이 문서에서는 PHP 중국어 웹사이트 매뉴얼 풀어 주다
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
imagepsbbox — 给出一个使用 PostScript Type1 字体的文本方框
, resource $font
, int $size
, resource $font
, int $size
, int $space
, int $tightness
, float $angle
)给出一个使用 PostScript Type1 字体的文本方框。
围绕文本范围的虚拟方框是用从字符度量学中的可用信息来计算的,不幸的是往往和实际上光栅生成的文本的结果有少许不同。如果角度为 0 度,(根据经验)文本在每个方向上都需要多 1 个像素。
imagepsloadfont() 所返回的字体资源。
可以用来改变字体中默认间距的值。此值将被加到通常的值上,可以为负值。 以字符间距单元表示,1 个单元为 1 em-square 的一千分之一。
以字符间距单元表示,1 个单元为 1 em-square 的一千分之一。
0 | 左下角的 X 坐标 |
1 | 左下角的 Y 坐标 |
2 | 右上角的 X 坐标 |
3 | 右上角的 Y 坐标 |
Example #1 imagepsbbox() 用法
// 创建图像的句柄
$im = imagecreatetruecolor ( 200 , 200 );
// 分配颜色
$black = imagecolorallocate ( $im , 0 , 0 , 0 );
$white = imagecolorallocate ( $im , 255 , 255 , 255 );
// 载入 PostScript 字体
$font = imagepsloadfont ( 'font.pfm' );
// 设置文本方框
$bbox = imagepsbbox ( 'Sample text is simple' , $font , 12 );
// 定义 X 和 Y
$x = ( $bbox [ 2 ] / 2 ) - 10 ;
$y = ( $bbox [ 3 ] / 2 ) - 10 ;
// 字体写入图像
imagepstext ( $im , 'Sample text is simple' , $font , 12 , $black , $white , $x , $y );
// 输出并释放内存
header ( 'Content-type: image/png' );
imagepng ( $im );
imagedestroy ( $im );
Note: 此函数仅在 PHP 编译时指定了 --with-t1lib[=DIR] 时可用。
[#1] eikie [2008-05-05 09:32:30]
in my code below, there is an error!
$w += abs($bb[3])-abs($bb[1]); // accumulate width
$w += abs($bb[2])-abs($bb[0]); // accumulate width
also after
$bb = imagepsbbox($c, $font, $size); // calculate width
you can add this line because spaces make odd values...
if ($c == ' ' ) $bb = imagepsbbox('i', $font, $size);
[#2] eikie [2008-05-05 08:34:55]
I have a given image width and need to render a long string on that image. By using the following function I'm, able to get an array of strings which each will fit into the images width. It might need a lot of CPU time, but it's cool:
// Function to return an Array of Strings
// Arguments: String to be wrapped, maximum width in pixels of each line, font and fontsize
function imgwordwrap($s, $maxWidth, $font, $size) {
// Make an empty ArrayList
$a = array();
$w = 0; // Accumulate width of chars
$i = 0; // Count through chars
$rememberSpace = 0; // Remember where the last space was
// As long as we are not at the end of the String
while ($i < strlen($s)) {
// Current char
$c = substr($s, $i, 1);
$bb = imagepsbbox($c, $font, $size); // calculate width
$w += abs($bb[3])-abs($bb[1]); // accumulate width
if ($c == ' ') $rememberSpace = $i; // Are we a blank space?
if ($w > $maxWidth) { // Have we reached the end of a line?
$sub = substr($s,0,$rememberSpace); // Make a substring
// Chop off space at beginning
if (substr($sub,0,1)==' ') $sub = substr($sub,1);
// Add substring to the array
$a[] = $sub;
// Reset everything
$s = substr($s,$rememberSpace);
$i = 0;
$w = 0;
else {
$i++; // Keep going!
// Take care of the last remaining line
if (substr($s,0,1)==' ') $s = substr($s,1);
$a[] = $s;
return $a;
[#3] honza dot bartos at gmail dot com [2006-10-23 14:25:36]
When using imagepsbbox, keep in mind, that meaning of y-coordinates is slightly different here. Y-coordinates returned by this function are related to the baseline of the text starting at point [0,0]. Positive values represent points ABOVE the baseline, negative values represent points BELOW the baseline. That is why the lower left y-coordinate is always smaller here than the upper right y-coordinate (these two coordinates are actualy values of metrics.descent and metrics.ascent - see T1Lib docs).
So when you want to place some text using coordinates of the top left corner (for example [100,100]), use this:
$x = 100;
$y = 100;
$text = "Dodge this";
list($lx,$ly,$rx,$ry) = imagepsbbox($text,$font,$fontsize);
imagepstext ($someimage, $text, $font, $fontsize, $somecolor, $somecolor, $x, $y + $ry);
Hope it helps someone, I got stuck with this for a while.
[#4] daniel at dantec dot NO_SPAM dot nl [2002-04-17 21:23:46]
When using imagepsbbox, you are probably trying to do something like creating a button with text, so that the button is large enough for the text...
Below is a very simple example of making a black button just big enough to display white text on it.
//if text is no variable set sample text
if (!$text)
$text = "This is a sample text";
// set the font size
// load the font to use
//get the left lower corner and the right upper
list($lx,$ly,$rx,$ry) = imagepsbbox($text,$font,$fontsize,0,0,0);
// calculate the size of the text
$textwidth = $rx - $lx;
$textheight = $ry - $ly;
// make an image 40 pixels wider and 20 pixels higher than the text
$imh = $textheight + 20;
$imw = $textwidth + 40;
$im = imageCreate( $imw, $imh );
//define colors, first color is used as background color!
$black = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 0, 0);
$white = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 255, 255, 255);
//create the text (with the same parameters as imagepsbbox!)
ImagePSText ($im, "$text", $font, $fontsize, $white, $white, 20, 20,'','','',4);
//send the header
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
// create the image
ImageJPEG ($im,"",100);
//destroy the image & font to free memory
Imagepsfreefont ( $font );
ImageDestroy ( $im );