- (id <SDWebImageOperation>)downloadImageWithURL:(NSURL *)url options:(SDWebImageDownloaderOptions)options progress:(SDWebImageDownloaderProgressBlock)progressBlock completed:(SDWebImageDownloaderCompletedBlock)completedBlock {
__block SDWebImageDownloaderOperation *operation;
__weak __typeof(self)wself = self;
[self addProgressCallback:progressBlock andCompletedBlock:completedBlock forURL:url createCallback:^{
NSTimeInterval timeoutInterval = wself.downloadTimeout;
if (timeoutInterval == 0.0) {
timeoutInterval = 15.0;
// In order to prevent from potential duplicate caching (NSURLCache + SDImageCache) we disable the cache for image requests if told otherwise
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:url cachePolicy:(options & SDWebImageDownloaderUseNSURLCache ? NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy : NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData) timeoutInterval:timeoutInterval];
request.HTTPShouldHandleCookies = (options & SDWebImageDownloaderHandleCookies);
request.HTTPShouldUsePipelining = YES;
if (wself.headersFilter) {
request.allHTTPHeaderFields = wself.headersFilter(url, [wself.HTTPHeaders copy]);
else {
request.allHTTPHeaderFields = wself.HTTPHeaders;
operation = [[wself.operationClass alloc] initWithRequest:request
progress:^(NSInteger receivedSize, NSInteger expectedSize) {
SDWebImageDownloader *sself = wself;
if (!sself) return;
__block NSArray *callbacksForURL;
dispatch_sync(sself.barrierQueue, ^{
callbacksForURL = [sself.URLCallbacks[url] copy];
for (NSDictionary *callbacks in callbacksForURL) {
SDWebImageDownloaderProgressBlock callback = callbacks[kProgressCallbackKey];
if (callback) callback(receivedSize, expectedSize);
completed:^(UIImage *image, NSData *data, NSError *error, BOOL finished) {
SDWebImageDownloader *sself = wself;
if (!sself) return;
__block NSArray *callbacksForURL;
dispatch_barrier_sync(sself.barrierQueue, ^{
callbacksForURL = [sself.URLCallbacks[url] copy];
if (finished) {
[sself.URLCallbacks removeObjectForKey:url];
for (NSDictionary *callbacks in callbacksForURL) {
SDWebImageDownloaderCompletedBlock callback = callbacks[kCompletedCallbackKey];
if (callback) callback(image, data, error, finished);
SDWebImageDownloader *sself = wself;
if (!sself) return;
dispatch_barrier_async(sself.barrierQueue, ^{
[sself.URLCallbacks removeObjectForKey:url];
operation.shouldDecompressImages = wself.shouldDecompressImages;
if (wself.username && wself.password) {
operation.credential = [NSURLCredential credentialWithUser:wself.username password:wself.password persistence:NSURLCredentialPersistenceForSession];
if (options & SDWebImageDownloaderHighPriority) {
operation.queuePriority = NSOperationQueuePriorityHigh;
} else if (options & SDWebImageDownloaderLowPriority) {
operation.queuePriority = NSOperationQueuePriorityLow;
[wself.downloadQueue addOperation:operation];
if (wself.executionOrder == SDWebImageDownloaderLIFOExecutionOrder) {
// Emulate LIFO execution order by systematically adding new operations as last operation's dependency
[wself.lastAddedOperation addDependency:operation];
wself.lastAddedOperation = operation;
return operation;
为什么 还要SDWebImageDownloader *sself = wself;执行这一句?
wself는 약한 참조이며, 약한 참조는 언제든지 해제될 수 있습니다(모든 강한 참조가 해제되면 참조 개수가 0이 됩니다). 여러분이 혼동하는 코드는 강한 참조(sself)를 얻는 것입니다. wself 의 경우 실제로 이름에서 알 수 있습니다. 이는 wself 가 해당 블록에서 해제되지 않음을 보장할 수 있습니다.
Wak self는 Block이 순환 참조를 발생시키는 것을 방지하기 위해 Block 외부에서 사용되며, Block 콜백이 비동기식인 경우 콜백 실행 시 Weak Self가 정리되는 것을 방지하기 위해 Strong 프로세스가 추가됩니다. 이는 순환 참조를 방지하고 객체의 정상적인 수명 주기를 보장합니다.