이 문서에서는 PHP 중국어 웹사이트 매뉴얼 풀어 주다
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0)
Exception 是所有异常的基类。
= ""
[, int $code
= 0
[, Exception $previous
]]] )异常消息内容
[#1] cHao [2014-09-27 18:34:51]
Note that an exception's properties are populated when the exception is *created*, not when it is thrown. Throwing the exception does not seem to modify them.
Among other things, this means:
* The exception will blame the line that created it, not the line that threw it.
* Unlike in some other languages, rethrowing an exception doesn't muck up the trace.
* A thrown exception and an unthrown one look basically identical. On my machine, the only visible difference is that a thrown exception has an `xdebug_message` property while an unthrown one doesn't. Of course, if you don't have xdebug installed, you won't even get that.
[#2] altieresdelsent at gmail dot com [2012-09-28 19:40:50]
when you are using xdebug, exceptions message will never be shown if you use any encoding different than UTF-8, so if you are using any database with translated messages like oracle, you should ALWAYS, always, throw a exception like this
throw new Exception(utf8_encode($message),$code), character like ?,??,?, will make the exception message fail to be shown, if you are not using xdebug ( I do think you should at least try), this code will not affect your page.