이 문서에서는 PHP 중국어 웹사이트 매뉴얼 풀어 주다
Each module provides two kind of APIs: a procedural one and an object oriented one. Both are actually identical and described in the corresponding document.
All input strings must be in UTF-8 encoding. All output strings are also in UTF-8.
Example #1 Example of using the procedural API
$coll = collator_create ( 'en_US' );
$result = collator_compare ( $coll , "string#1" , "string#2" );
Example #2 Example of using the object-oriented API
$coll = new Collator ( 'en_US' );
$al = $coll -> getLocale ( Locale :: ACTUAL_LOCALE );
echo "Actual locale: $al \n" ;
$formatter = new NumberFormatter ( 'en_US' , NumberFormatter :: DECIMAL );
echo $formatter -> format ( 1234567 );
[#1] RoboTamer [2012-06-05 20:26:21]
Get the default currency for a country:
$formatter = new NumberFormatter('de_DE', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
echo $formatter->getTextAttribute(NumberFormatter::CURRENCY_CODE);
$formatter = new NumberFormatter('en_US', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
echo $formatter->getTextAttribute(NumberFormatter::CURRENCY_CODE);
$formatter = new NumberFormatter('ja_JP', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
echo $formatter->getTextAttribute(NumberFormatter::CURRENCY_CODE);