이 문서에서는 PHP 중국어 웹사이트 매뉴얼 풀어 주다
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
dir — 返回一个 Directory 类实例
[, resource $context
] )
Note: 在 PHP 5.0.0 中增加了对上下文(Context)的支持。有关上下文(Context)的说明参见 Streams。
成功的话,返回一个 Directory 类实例, 参数错误的情况下返回 NULL
其它错误情况返回 FALSE
Example #1 dir() 示例
请特别注意下面示例中 Directory::read() 函数返回值的判断方式。
比较运算符 )返回值等于 FALSE
,因为有些情况下,目录名可能"等于" FALSE
$d = dir ( "/etc/php5" );
echo "Handle: " . $d -> handle . "\n" ;
echo "Path: " . $d -> path . "\n" ;
while ( false !== ( $entry = $d -> read ())) {
echo $entry . "\n" ;
$d -> close ();
Handle: Resource id #2 Path: /etc/php5 . .. apache cgi cli
[#1] Alex A. [2011-08-02 05:27:26]
function printCurrentDirRecursively($originDirectory, $printDistance=0){
// just a little html-styling
if($printDistance==0)echo '<div style="color:#35a; font-family:Verdana; font-size:11px;">';
$leftWhiteSpace = "";
for ($i=0; $i < $printDistance; $i++) $leftWhiteSpace = $leftWhiteSpace." ";
$CurrentWorkingDirectory = dir($originDirectory);
if($entry != "." && $entry != ".."){
echo $leftWhiteSpace."<b>".$entry."</b><br>\n";
printCurrentDirRecursively($originDirectory."\\".$entry, $printDistance+2);
echo $leftWhiteSpace.$entry."<br>\n";
if($printDistance==0)echo "</div>";
[#2] GUILLE@GARGANO [2011-01-18 09:17:11]
to get a dir of http://www.example.com/directory
function remotedir($dir)
$dir = str_replace(" ", "%20", html_entity_decode($dir));
if (($rh = fopen($dir, 'rb')) === FALSE) { return false; }
$i = 0;
while (!feof($rh)) {
$archivos = fgetss($rh);
$directorio[$i++] = trim( substr($archivos,1,strpos($archivos," ",1)) );
return $directorio;
[#3] emanueledelgrande at email dot it [2009-10-01 06:14:28]
When creating custom solutions, use predefined PHP constants to shorten your code and improve performances:
For example, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR may replace a function in which you check PHP_OS to set if the directory separator is "/" or "\\".
[#4] sojka at online-forum dot net [2008-10-20 03:47:02]
That's the way, I'm storing recursive dirs to an array.
public static function getTreeFolders($sRootPath = UPLOAD_PATH_PROJECT, $iDepth = 0) {
$aDirs = array();
$oDir = dir($sRootPath);
while(($sDir = $oDir->read()) !== false) {
if($sDir != '.' && $sDir != '..' && is_dir($sRootPath.$sDir)) {
$aDirs[$iDepth]['sName'][] = $sDir;
$aDirs[$iDepth]['aSub'][] = self::getTreeFolders($sRootPath.$sDir.'/',$iDepth);
return empty($aDirs) ? false : $aDirs;
[#5] manuel at buschmanuel dot de [2008-02-07 14:45:43]
Here my solution how to do effective recursiv directory listing.
Have fun.
$d = new RecDir("/etc/",false);
echo "Path: " . $d->getRootPath() . "\n";
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
echo $entry."\n";
class RecDir
protected $currentPath;
protected $slash;
protected $rootPath;
protected $recursiveTree;
function __construct($rootPath,$win=false)
case true:
$this->slash = '\\';
$this->slash = '/';
$this->rootPath = $rootPath;
$this->currentPath = $rootPath;
$this->recursiveTree = array(dir($this->rootPath));
function __destruct()
public function close()
while(true === ($d = array_pop($this->recursiveTree)))
public function closeChildren()
while(count($this->recursiveTree)>1 && false !== ($d = array_pop($this->recursiveTree)))
return true;
return false;
public function getRootPath()
return $this->rootPath;
return false;
public function getCurrentPath()
return $this->currentPath;
return false;
public function read()
$d = end($this->recursiveTree);
if((false !== ($entry = $d->read())))
if($entry!='.' && $entry!='..')
$path = $d->path.$entry;
return $path;
$this->currentPath = $path.$this->slash;
if($child = @dir($path.$this->slash))
$this->recursiveTree[] = $child;
return false;
public function rewind()
public function rewindCurrent()
return end($this->recursiveTree)->rewind();
[#6] cf at chronofish dot com [2007-06-25 15:23:29]
The dir Class, from what I can tell, on a Windows box is not a live image of the directory. When the class is instantiated it takes a snapshot of the directory and then the iterator works off that.
I may be wrong, but when I run two processes that look to see if a directory exists, and then deletes the dir when some processing takes place. Deletes from one process do not effect the iteration of the second.
To get around this I check that the file exists before doing my processing:
$d = dir($dataDir);
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read()))
if ($entry != '..' && $entry != '.' && file_exists("$dataDir\\$entry"))
// do stuff
I run this as a batch process and can activate it multiple times to process the directory listing in parallel.
[#7] thomas at hawkes dot ca [2007-01-31 18:10:09]
With SPL, you could recursively list all of the folders inside the current directory like this:
$it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('./');
// RecursiveIteratorIterator accepts the following modes:
// LEAVES_ONLY = 0 (default)
foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator($it, 2) as $path) {
if ($path->isDir()) {
echo "$path\n";
[#8] http://www.rooftopsolutions.nl [2007-01-18 09:17:46]
$i = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('.'));
works for me..
[#9] alex at snet-group dot org [2006-10-01 11:55:49]
IMHO, thats take most effect with smaller number of errors;)
function get_leaf_dirs($dir)
$array = array();
$d = @dir($dir);
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read()))
if($entry!='.' && $entry!='..')
$entry = $dir.'/'.$entry;
$subdirs = get_leaf_dirs($entry);
if ($subdirs)
$array = array_merge($array, $subdirs);
$array[] = $entry;
return $array;
[#10] done_to_death at example dot com [2006-08-23 17:56:08]
function directoryList($start,$win32=false){
$basename = pathinfo($start);
$basename = $basename['basename'];
$dir = dir($start);
while($item = $dir->read()){
if(is_dir($start.$slash.$item)&& $item!="." && $item!=".."){
return $ls;
$path = pathinfo(__FILE__);
$ls = directoryList($path['dirname'], true);
[#11] [2006-02-22 13:02:31]
Regarding samuel's comment about the dir() function not supporting Unicode properly, it's all in the encoding. The function does NOT internally change Unicode characters into question marks (?), as I was first led to believe. If you simply try to output them in UTF-8, they'll show up just right.
[#12] samuel dot l at mushicrew dot com [2006-01-24 10:52:21]
Note that the dir object will use the default encoding for non-unicode programs on Windows with PHP 5.x.
So, if you have a file named with characters unsupported by the current default encoding, the dir->read() method will return a wrong entry.
$d = dir("./");
while(false !== ($e = $d->read()))
echo $e . '<br/>';
This will print a "?" for every unsupported characters, and not the right file name. So take care if you check with is_file/is_dir right after enumerating.
[#13] radar at frozenplague dot net [2006-01-13 00:00:18]
Regarding jaqb's post about a correction to the read_dir function, I have one small fix too if people wish to also list the directories inside this directory and read them into the same array.
function read_dir($dir) {
$array = array();
$d = dir($dir);
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
if($entry!='.' && $entry!='..') {
$entry = $dir.'/'.$entry;
if(is_dir($entry)) {
$array[] = $entry;
$array = array_merge($array, read_dir($entry));
} else {
$array[] = $entry;
return $array;
[#14] fordiman at gmail dot com [2006-01-10 22:15:20]
Saw the leaf dirs bit... quick mod:
function preg_ls ($path=".", $rec=false, $pat="/.*/") {
$pat=preg_replace ("|(/.*/[^S]*)|s", "\\1S", $pat);
while (substr ($path,-1,1) =="/") $path=substr ($path,0,-1);
if (!is_dir ($path) ) $path=dirname ($path);
if ($rec!==true) $rec=false;
$d=dir ($path);
$ret=Array ();
while (false!== ($e=$d->read () ) ) {
if ( ($e==".") || ($e=="..") ) continue;
if ($rec && is_dir ($path."/".$e) ) {
$ret=array_merge ($ret,preg_ls($path."/".$e,$rec,$pat));
if (!preg_match ($pat,$e) ) continue;
return (empty ($ret) && preg_match ($pat,basename($path))) ? Array ($path."/") : $ret;
foreach (preg_ls ("/usr/share/fluxbox", true, "/[LT]e[sa]/i") as $file) echo $file."\n";
[#15] fordiman at gmail dot com [2006-01-10 22:05:59]
This one's pretty nice. After getting frustrated for hunting down .jpg files in my massive music collection (PHP would run out of memory), I thought there should be a preg_ls function.
function preg_ls ($path=".", $rec=false, $pat="/.*/") {
// it's going to be used repeatedly, ensure we compile it for speed.
$pat=preg_replace("|(/.*/[^S]*)|s", "\\1S", $pat);
//Remove trailing slashes from path
while (substr($path,-1,1)=="/") $path=substr($path,0,-1);
//also, make sure that $path is a directory and repair any screwups
if (!is_dir($path)) $path=dirname($path);
//assert either truth or falsehoold of $rec, allow no scalars to mean truth
if ($rec!==true) $rec=false;
//get a directory handle
//initialise the output array
//loop, reading until there's no more to read
while (false!==($e=$d->read())) {
//Ignore parent- and self-links
if (($e==".")||($e=="..")) continue;
//If we're working recursively and it's a directory, grab and merge
if ($rec && is_dir($path."/".$e)) {
//If it don't match, exclude it
if (!preg_match($pat,$e)) continue;
//In all other cases, add it to the output array
//finally, return the array
return $ret;
Not bad for a mere 18 lines, don't you think?
Example use:
foreach (preg_ls("/etc/X11", true, "/.*\.conf/i") as $file) echo $file."\n";
[#16] Anton Backer [2006-01-04 19:24:35]
i've modified the script below to get the leaf folders of any directory (folders with no subfolders).
note: this does not return the folder passed in as a parameter, even if it has no subfolders.
function get_leaf_dirs($dir) {
$array = array();
$d = dir($dir);
while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
if($entry!='.' && $entry!='..') {
$entry = $dir.'/'.$entry;
if(is_dir($entry)) {
$subdirs = get_leaf_dirs($entry);
if ($subdirs)
$array = array_merge($array, $subdirs);
$array[] = $entry;
return $array;