ( 'Foo' , 'z' );
$prop -> setAccessible ( true );
var_dump ( $prop -> getValue ( $obj )); // int(2)
int(2) int(3)