이 문서에서는 PHP 중국어 웹사이트 매뉴얼 풀어 주다
内容类别 | Flow content, phrasing content, palpable content. |
允许的内容 | Phrasing content. |
标记遗漏 | 没有; 起始和结束标签都是强制性的。 |
允许的父母 | 任何接受 phrasing content. 的元素。 |
允许ARIA角色 | 任何 |
DOM接口 | HTMLTimeElement |
该属性表示此元素的时间和日期,并且属性值必须是一个有效的日期格式,并可包含时间。 如果此值不能被解析为日期,元素不会有一个关联的时间戳.
<p>The concert starts at <time>20:00</time>.</p>
example<p>The concert took place on <time datetime="2001-05-15T19:00">May 15</time>.</p>
Specification | Status | Comment |
HTML Living StandardThe definition of '<time>' in that specification. | Living Standard | No change from HTML 5.1 |
HTML 5.1The definition of '<time>' in that specification. | Recommendation | No change from HTML5 |
HTML5The definition of '<time>' in that specification. | Recommendation | Initial definition. |
Feature | Chrome | Edge | Firefox | Internet Explorer | Opera | Safari |
Basic Support | 62 | (Yes) | 22 | No | 49 11.5 — 12 | 7 |
datetime | 62 | (Yes) | 22 | No | 49 11.5 — 12 | 7 |
Feature | Android | Chrome for Android | Edge mobile | Firefox for Android | IE mobile | Opera Android | iOS Safari |
Basic Support | 62 | 62 | (Yes) | 22 | No | 49 11.5 — 12 | 4 |
datetime | 62 | 62 | (Yes) | 22 | No | 49 11.5 — 12 | 4 |