이 문서에서는 PHP 중국어 웹사이트 매뉴얼 풀어 주다
(PECL imagick 2.0.0)
ImagickPixel::getColor — Returns the color
= false
] )Returns the color described by the ImagickPixel object, as an array. If the color has an opacity channel set, this is provided as a fourth value in the list.
Normalize the color values
An array of channel values, each normalized if TRUE
is given as param. Throws
ImagickPixelException on error.
Example #1 Basic Imagick::getColor() usage
//Create an ImagickPixel with the predefined color 'brown'
$color = new ImagickPixel ( 'brown' );
//Set the color to have an alpha of 25%
$color -> setColorValue ( Imagick :: COLOR_ALPHA , 64 / 256.0 );
$colorInfo = $color -> getColor ();
echo "Standard values" . PHP_EOL ;
print_r ( $colorInfo );
$colorInfo = $color -> getColor ( true );
echo "Normalized values:" . PHP_EOL ;
print_r ( $colorInfo );
Standard values Array ( [r] => 165 [g] => 42 [b] => 42 [a] => 0 ) Normalized values: Array ( [r] => 0.64705882352941 [g] => 0.16470588235294 [b] => 0.16470588235294 [a] => 0.25000381475547 )
[#1] roman [2013-05-10 21:27:40]
In case you use default un-normalized getColor value the alpha value will always be either 0 or 1.
If you want to use real full-range 0-1 alpha channel on your 24bit transparent images use the alpha value from the normalized one, even if you use the rest of unnormalized data.
To copy a 24bit png with real alpha transparency, you would have to do this:
$im=new Imagick( 'image.png' );
foreach ($iterator as $row=>$pixels) {
foreach ( $pixels as $column => $pixel ){
$un_color=$pixel->getColor(); //unnormalized color
$nor_color=$pixel->getColor(true); //normalized color
If you use 'a' (alpha) value from the unnormalized color there will only be binary transparency.