예배 규칙서 찾다
简介 更新历史 关于样式表 属性 定位 布局 position z-index top right bottom left clip display float clear visibility overflow overflow-x overflow-y 尺寸 width min-width max-width height min-height max-height 外补白 margin margin-top margin-right margin-bottom margin-left 内补白 padding padding-top padding-right padding-bottom padding-left 边框 border border-width border-style border-color border-top border-top-width border-top-style border-top-color border-right border-right-width border-right-style border-right-color border-bottom border-bottom-width border-bottom-style border-bottom-style border-bottom-color border-left border-left-width border-left-style border-left-color border-radius border-top-left-radius border-top-right-radius border-bottom-right-radius border-bottom-left-radius box-shadow border-image border-image-source border-image-slice border-image-width border-image-outset border-image-repeat 背景 background background-color background-image background-repeat background-attachment background-position background-origin background-clip background-size 颜色 color opacity 字体 font font-style font-variant font-weight font-size font-family font-stretch font-size-adjust 文本 text-transform white-space tab-size word-break word-wrap overflow-wrap text-align text-align-last text-justify word-spacing letter-spacing text-indent vertical-align line-height text-size-adjust 文本装饰 text-decoration text-decoration-line text-decoration-color text-decoration-style text-decoration-skip text-underline-position text-shadow 书写模式 direction unicode-bidi writing-mode 列表 list-style list-style-image list-style-position list-style-type 表格 table-layout border-collapse border-spacing caption-side empty-cells 内容 content counter-increment counter-reset quotes 用户界面 appearance text-overflow outline outline-width outline-color outline-style outline-offset nav-index nav-up nav-right nav-down nav-left cursor zoom box-sizing resize ime-mode user-select pointer-events 多列 columns column-width column-count column-gap column-rule column-rule-width column-rule-style column-rule-color column-span column-fill column-break-before column-break-after column-break-inside 伸缩盒(旧) box-orient box-pack box-align box-flex box-flex-group box-ordinal-group box-direction box-lines 伸缩盒(新) flex flex-grow flex-shrink flex-basis flex-flow flex-direction flex-wrap align-content align-items align-self justify-content order 变换 transform transform-origin transform-style perspective perspective-origin backface-visibility 过渡 transition transition-property transition-duration transition-timing-function transition-delay 动画 animation animation-name animation-duration animation-timing-function animation-delay animation-iteration-count animation-direction animation-play-state animation-fill-mode 打印 page page-break-before page-break-after page-break-inside 媒体查询 width height device-width device-height orientation aspect-ratio device-aspect-ratio color color-index monochrome resolution scan grid Only IE scrollbar-3dlight-color scrollbar-darkshadow-color scrollbar-highlight-color scrollbar-shadow-color scrollbar-arrow-color scrollbar-face-color scrollbar-track-color scrollbar-base-color filter behavior Only webkit -webkit-text-fill-color -webkit-text-stroke -webkit-text-stroke-width -webkit-text-stroke-color -webkit-box-reflect -webkit-tap-highlight-color -webkit-user-drag -webkit-overflow-scrolling 选择符 元素选择符 通配选择符(*) 类型选择符(E) ID选择符(E#id) 类选择符(E.class) 关系选择符 包含选择符(E F) 子选择符(E>F) 相邻选择符(E+F) 兄弟选择符(E~F) 属性选择符 E[att] E[att="val"] E[att~="val"] E[att^="val"] E[att$="val"] E[att*="val"] E[att|="val"] 伪类选择符 E:link E:visited E:hover E:active E:focus E:lang(fr) E:not(s) E:root E:first-child E:last-child E:only-child E:nth-child(n) E:nth-last-child(n) E:first-of-type E:last-of-type E:only-of-type E:nth-of-type(n) E:nth-last-of-type(n) E:empty E:checked E:enabled E:disabled E:target @page:first @page:left @page:right 伪对象选择符 E:first-letter/E::first-letter E:first-line/E::first-line E:before/E::before E:after/E::after E::placeholder E::selection 语法与规则 !important /*comment*/ @import @charset @media @font-face @page @keyframes @supports 取值与单位 长度 <length> em ex ch rem vw vh vmax vmin cm mm q in pt pc px 角度 <angle> deg grad rad turn 时间 <time> s ms 频率 <frequency> Hz kHz 布局 <fraction> <grid> fr gr 分辨率 <resolution> dpi dpcm dppx 颜色 <color> Color Name HEX RGB RGBA HSL HSLA transparent currentColor 文本 inherit initial unset <string> <url> <identifier> 函数 calc() toggle() 生成内容 counter() counters() attr() 图像 <image> image() image-set() <gradient> linear-gradient() radial-gradient() repeating-linear-gradient() repeating-radial-gradient() 数字 <number> <integer> <percentage> 附录 颜色关键字 媒体类型 CSS Hack 条件Hack 属性级Hack 选择符级Hack 问题和经验 Bugs和解决方案 技巧和经验 其它经验


column-rule:<' column-rule-width '> || <' column-rule-style '> || <' column-rule-color '>







  • <' column-rule-width '>:设置或检索对象的列与列之间的边框厚度。

  • <' column-rule-style '>:设置或检索对象的列与列之间的边框样式。

  • <' column-rule-color '>:设置或检索对象的列与列之间的边框颜色。


设置或检索对象的列与列之间的边框。复合属性。参阅 <' border '> 属性
  • 对应的脚本特性为columnRule


ValuesIEFirefoxChromeSafariOperaiOS SafariAndroid BrowserAndroid Chrome
Basic Support6.0-9.02.0-40.0-moz-4.0-45.0-webkit-6.0-8.0-webkit-15.0-29.0-webkit-6.0-8.3-webkit-2.1-4.4.4-webkit-18.0-42.0-webkit-



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="zh-cmn-Hans">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="author" content="Joy Du(飘零雾雨), dooyoe@gmail.com, www.doyoe.com" />
body{font:14px/1.5 georgia,serif,sans-serif;}
p{margin:0;padding:5px 10px;background:#eee;}
h1{margin:10px 0;font-size:16px;}
	border:10px solid #000;
	-moz-column-rule:10px solid #090;
	-webkit-column-rule:10px solid #090;
	column-rule:10px solid #090;
<div class="test">
	<p>This module describes multi-column layout in CSS. By using functionality described in this document, style sheets can declare that the content of an element is to be laid out in multiple columns. </p>
	<p>On the Web, tables have also been used to describe multi-column layouts. The main benefit of using CSS-based columns is flexibility; content can flow from one column to another, and the number of columns can vary depending on the size of the viewport. Removing presentation table markup from documents allows them to more easily be presented on various output devices including speech synthesizers and small mobile devices.</p>

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