이 문서에서는 PHP 중국어 웹사이트 매뉴얼 풀어 주다
(PECL ingres >= 2.1.0)
ingres_charset — Returns the installation character set
)ingres_charset() is called to determine the character set being used by the Ingres client, from II_CHARSETxx (where xx is the installation code).
You can override the value returned by using the function putenv() . Changing the value of II_CHARSETxx in a running Ingres installation can cause data corruption.
The connection link identifier
Returns a string with the value for II_CHARSETxx or returns NULL if the value could not be determined.
Example #1 ingres_charset() - Get the installation character set
$link = ingres_connect ( $database , $user , $password );
echo ingres_charset ( $link ) . "\n" ;
ingres_close ( $link );