이 문서에서는 PHP 중국어 웹사이트 매뉴얼 풀어 주다
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0)
strptime — 解析由 strftime() 生成的日期/时间
, string $format
) strptime() 返回一个将
解析后的数组,如果出错返回 FALSE
setlocale() 设定的当前区域( LC_TIME
( string )被解析的字符串(例如从 strftime() 返回的)
( string ) date
strftime() 中所使用的相同)。
更多有关格式选项的信息见 strftime() 页面。
返回一个数组 或者在失败时返回 FALSE
键名 | 说明 |
tm_sec | 当前分钟内的秒数(0-61) |
tm_min | 当前小时内的分钟数(0-59) |
tm_hour | 午夜起的小时数(0-23) |
tm_mday | 月份中的第几天(1-31) |
tm_mon | 自一月起过了几个月(0-11) |
tm_year | 自 1900 年起过了几年 |
tm_wday | 自星期天起过了几天(0-6) |
tm_yday | 本年自一月一日起过了多少天(0-365) |
unparsed | date 中未能通过指定的
format 识别的部分 |
Example #1 strptime() 例子
$format = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S' ;
$strf = strftime ( $format );
echo " $strf \n" ;
print_r ( strptime ( $strf , $format ));
03/10/2004 15:54:19Array ( [tm_sec] => 19 [tm_min] => 54 [tm_hour] => 15 [tm_mday] => 3 [tm_mon] => 9 [tm_year] => 104 [tm_wday] => 0 [tm_yday] => 276 [unparsed] => )
Note: 此函数未在 Windows 平台下实现。
Internally, this function calls the strptime() function provided by the system's C library. This function can exhibit noticeably different behaviour across different operating systems. The use of date_parse_from_format() , which does not suffer from these issues, is recommended on PHP 5.3.0 and later.
"tm_sec" includes any leap seconds (currently upto 2 a year). For more information on leap seconds, see the » Wikipedia article on leap seconds.
Prior to PHP 5.2.0, this function could return undefined behaviour. Notably, the "tm_sec", "tm_min" and "tm_hour" entries would return undefined values.
[#1] peter at removethisplease dot ddcrew dot com [2014-10-07 13:48:39]
emanuil's comment / mktime() example is wrong, in that his mktime() line should have $ts['tm_mon'] + 1 because strptime() returns the months zero-based, while mktime() expects it one-based.
[#2] arnold at nijboer dot it [2014-01-26 14:28:50]
the example (or the function) has an inconsistancy with other PHP functions.
the example returns 104 for the year 2004
while in the strftime function the 2 digit year is 70-100 for 1970-2000
and 1-69 for 2001-2069
[#3] emanuil dot tolev at gmail dot com [2012-06-21 16:08:59]
Be careful: the output of strptime() ( http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strptime.php ) cannot always be used with mktime() ( http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.mktime.php )!
This is not because of what platform you're using or what format strings glibc supports. This is simply because strptime returns years SINCE 1900 (as documented above) and mktime expects a year in the format returned by date('Y') - which is the full 4 digits.
Therefore, if you parse a date with strptime and want to give it to mktime, you have to pass in ($parsed_time['tm_year'] + 1900) as the year parameter to mktime(), not just $parsed_time['tm_year'].
This issue arose when I had a date like: 19/06/2012 12:03:34. strtotime() doesn't parse this particular format, so I needed custom parsing. So I ended up with:
1. $ts = $service->getNeededDateTime();
2. $ts = strptime($ts, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S');
3. $ts = mktime($ts['tm_hour'], $ts['tm_min'], $ts['tm_sec'],
$ts['tm_mon'], $ts['tm_mday'], ($ts['tm_year'] + 1900));
[#4] 131 [2011-04-21 12:17:41]
Another portage for windows (from ex/yks toolkit)
// public static
function strptime($date, $format) {
$masks = array(
'%d' => '(?P<d>[0-9]{2})',
'%m' => '(?P<m>[0-9]{2})',
'%Y' => '(?P<Y>[0-9]{4})',
'%H' => '(?P<H>[0-9]{2})',
'%M' => '(?P<M>[0-9]{2})',
'%S' => '(?P<S>[0-9]{2})',
// usw..
$rexep = "#".strtr(preg_quote($format), $masks)."#";
if(!preg_match($rexep, $date, $out))
return false;
$ret = array(
"tm_sec" => (int) $out['S'],
"tm_min" => (int) $out['M'],
"tm_hour" => (int) $out['H'],
"tm_mday" => (int) $out['d'],
"tm_mon" => $out['m']?$out['m']-1:0,
"tm_year" => $out['Y'] > 1900 ? $out['Y'] - 1900 : 0,
return $ret;
[#5] Quietust [2009-02-27 08:38:02]
On some systems, particularly those of BSD lineage (such as FreeBSD and MacOS X), the tm_wday and tm_yday fields are only initialized if requested explicitly (that is, if the %a/%A/%u/%w and %j formats are specified), while others such as Linux and Solaris will calculate them automatically.
[#6] Altar 2010 [2008-10-24 01:45:41]
If you want to parse a date or a /time in windows env, i re-write strptime function for windows.
I use the same param and i return the same think that the original one.
I use sscanf to parde the string.
Only some format can be parsed (%S, %M, %H, %d, %m, %Y)
See this page (because the function is too big for this notes)
preview :
if(function_exists("strptime") == false)
function strptime($sDate, $sFormat)
$aResult = array
'tm_sec' => 0,
'tm_min' => 0,
'tm_hour' => 0,
'tm_mday' => 1,
'tm_mon' => 0,
'tm_year' => 0,
'tm_wday' => 0,
'tm_yday' => 0,
'unparsed' => $sDate,
while($sFormat != "")
// ===== Search a %x element, Check the static string before the %x =====
$nIdxFound = strpos($sFormat, '%');
if($nIdxFound === false)
// There is no more format. Check the last static string.
$aResult['unparsed'] = ($sFormat == $sDate) ? "" : $sDate;
// ===== Create the other value of the result array =====
$nParsedDateTimestamp = mktime($aResult['tm_hour'], $aResult['tm_min'], $aResult['tm_sec'],
$aResult['tm_mon'] + 1, $aResult['tm_mday'], $aResult['tm_year'] + 1900);
// Before PHP 5.1 return -1 when error
if(($nParsedDateTimestamp === false)
||($nParsedDateTimestamp === -1)) return false;
$aResult['tm_wday'] = (int) strftime("%w", $nParsedDateTimestamp); // Days since Sunday (0-6)
$aResult['tm_yday'] = (strftime("%j", $nParsedDateTimestamp) - 1); // Days since January 1 (0-365)
return $aResult;
} // END of function
} // END if(function_exists("strptime") == false)
[#7] firefox3107 at gmail dot com [2008-03-23 18:44:18]
For Windows user! It's rather the same as strptime!
It uses the previous function: but call strToTime($date, $format) to strToDate($date, $format) because this name is forgiven!
function strToDateTime($date, $format) {
if(!($date = strToDate($date, $format))) return;
$dateTime = array('sec' => 0, 'min' => 0, 'hour' => 0, 'day' => 0, 'mon' => 0, 'year' => 0, 'timestamp' => 0);
foreach($date as $key => $val) {
switch($key) {
case 'd':
case 'j': $dateTime['day'] = intval($val); break;
case 'D': $dateTime['day'] = intval(date('j', $val)); break;
case 'm':
case 'n': $dateTime['mon'] = intval($val); break;
case 'M': $dateTime['mon'] = intval(date('n', $val)); break;
case 'Y': $dateTime['year'] = intval($val); break;
case 'y': $dateTime['year'] = intval($val)+2000; break;
case 'G':
case 'g':
case 'H':
case 'h': $dateTime['hour'] = intval($val); break;
case 'i': $dateTime['min'] = intval($val); break;
case 's': $dateTime['sec'] = intval($val); break;
$dateTime['timestamp'] = mktime($dateTime['hour'], $dateTime['min'], $dateTime['sec'], $dateTime['mon'], $dateTime['day'], $dateTime['year']);
return $dateTime;
[#8] P. [2008-01-30 04:19:49]
If strptime() fails to match all of the format string and therefore an error occurred the function returns NULL.
[#9] chad 0x40 herballure 0x2e com [2007-06-15 07:00:48]
The result of strptime() is not affected by the current timezone setting, even though strftime() is. Tested in PHP 5.1.6.
[#10] svenr at selfhtml dot org [2006-11-23 01:44:18]
If you need strptime but are restricted to a php version which does not support it (windows or before PHP 5), note that MySQL since Version 4.1.1 offers (almost?) the same functionality with the STR_TO_DATE function.
See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/date-and-time-functions.html
[#11] DT <pwadas at gazeta dot pl> [2006-08-10 12:55:11]
//This turns non-standard but often used "datetime" string
//like '20060810084251' into nice formatted date
//'Thursday, 10 August 2006 08:42:51 CEST'
//note, that strptime returns day of year counting from 0, so
//you need to put 1 as month number to get appropriate
//month for the daycount. for 2006 strptime for unknown
//reason returns 106, so I simply add 1900
$informat = '%Y%m%d%H%M%S';
$outformat = '%A, %d %B %Y %T %Z';
$ftime = strptime("20060810084251",$informat);
$unxTimestamp = mktime(
1 ,
$ftime['tm_yday'] + 1,
$ftime['tm_year'] + 1900
echo strftime($outformat , $unxTimestamp );
[#12] jojyjob at gmail dot com [2006-05-13 00:18:20]
$out = pre();
$result = array_reverse($outpre);
$newarray = array_merge($result,$out);
foreach($newarray as $date1){
echo $date1;
echo "<br>";
function pre()
//echo $td;
case "Monday":
case "Tuesday":
case "Wednesday":
case "Thursday":
case "Friday":
case "Saturday":
case "Sunday":
echo "Sorry";
//echo $tdname."<br>";
//echo $rep;
$datstart =$td;
//$rep = 12;
$nod = 1;
$nom = 0;
$noy = 0;
return $precon;
function future_date($datstart,$rep,$nod,$nom,$noy) {
$pre = array();
while ($rep >= 1) {
$fda=$datdd - $nod;
$fmo=$datmm - $nom;
$fyr=$datyy -$noy;
$dat1=date("Y-m-d", mktime(0,0,0,$fmo,$fda,$fyr))."<BR>";
//echo $dat1;
return $pre;
function nextweek()
case "Monday":
case "Tuesday":
case "Wednesday":
case "Thursday":
case "Friday":
case "Saturday":
case "Sunday":
echo "Sorry";
//echo $tdname."<br>";
//echo $rep;
$datstart =$td;
//$rep = 12;
$nod = 1;
$nom = 0;
$noy = 0;
$con = future_date1($datstart,$rep,$nod,$nom,$noy);
return $con;
function future_date1($datstart,$rep,$nod,$nom,$noy) {
$pre = array();
while ($rep >= 1) {
$fda=$datdd + $nod;
$fmo=$datmm + $nom;
$fyr=$datyy + $noy;
$dat1=date("Y-m-d", mktime(0,0,0,$fmo,$fda,$fyr))."<BR>";
//echo $dat1;
return $pre;
[#13] Malte Starostik [2006-03-27 10:45:03]
It says "Parse a time/date generated with strftime()" but that's not entirely correct -- While strptime("2006131", "%Y%W%u") works as expected, strptime("2006131", "%G%V%u") returns false instead of reversing the equivalent - and unambiguous - strftime() usage. I suspect that's because glibc doesn't support that. Anyway, this docu page fails to mention that apparently not all format components supported by strftime() can be used with strptime().