이 문서에서는 PHP 중국어 웹사이트 매뉴얼 풀어 주다
如果 MongoDB 服务器启动时使用了 --auth 或 --keyFile 参数,你就必须在进行任何操作前进行认证。 你可以在连接时进行认证。方法是在链接字符串中指定用户名密码,或者在 MongoClient::__construct() 构造函数中指定 "username" 和 "password"。
Example #1 针对“admin”数据库的认证
// Specifying the username and password in the connection URI (preferred)
$m = new MongoClient ( "mongodb:// ${ username } : ${ password } @localhost" );
// Specifying the username and password via the options array (alternative)
$m = new MongoClient ( "mongodb://localhost" , array( "username" => $username , "password" => $password ));
默认状态下,驱动会针对 admin 数据库进行认证。认证也可以对其他数据库进行。方法是在连接字符串中指定数据库名,或者 MongoClient::__construct() 构造函数中指定 "db"。
Example #2 针对一般数据库的认证
// Specifying the authentication database in the connection URI (preferred)
$m = new MongoClient ( "mongodb:// ${ username } : ${ password } @localhost/myDatabase" );
// Specifying the authentication database via the options array (alternative)
$m = new MongoClient ( "mongodb:// ${ username } : ${ password } @localhost" , array( "db" => "myDatabase" ));
[#1] dan at kayakaddict dot co dot uk [2015-05-25 16:18:33]
For connecting to a replica set with authentication it is possible to use a connection string like the following (substitute the port numbers, replica set name and DB with your own)
$m = new MongoClient("mongodb://${username}:${password}@localhost:27037,mongodb://${username}:${password}@localhost:27038",
array("replicaSet" => "test"_replica, "db" => "mytestdb"));
The second member string "mongodb://${username}:${password}@localhost:27038" does not need the username and password - however, if the connection to the first member fails I have not tested to see if the username and password persist to the second member.
[#2] davida at quickplay dot com [2015-01-05 16:11:00]
How does this work for connections to replication sets?
Does the connection string become: