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Imagick::sparseColorImage — Interpolates colors
, array $arguments
[, int $channel
] )
Given the arguments array containing numeric values this method interpolates
the colors found at those coordinates across the whole image using sparse_method
此方法在Imagick基于ImageMagick 6.4.5以上版本编译时可用。
Refer to this list of sparse method constants
An array containing the coordinates. The array is in format array(1,1, 2,45)
Provide any channel constant that is valid for your channel mode. To apply to more than one channel, combine channel constants using bitwise operators. 缺省为 Imagick::CHANNEL_DEFAULT
参考此 通道常数列表
成功时返回 TRUE
错误时抛出 ImagickException。
Example #1 SPARSECOLORMETHOD_BARYCENTRIC Imagick::sparseColorImage()
function renderImageBarycentric2 () {
$points = [
[ 0.30 , 0.10 , 'red' ],
[ 0.10 , 0.80 , 'blue' ],
[ 0.70 , 0.60 , 'lime' ],
[ 0.80 , 0.20 , 'yellow' ],
$imagick = createGradientImage (
400 , 400 ,
$points ,
header ( "Content-Type: image/png" );
echo $imagick -> getImageBlob ();
Example #2 SPARSECOLORMETHOD_BILINEAR Imagick::sparseColorImage()
function renderImageBilinear () {
$points = [[ 0.30 , 0.10 , 'red' ], [ 0.10 , 0.80 , 'blue' ], [ 0.70 , 0.60 , 'lime' ], [ 0.80 , 0.20 , 'yellow' ],];
$imagick = createGradientImage ( 500 , 500 , $points , \ Imagick :: SPARSECOLORMETHOD_BILINEAR );
header ( "Content-Type: image/png" );
echo $imagick -> getImageBlob ();
Example #3 SPARSECOLORMETHOD_SPEPARDS Imagick::sparseColorImage()
function renderImageShepards () {
$points = [
[ 0.30 , 0.10 , 'red' ],
[ 0.10 , 0.80 , 'blue' ],
[ 0.70 , 0.60 , 'lime' ],
[ 0.80 , 0.20 , 'yellow' ],
$imagick = createGradientImage ( 600 , 600 , $points , \ Imagick :: SPARSECOLORMETHOD_SPEPARDS );
header ( "Content-Type: image/png" );
echo $imagick -> getImageBlob ();
Example #4 SPARSECOLORMETHOD_VORONOI Imagick::sparseColorImage()
function renderImageVoronoi () {
$points = [
[ 0.30 , 0.10 , 'red' ],
[ 0.10 , 0.80 , 'blue' ],
[ 0.70 , 0.60 , 'lime' ],
[ 0.80 , 0.20 , 'yellow' ],
$imagick = createGradientImage ( 500 , 500 , $points , \ Imagick :: SPARSECOLORMETHOD_VORONOI );
header ( "Content-Type: image/png" );
echo $imagick -> getImageBlob ();
Example #5 SPARSECOLORMETHOD_BARYCENTRIC Imagick::sparseColorImage()
function renderImageBarycentric () {
$points = [
[ 0 , 0 , 'skyblue' ],
[- 1 , 1 , 'skyblue' ],
[ 1 , 1 , 'black' ],
$imagick = createGradientImage ( 600 , 200 , $points , \ Imagick :: SPARSECOLORMETHOD_BARYCENTRIC );
header ( "Content-Type: image/png" );
echo $imagick -> getImageBlob ();
Example #6 createGradientImage is used by other examples. Imagick::sparseColorImage()
function createGradientImage ( $width , $height , $colorPoints , $sparseMethod , $absolute = false ) {
$imagick = new \ Imagick ();
$imagick -> newImage ( $width , $height , "white" );
$imagick -> setImageFormat ( "png" );
$barycentricPoints = array();
foreach ( $colorPoints as $colorPoint ) {
if ( $absolute == true ) {
$barycentricPoints [] = $colorPoint [ 0 ];
$barycentricPoints [] = $colorPoint [ 1 ];
else {
$barycentricPoints [] = $colorPoint [ 0 ] * $width ;
$barycentricPoints [] = $colorPoint [ 1 ] * $height ;
if ( is_string ( $colorPoint [ 2 ])) {
$imagickPixel = new \ ImagickPixel ( $colorPoint [ 2 ]);
else if ( $colorPoint [ 2 ] instanceof \ ImagickPixel ) {
$imagickPixel = $colorPoint [ 2 ];
$errorMessage = sprintf (
"Value %s is neither a string nor an ImagickPixel class. Cannot use as a color." ,
$colorPoint [ 2 ]
throw new \ InvalidArgumentException (
$red = $imagickPixel -> getColorValue (\ Imagick :: COLOR_RED );
$green = $imagickPixel -> getColorValue (\ Imagick :: COLOR_GREEN );
$blue = $imagickPixel -> getColorValue (\ Imagick :: COLOR_BLUE );
$alpha = $imagickPixel -> getColorValue (\ Imagick :: COLOR_ALPHA );
$barycentricPoints [] = $red ;
$barycentricPoints [] = $green ;
$barycentricPoints [] = $blue ;
$barycentricPoints [] = $alpha ;
$imagick -> sparseColorImage ( $sparseMethod , $barycentricPoints );
return $imagick ;