이 문서에서는 PHP 중국어 웹사이트 매뉴얼 풀어 주다
(PECL gmagick >= Unknown)
Gmagick::setimagecolorspace — Sets the image colorspace
)Sets the image colorspace.
The image colorspace: UndefinedColorspace, RGBColorspace, GRAYColorspace, TransparentColorspace, OHTAColorspace, XYZColorspace, YCbCrColorspace, YCCColorspace, YIQColorspace, YPbPrColorspace, YPbPrColorspace, YUVColorspace, CMYKColorspace, sRGBColorspace, HSLColorspace, or HWBColorspace.
The Gmagick object on success
错误时抛出 GmagickException。
[#1] MPLong [2010-06-28 11:24:35]
Convert CMYK to RGB:
$cs = $im->getimagecolorspace();
if ($cs == Gmagick::COLORSPACE_CMYK)