이 문서에서는 PHP 중국어 웹사이트 매뉴얼 풀어 주다
(PHP 5 >= 5.0.0)
ArrayIterator::next — Move to next entry
The iterator to the next entry.
Example #1 ArrayIterator::next() example
$arrayobject = new ArrayObject ();
$arrayobject [] = 'zero' ;
$arrayobject [] = 'one' ;
$iterator = $arrayobject -> getIterator ();
while( $iterator -> valid ()) {
echo $iterator -> key () . ' => ' . $iterator -> current () . "\n" ;
$iterator -> next ();
0 => zero 1 => one
[#1] onelsonsenna at gmail dot com [2011-10-06 11:09:03]
If you use exchangeArray method of ArrayObject and then next method of ArrayIterator like this:
$fruits = array("apple", "grape", "lemon");
$colors = array("blue", "yellow", "green");
$arrayObject = new ArrayObject($fruits);
$arrayIterator = $arrayObject->getIterator();
while($arrayIterator->valid()) {
if ($arrayIterator->current() == "grape") {
You will receive:
PHP Notice: ArrayIterator::next(): Array was modified outside object and internal position is no longer valid
So be careful with next and prev operations. :)