이 문서에서는 PHP 중국어 웹사이트 매뉴얼 풀어 주다
(PHP 5, PHP 7)
DOMAttr::__construct — Creates a new DOMAttr object
[, string $value
] )Creates a new DOMAttr object. This object is read only. It may be appended to a document, but additional nodes may not be appended to this node until the node is associated with a document. To create a writable node, use DOMDocument::createAttribute.
The tag name of the attribute.
The value of the attribute.
Example #1 Creating a new DOMAttr object
$dom = new DOMDocument ( '1.0' , 'iso-8859-1' );
$element = $dom -> appendChild (new DOMElement ( 'root' ));
$attr = $element -> setAttributeNode (new DOMAttr ( 'attr' , 'attrvalue' ));
echo $dom -> saveXML ();
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <root attr="attrvalue" />
[#1] Anonymous [2014-09-18 22:48:04]
The output should be:
<?phpxml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<root attr="attrvalue"/>