이 문서에서는 PHP 중국어 웹사이트 매뉴얼 풀어 주다
(PECL mongo >=1.3.0)
MongoCollection::findAndModify — Update a document and return it
[, array $update
[, array $fields
[, array $options
]]] )The findAndModify command atomically modifies and returns a single document. By default, the returned document does not include the modifications made on the update. To return the document with the modifications made on the update, use the new option.
The query criteria to search for.
The update criteria.
Optionally only return these fields.
An array of options to apply, such as remove the match document from the DB and return it.
Option | 说明 |
sort array | Determines which document the operation will modify if the query selects multiple documents. findAndModify will modify the first document in the sort order specified by this argument. |
remove boolean |
Optional if update field exists. When TRUE , removes the selected
document. The default is FALSE .
update array | Optional if remove field exists. Performs an update of the selected document. |
new boolean |
Optional. When TRUE , returns the modified document rather than the
original. The findAndModify method ignores the new option for
remove operations. The default is FALSE .
upsert boolean |
Optional. Used in conjunction with the update field. When TRUE , the
findAndModify command creates a new document if the query returns
no documents. The default is false. In MongoDB 2.2, the
findAndModify command returns NULL when upsert is TRUE .
Returns the original document, or the modified document when new is set.
Throws MongoResultException on failure.
Example #1 MongoCollection::findAndModify() example
$m = new Mongo ;
$col = $m -> selectDB ( "test" )-> jobs ;
$col -> insert (array(
"name" => "Next promo" ,
"inprogress" => false ,
"priority" => 0 ,
"tasks" => array( "select product" , "add inventory" , "do placement" ),
) );
$col -> insert (array(
"name" => "Biz report" ,
"inprogress" => false ,
"priority" => 1 ,
"tasks" => array( "run sales report" , "email report" )
) );
$col -> insert (array(
"name" => "Biz report" ,
"inprogress" => false ,
"priority" => 2 ,
"tasks" => array( "run marketing report" , "email report" )
array( "w" => 1 )
$retval = $col -> findAndModify (
array( "inprogress" => false , "name" => "Biz report" ),
array( '$set' => array( 'inprogress' => true , "started" => new MongoDate ())),
null ,
"sort" => array( "priority" => - 1 ),
"new" => true ,
var_dump ( $retval );
array(6) { ["_id"]=> object(MongoId)#7 (1) { ["$id"]=> string(24) "5091b5b244415e8cc3000002" } ["inprogress"]=> bool(true) ["name"]=> string(10) "Biz report" ["priority"]=> int(2) ["started"]=> object(MongoDate)#8 (2) { ["sec"]=> int(1351726514) ["usec"]=> int(925000) } ["tasks"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(20) "run marketing report" [1]=> string(12) "email report" } }
Example #2 MongoCollection::findAndModify() error handling
$m = new Mongo ;
$col = $m -> selectDB ( "test" )-> jobs ;
try {
$retval = $col -> findAndModify (
array( "inprogress" => false , "name" => "Next promo" ),
array( '$pop' => array( "tasks" => - 1 )),
array( "tasks" => array( '$pop' => array( "stuff" ))),
array( "new" => true )
} catch( MongoResultException $e ) {
echo $e -> getCode (), " : " , $e -> getMessage (), "\n" ;
var_dump ( $e -> getDocument ());
13097 : exception: Unsupported projection option: $pop array(3) { ["errmsg"]=> string(46) "exception: Unsupported projection option: $pop" ["code"]=> int(13097) ["ok"]=> float(0) }
[#1] Barmy [2014-04-07 16:24:35]
There is an easy way to find and replace by _id :
// ...
// Selecting unparsed lines
$cursor = $collection->find(array("mydata_isParsed" => array('$ne' => 1)));
// Doing our stuff
foreach($cursor as $document) {
// should always be ok, just in case
if (!isset($document["mydata_isParsed"])) {
// ... do some stuff
// flag as parsed and update line
$document["mydata_isParsed"] = 1;
$idField = '$id';
$collection->findAndModify(array("_id" => new MongoId($document["_id"]->$idField)), $document);