이 문서에서는 PHP 중국어 웹사이트 매뉴얼 풀어 주다
当 unset 一个引用,只是断开了变量名和变量内容之间的绑定。这并不意味着变量内容被销毁了。例如:
$a = 1 ;
$b =& $a ;
unset( $a );
再拿这个和 Unix 的 unlink 调用来类比一下可能有助于理解。
[#1] ojars26 at NOSPAM dot inbox dot lv [2008-05-03 07:41:22]
Simple look how PHP Reference works
$c=array ('one'=>array (1, 2, 3));
$b=&$a; // or $b=&$c['one'][2]; result is same as both "$c['one'][2]" and "$a" is at same pointer.
$c['one'][2]=500; //now it is in array
echo $foo; // output : hello I am Frank
echo $bar; // output : due!
[#5] libi [2006-01-24 00:20:32]
clerca at inp-net dot eu dot org
If you have a lot of references linked to the same contents, maybe it could be useful to do this :
$a = 1;
$b = & $a;
$c = & $b; // $a, $b, $c reference the same content '1'
$b = NULL; // All variables $a, $b or $c are unset
NULL will not result in unseting the variables.
Its only change the value to "null" for all the variables.
becouse they all points to the same "part" in the memory.