이 문서에서는 PHP 중국어 웹사이트 매뉴얼 풀어 주다
这个驱动是由 10gen 公司官方支持的 MongoDB 驱动
这是一个示例程序,它包含 连接数据库、插入文档、查询文档、遍历查询结果、断开链接。 实例中的每一步都有更详细的说明(注释)。
// 链接服务器
$m = new MongoClient ();
// 选择一个数据库
$db = $m -> comedy ;
// 选择一个集合( Mongo 的“集合”相当于关系型数据库的“表”)
$collection = $db -> cartoons ;
// 插入一个文档(译注:“文档”相当于关系型数据库的“行”)
$document = array( "title" => "Calvin and Hobbes" , "author" => "Bill Watterson" );
$collection -> insert ( $document );
// 添加另一个文档,它的结构与之前的不同
$document = array( "title" => "XKCD" , "online" => true );
$collection -> insert ( $document );
// 查询集合中的所有文档
$cursor = $collection -> find ();
// 遍历查询结果
foreach ( $cursor as $document ) {
echo $document [ "title" ] . "\n" ;
Calvin and Hobbes XKCD
[#1] pgl at yoyo dot org [2013-09-17 13:44:48]
To use a collection with periods in its name, quote it with braces:
$m = new MongoClient();
$cursor = $m->test->{'test.test'}->find();
## equivalent to the following:
#$db = $m->test;
#$collection = $db->{'test.test'};
#$cursor = $collection->find();
foreach ($cursor as $doc) {
[#2] Josh Heidenreich [2010-12-08 22:28:19]
If you are getting "writing more" shown at random places on the screen, it's a MongoDB connector bug in 1.0.5.
Bug report: http://jira.mongodb.org/browse/PHP-91
Update to the latest connector driver and it should go away.
[#3] php at whoah dot net [2010-04-24 22:57:19]
Make sure array keys consecutive before inserting. As of 1.0.6 driver, the following will end up as an object of key:value pairs, instead of an array, because it's trying to maintain the 0 and 2 keys:
$array = array('a', 'b', 'c');
$document = array(
'embedded' => $array,
// assuming local
$mongo = new Mongo();
mongodb result:
{ "_id" : ObjectId(...), "embedded" : { "0" : "a", "2" : "c" } }
This is bad if you plan on indexing the embedded property as an array because objects and arrays are indexed differently.
Whether the behaviour will change or not, this is logged here: http://jira.mongodb.org/browse/PHP-104
If you know about it, it's not major, just use a sort() before inserting, or use array_* methods to remove elements instead of unset() -- anything that will re-adjust keys.