이 문서에서는 PHP 중국어 웹사이트 매뉴얼 풀어 주다
(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0)
SimpleXMLElement::count — Counts the children of an element
This method counts the number of children of an element.
Returns the number of elements of an element.
Example #1 Counting the number of children
$xml = <<<EOF
<person name="Person 1">
<person name="Person 2">
$elem = new SimpleXMLElement ( $xml );
foreach ( $elem as $person ) {
printf ( "%s has got %d children.\n" , $person [ 'name' ], $person -> count ());
Person 1 has got 3 children. Person 2 has got 5 children.
[#1] daniel dot erni at focusedpublishing dot com [2011-03-22 08:37:21]
Alternative code for PHP < 5.3:
$count = $node->count(); // PHP > 5.3
$count = count($node->children()); // PHP < 5.3