이 문서에서는 PHP 중국어 웹사이트 매뉴얼 풀어 주다
Example #1 Simple timers
// Create and start timer firing after 2 seconds
$w1 = new EvTimer ( 2 , 0 , function () {
echo "2 seconds elapsed\n" ;
// Create and launch timer firing after 2 seconds repeating each second
// until we manually stop it
$w2 = new EvTimer ( 2 , 1 , function ( $w ) {
echo "is called every second, is launched after 2 seconds\n" ;
echo "iteration = " , Ev :: iteration (), PHP_EOL ;
// Stop the watcher after 5 iterations
Ev :: iteration () == 5 and $w -> stop ();
// Stop the watcher if further calls cause more than 10 iterations
Ev :: iteration () >= 10 and $w -> stop ();
// Create stopped timer. It will be inactive until we start it ourselves
$w_stopped = EvTimer :: createStopped ( 10 , 5 , function( $w ) {
echo "Callback of a timer created as stopped\n" ;
// Stop the watcher after 2 iterations
Ev :: iteration () >= 2 and $w -> stop ();
// Loop until Ev::stop() is called or all of watchers stop
Ev :: run ();
// Start and look if it works
$w_stopped -> start ();
echo "Run single iteration\n" ;
Ev :: run ( Ev :: RUN_ONCE );
echo "Restart the second watcher and try to handle the same events, but don't block\n" ;
$w2 -> again ();
Ev :: run ( Ev :: RUN_NOWAIT );
$w = new EvTimer ( 10 , 0 , function() {});
echo "Running a blocking loop\n" ;
Ev :: run ();
echo "END\n" ;
2 seconds elapsed is called every second, is launched after 2 seconds iteration = 1 is called every second, is launched after 2 seconds iteration = 2 is called every second, is launched after 2 seconds iteration = 3 is called every second, is launched after 2 seconds iteration = 4 is called every second, is launched after 2 seconds iteration = 5 Run single iteration Callback of a timer created as stopped Restart the second watcher and try to handle the same events, but don't block Running a blocking loop is called every second, is launched after 2 seconds iteration = 8 is called every second, is launched after 2 seconds iteration = 9 is called every second, is launched after 2 seconds iteration = 10 END
Example #2 Periodic timer. Tick each 10.5 seconds
$w = new EvPeriodic ( 0. , 10.5 , NULL , function ( $w , $revents ) {
echo time (), PHP_EOL ;
Ev :: run ();
Example #3 Periodic timer. Use reschedule callback
// Tick each 10.5 seconds
function reschedule_cb ( $watcher , $now ) {
return $now + ( 10.5 . - fmod ( $now , 10.5 ));
$w = new EvPeriodic ( 0. , 0. , "reschedule_cb" , function ( $w , $revents ) {
echo time (), PHP_EOL ;
Ev :: run ();
Example #4 Periodic timer. Tick every 10.5 seconds starting at now
// Tick every 10.5 seconds starting at now
$w = new EvPeriodic ( fmod ( Ev :: now (), 10.5 ), 10.5 , NULL , function ( $w , $revents ) {
echo time (), PHP_EOL ;
Ev :: run ();
Example #5 Wait until STDIN is readable
// Wait until STDIN is readable
$w = new EvIo ( STDIN , Ev :: READ , function ( $watcher , $revents ) {
echo "STDIN is readable\n" ;
Ev :: run ( Ev :: RUN_ONCE );
Example #6 Use some async I/O to access a socket
// `sockets' extension still logs warnings
error_reporting ( E_ERROR );
$e_nonblocking = array ( 11 , 115 );
// Get the port for the WWW service
$service_port = getservbyname ( 'www' , 'tcp' );
// Get the IP address for the target host
$address = gethostbyname ( 'google.co.uk' );
// Create a TCP/IP socket
$socket = socket_create ( AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , SOL_TCP );
if ( $socket === FALSE ) {
echo "socket_create() failed: reason: "
. socket_strerror ( socket_last_error ()) . "\n" ;
// Set O_NONBLOCK flag
socket_set_nonblock ( $socket );
// Abort on timeout
$timeout_watcher = new EvTimer ( 10.0 , 0. , function () use ( $socket ) {
socket_close ( $socket );
Ev :: stop ( Ev :: BREAK_ALL );
// Make HEAD request when the socket is writable
$write_watcher = new EvIo ( $socket , Ev :: WRITE , function ( $w )
use ( $socket , $timeout_watcher , $e_nonblocking )
// Stop timeout watcher
$timeout_watcher -> stop ();
// Stop write watcher
$w -> stop ();
$in = "HEAD / HTTP/1.1\r\n" ;
$in .= "Host: google.co.uk\r\n" ;
$in .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n" ;
if (! socket_write ( $socket , $in , strlen ( $in ))) {
trigger_error ( "Failed writing $in to socket" , E_USER_ERROR );
$read_watcher = new EvIo ( $socket , Ev :: READ , function ( $w , $re )
use ( $socket , $e_nonblocking )
// Socket is readable. recv() 20 bytes using non-blocking mode
$ret = socket_recv ( $socket , $out , 20 , MSG_DONTWAIT );
if ( $ret ) {
echo $out ;
} elseif ( $ret === 0 ) {
// All read
$w -> stop ();
socket_close ( $socket );
if ( in_array ( socket_last_error (), $e_nonblocking )) {
$w -> stop ();
socket_close ( $socket );
Ev :: run ();
$result = socket_connect ( $socket , $address , $service_port );
Ev :: run ();
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently Location: http://www.google.co.uk/ Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2012 16:08:27 GMT Expires: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 16:08:27 GMT Cache-Control: public, max-age=2592000 Server: gws Content-Length: 221 X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Connection: close
Example #7 Embedding one loop into another
$loop_hi = EvLoop :: defaultLoop ();
$loop_lo = NULL ;
$embed = NULL ;
$loop_lo = Ev :: embeddableBackends () & Ev :: recommendedBackends ()
? new EvLoop ( Ev :: embeddableBackends () & Ev :: recommendedBackends ())
: 0 ;
if ( $loop_lo ) {
$embed = new EvEmbed ( $loop_lo , function () {});
} else {
$loop_lo = $loop_hi ;
Example #8 Embedding loop created with kqueue backend into the default loop
$loop = EvLoop :: defaultLoop ();
$socket_loop = NULL ;
$embed = NULL ;
if ( Ev :: supportedBackends () & ~ Ev :: recommendedBackends () & Ev :: BACKEND_KQUEUE ) {
if (( $socket_loop = new EvLoop ( Ev :: BACKEND_KQUEUE ))) {
$embed = new EvEmbed ( $loop );
if (! $socket_loop ) {
$socket_loop = $loop ;
// Now use $socket_loop for all sockets, and $loop for anything else
Example #9 Handle SIGTERM signal
$w = new EvSignal ( SIGTERM , function ( $watcher ) {
echo "SIGTERM received\n" ;
$watcher -> stop ();
Ev :: run ();
Example #10 Monitor changes of /var/log/messages
// Use 10 second update interval.
$w = new EvStat ( "/var/log/messages" , 8 , function ( $w ) {
echo "/var/log/messages changed\n" ;
$attr = $w -> attr ();
if ( $attr [ 'nlink' ]) {
printf ( "Current size: %ld\n" , $attr [ 'size' ]);
printf ( "Current atime: %ld\n" , $attr [ 'atime' ]);
printf ( "Current mtime: %ld\n" , $attr [ 'mtime' ]);
} else {
fprintf ( STDERR , "`messages` file is not there!" );
$w -> stop ();
Ev :: run ();
Example #11 Monotor changes of /var/log/messages. Avoid missing updates by means of one second delay
$timer = EvTimer :: createStopped ( 0. , 1.02 , function ( $w ) {
$w -> stop ();
$stat = $w -> data ;
// 1 second after the most recent change of the file
printf ( "Current size: %ld\n" , $stat -> attr ()[ 'size' ]);
$stat = new EvStat ( "/var/log/messages" , 0. , function () use ( $timer ) {
// Reset timer watcher
$timer -> again ();
$timer -> data = $stat ;
Ev :: run ();
Example #12 Process status changes
$pid = pcntl_fork ();
if ( $pid == - 1 ) {
fprintf ( STDERR , "pcntl_fork failed\n" );
} elseif ( $pid ) {
$w = new EvChild ( $pid , FALSE , function ( $w , $revents ) {
$w -> stop ();
printf ( "Process %d exited with status %d\n" , $w -> rpid , $w -> rstatus );
Ev :: run ();
// Protect against Zombies
pcntl_wait ( $status );
} else {
//Forked child
exit( 2 );